Guaranteed Allowance:

A Housing Allowance (currently R12,000 annually) is paid to all staff to assist in offsetting the cost of accommodation. This is optional for staff appointed at Director level and above, who are paid on a cost to company basis.

Circumstantial Allowances:

For those employed in particular positions, a further allowance is paid. Examples of these are:

  • Transport Allowance: Paid to staff whose contracted work hours require them to be at work before 7am and after 6pm.
  • Standby allowance: Where staff in particular positions need to be available to attend to emergency work after hours and at short notice. An example would be a plumber attending to a burst pipe.
  • Shift allowance: Shift work where this includes a night-shift. Campus Security staff fall into this category.
  • HOD allowance: Paid to the head of the academic department.
  • Scarcity allowance: For certain disciplines and positions a market premium is payable, recognising that Rhodes University needs to be competitive in attracting and retaining valuable staff. The allowance is for a limited period and subject to review.

Last Modified: Mon, 16 Apr 2018 09:57:40 SAST