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Conscientiousness or Creativity

Are conscientiousness and creativity mutually exclusive? In our school and our businesses and organisations, do we over-reward conscientiousness and discipline, and under-rate creativity and independence

Exams: Work smarter not harder!

Year end examinations are upon us again! And for some this can be the most stressful period in their lives.

African farmers tap into a rich store of success stories

‘When you network, you hear about how others started their businesses and you get motivated to wake up tomorrow and continue knocking on doors’

Earth Overshoot Day is now — and started in the 1970s

In a measurable way they show how up until the 1970s the whole of humankind had eaten away nine days, but since then we have eaten away four months

Moral panic on land reform blocks the path to inclusiveness

Differing degrees of moral panic are being flashed in the mainstream and social media on the impact of expropriation without compensation.

Trust Trumps Everything

Trust trumps everything, that’s what one of my favourite speakers on ethics, Brand Pretorius, said at the Nelson Mandela Bay Leadership Summit, an initiative of the Ukuvula Foundation in June this year.

A Humble Request

A Humble Request Fingo Village

On the horns of a dilemma

On the horns of a dilemma

Eyona indala

We intrude, of course, as we always do.

What’s the impact of one pink dress?

I run a development organization,Ubuntu Education Fund, and I believe that our model is an example of an excellent impact investment.

A sustainable future: politics papering over the issues?

For the first time in his administration he has specifically highlighted the issue of climate change.

Don’t wait too long to begin your Green Journey

We use the term Journey because organisations don’t ever really achieve true environmental sustainability, but they are able to make progress over time, and in so doing, they reduce their impact, they influence others to do the same and they achieve competitive advantage.

Paper and printing: a vested interest in sustainability

For the first time in his administration he has specifically highlighted the issue of climate change.

Is Africa being sold for a handful of glass beads?

The results, easily accessible to anyone with Internet access, are alarming, and, it is argued – present an overwhelming case for an urgent and concerted response by African countries, and the continent as a whole.

The Need to Differ Well

Our interactions as citizens of South Africa has often been along party political lines in the past except for the few times that we meet on the sporting fields for a major event, then we unite for a while and forget our differences.

Your future is the one you choose – now build it

BUT the question : is how long will it take for good to to triumph and at what cost?

Deaf by stakeholder

Seizing the captive hour, I asked her why, when the oil sheikhs are allocating vast revenues to developing renewable energy technologies and building renewable energy cities like Masdar City in the United Arab Emirates, are other governments still banging on about the merits of investing long-term in fossil fuel.

Business Unusual – what about business education?

The JSE’s listing requirements included this aspect in 2010, making South Africa a leader in the field of sustainability (meaning financial, social, environmental and governance) and integrated reporting.


This article intends to make a case for cautious investigation (critical thought) – a science-based analysis of the actual experiences that must ultimately inform policy. It is not a blanket statement that proponents of shale gas mining are wrong or that the converse applies.


An assessment of the shale gas debate in South African media will establish that both sides make use of ‘scientific’ reports that suit their viewpoint. Plato, in Republic wrote, “When the mind’s eye rests on objects illuminated by truth and reality, it understands and comprehends them, and functions intelligently; but when it turns to the twilight world of change and decay, it can only form opinions.”

The future of management education: Integrated thinking, a ‘no- brainer’

The signing of a formalised, strategic collaboration to mainstream biodiversity into business signals the recognition by these two organisations of the synergies that exist in relation to their work in the private sector and they have joined forces to leverage off of each other’s existing networks, connections and best practice learning.

Partnership to mainstream biodiversity into business in South Africa

The signing of a formalised, strategic collaboration to mainstream biodiversity into business signals the recognition by these two organisations of the synergies that exist in relation to their work in the private sector and they have joined forces to leverage off of each other’s existing networks, connections and best practice learning.


The nature of struggle is that it is wont to throw to the fore, challenges that expose the shortcomings of leadership.


It was appropriate for us to raise our voices during a time when our voices were constrained by oppression, banishment and violence.

A Sense of Community

Journalist Barney Mthobothi recently said that there is ‘nothing common that expresses South African nationhood’; hence the problems of achieving social cohesion with the current socio-political leadership model

We have a human problem

From men not paying child maintenance to the abuse of women to sexual harassment to companies not recognising women’s abilities and paying women less than men … we need to address all these issues head-on.

Let’s start with prioritising quality education

This is according to Oxfam’s pre-Davos report, which compared this to 2010 when 388 of the world’s richest owned as much as the 3.6-billion.

People need to embrace power of knowledge

Politics, after all, is about power, not truth.

A New Basis From Which To Think And Act

In the midst of this I recently had the great privilege of meeting a woman named Edri Myburgh.

SA should study how Australia exports degrees

Last month, while addressing Parliament’s debate on the performance-management budget, he conceded that SA’s gross domestic product (GDP) growth last year was the lowest in 17 years, with the exception of 2009.

Reasons for Hope

Given the acrimonious race debate that gripped the country at the start of 2016, the IRR survey results reveal a very different picture to the social media wars and hostile, polarising debates we have witnessed of late.

Education needs a sustainable funding model

The many issues we are focusing on are diverting attention and energy from the educational crisis we are facing.

Goal is free education, but path is debatable

Clearly, there is no simple solution but cabinet ministers, university heads, lecturers, students, union members, parents and the rest of society urgently need to come together to try to find common ground.

All stakeholders in higher education must act in good faith

The duty to act in good faith is not a soft concept.

Is it tragedy or is it hope? Death of 94 patients has elevated mental health issues

Although there is a dichotomy in the meaning of this expression, ‘one becomes alive as another one dies’, it perfectly highlights how the tragic and unjustified deaths of 94 extremely vulnerable mental health patients has brightly shone the spotlight directly onto the state and civil society’s responsibility for medical care.

Foot soldiers and boards

During the parliamentary ad hoc committee’s SABC inquiry, I was riveted to the accounts from the courageous, committed SABC 8, including the economics editor, Thandeka Gqubule, who inspired me with her commitment to do the right thing and expose what was happening inside the organisation.

Brilliant Trade Law Initiative By Students For Students

It’s a brilliant, annual initiative by law students for law students, and it is incredibly tough and challenging.

ADC business partners benefits from MBA Service Learning Programme

The 1st phase is orientation or getting to know each other. Students are oriented to the different ADC partners both parties get to know each other, students gain an understanding of businesses, and businesses share their business journey and vision.

From Magersfontein to Westminster

My Dad was a history teacher and a blue blooded Brit. Up to his dying day he would stand to attention if he just heard the band strike up with ‘God save the Queen.’

Who do you think you’re talking to?

So, Johan with his three bedroom, two bathroom house and Toyota Corolla, was classified as identical to Tsepho, with the same assets.

Saying no is easier than saying yes

Sustainability should be more than a fad.

The balance in life

The point we were making was that because these three factors were inter-related, no decision could be taken without bearing all three factors in mind simultaneously.

Nelson Mandela Day – A time to remind and remember

But will they be extolled forever?

Q&A: Sustainable cities – a modern legend (Part 1)

“Our societies will never be great until our cities are great.

Q&A: Sustainable cities – a modern legend (Part 2)

“Our societies will never be great until our cities are great

Just start

Dan Barwick is an eco entrepreneur. A few years ago he risked his family’s future on making compost.

Inspirational leadership: It’s not about being the boss [Podcast]

This was the core theme of an inspirational address Brand Pretorius gave, without a note in front of him, at the Rhodes Business School ‘Business Forum’, in Grahamstown on 8 September 2011.

Get serious about youth empowerment: Small things tell a big story

When I moved from the Netherlands to South Africa, I moved in with the family of my late partner in Nelson Mandela Township (Nemato) in Port Alfred.

Have we gone past the turning point?

He wrote, “We live today in an interconnected world in which biological, psychological, social and environmental phenomena are all interdependent. To describe this world appropriately we need an ecological perspective which the Cartesian world view does not offer.”

Thoughts on the indivisibility of social and environmental justice

To begin with, reflection on how far we have progressed in Africa requires us to clarify our notions of ‘subject’ and ‘citizen’, and subjecthood and citizenship.

Part 1 – It’s all about Globalization, mate!

Let me add another twist or angle to that statement – It’s all about Globalization, mate!

Part 2 – Migration: the finger in the dyke

Migration, however, or labour mobility, in the economic context, is like air or water – it will flow wherever there is a vacuum or where gravity takes it.

The Case of Big Business and The Missing Bunny

These were questions, attendees of the final Rhodes Business School Business Forum of 2011 were seeking answers to from Andrew Johnston, Group Company Secretary of the Altron Group.

Oh ignore him – he’s an environmentalist

Kenneth Boulding, (1910-1993), said that “economics has been incurably growth-oriented and addicted to everybody growing richer, even at the cost of exhaustion of resources and pollution of the environment”.

Integrated Reporting – A Way of Thinking

Not that we were hearing these words for the first time.

Part 3 – Greying populations: where is the demographic dividend?

Let me now go back to what I began with in part 1 of this three-part article.

Where angels fear to tread

If fossil fuels in general are a hotly debated topic, then unconventional gas, the newest darling of the oil and gas industry worldwide, must be acknowledged as having the potential to become the single biggest environmental issue in history.

Are Renewables Sustainable?

“Sustainability” must include minimization of collateral damage from the development of these green energies and solutions to this situation can only be found when we have defined our 21st century relationship with the natural world.

CSR: Spend or Investment?

Broad-based black economic empowerment (B-BBEE) legislation has demanded that companies invest in Socio-Economic Development (SED) initiatives and Enterprise Development (ED) programmes.

Chickens and horses

A simple, ‘You’re being emotional, we’re scientific’, was often sufficient to render the argument of environmentalists powerless in the face of economic forecasts and industry spin.

Let’s talk about the Rich Getting Richer

Economic pressures for large corporates and small businesses alike are increasing each year. Companies are forced to place more time and focus on cost-cutting measures and ensure that every business partner provides real value to their business.