The Solitary Midges (Diptera: Thaumaleidae) of South Africa

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The solitary midges of South Africa are currently classified into one genus. The list of species is compiled from Stuckenberg (1961). Solitary midges are about 2mm long, and rather like hairless mothflies (Psychodidae), with reduced venation, short antennae and no ocelli. The chironomid-like larvae are probably found on rocks in mountain streams.

Information about aquatic flies and their phylogenetic relationships can be obtained from

The Diptera page of The Tree of Life


  1. Genus: AFROTHAUMALEA Stuckenberg 1960
    1. A. pamelae Stuckenberg
      Afrothaumalea pamelae Stuckenberg 1960: 108

    2. Afrothaumalea sp.
      Afrothaumalea sp. Stuckenberg 1961: 409
      Western Cape;


Stuckenberg, B. 1960
A new genus and species of Thaumaleidae from South Africa (Diptera) Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society, London 29: 107-109.
Stuckenberg, B. 1961.
Diptera (Nematocera): Thaumaleidae. In: Hanström, Brinck and Rudebeck (eds) South African Animal Life 8: 409-412.

This part of A Catalogue of South African Insects revised: