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Rhodes>Russell Kaschula>Conferences and Events>SAFOS CONFERENCE CONCLUDES


The recently held SAFOS Conference was successful in every sense. It was an honour to be graced with the presence of Professor Ruth Finnegan as one of the keynote speakers. Prof Finnegan’s keynote address took delegates on an incredible journey, where her personal life experiences were bridged together with the academic experience, a moving, living story indeed, giving meaning to the theme of folklore. Delegates were visibly moved by Prof Finnegan’s keynote address. Prof Russell Kaschula lauded Prof Finnegan, appropriately referring to her as the ‘Mother of language’.

The conference proceeded with a subsequent keynote address by Prof Ekkhard Wolff, who stunned delegates with his keynote address, in which he managed to merge together, translation, lexicography and linguistics to deliver an outstanding presentation on language as a whole.

Delegates continued to ride the great linguistic wave created by the keynote speakers. Delegates graced the conference from all areas of Africa, as well as from outside the continent.

Special mention however must be made of the African Language Studies Section in the School of Languages, not only was the department responsible for hosting and organising this conference, but were active delegates as well, delivering thought provoking, groundbreaking research, illustrating the wealth of knowledge emanating from the African Language Studies Section. The departmental delegates included, lectures, current and past students, who not only delivered papers, but also gave meaning to the departmental slogan “leaders in language learning” by facilitating sessions.

It was three days of excellence where African languages were placed on an international stage!

Last Modified: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 12:35:15 SAST