In the heart of Westmead, a small town nestled within Pinetown, KwaZulu-Natal, a remarkable young man named Ntobeko David Mfeka was born. His story, set against community challenges of poverty, alcoholism and teenage pregnancy, is nothing short of inspirational.
At the tender age of 19, Ntobeko embarked on a journey of hope and determination to pursue a Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting at Rhodes University. His family, a single-income household, relied on his mother's modest salary to make ends meet. Yet, from a young age, Ntobeko's heart was captivated by the world of business and commercial concepts, and he harboured a burning desire to uplift the youth of his community.
Despite the odds stacked against him, Ntobeko was determined to succeed. Throughout his high school years, he remained steadfastly committed to his studies, culminating in an outstanding performance in his matric year. His potential was evident, but the barrier of university fees threatened his future success.
It was at this critical juncture that Ntobeko Mfeka became a beneficiary of Rhodes University's student financial aid campaign, Isivivane. His unwavering dedication to academic excellence did not go unnoticed, and he was chosen for the prestigious Bank Seta Bursary. This bursary, covering tuition, accommodation, and textbooks, was a dream come true for Ntobeko and his family.
When asked about his guiding motto in life, Ntobeko shared the words of Leslie Brown: "If you do what is hard, your life will be easy, but if you do what is easy, your life will be hard." These words serve as a constant wellspring of motivation, guiding his decisions and providing strength during moments of doubt.
As a young South African, Ntobeko firmly believes in the proactive potential of his generation to challenge the status quo and strive for excellence. He recognises the power that young voices carry, acknowledging that their fight for a better South Africa is essential. With a reassuring message, he urges his fellow students: "The future is yours, build it."
Ntobeko expresses profound gratitude for the life-changing support he has received: "The Bank Seta bursary has made a tremendous impact on my life. From 2022 to 2023, it has allowed me to pursue my studies with freedom, unburdened by financial worries. I am profoundly grateful to have been chosen!"
Regardless of the size of your contribution, each one plays a pivotal role in transforming the lives of more young individuals, turning their dreams into reality. Together, we can make a difference. To contribute to Isivivane, Unlocking Futures, and other Priority Projects, please click the link below and join us in this heart-warming journey of empowerment and inspiration.