Alicea Lubbé


MSc Candidate (Marine Biology)

BSc Rhodes University (2020)

BSc (Hons), Marine Biology, Rhodes University (2021)

Office: S11, Second Floor, Life Sciences Building



Thesis Title

Modelling distribution and habitat preference of marine megafauna in the nearshore region of Nosy Be, Madagascar derived from citizen science data

Large marine vertebrates such as cetaceans, large elasmobranchs and sea turtles (marine megafauna) have a high socio-economic value in many developing nations, particularly those relying on tourism activities. Investigating habitat preferences and the spatio-temporal distribution of marine megafauna is costly. However, citizen science projects around the globe have proved to be effective in documenting the occurrence of these charismatic species. The purpose of my research is to use opportunistic sightings of selected marine megafauna species to investigate the long-term occurrence and habitat preference off Nosy Be, NW Madagascar over a four year period . With this information we aim to provide a basis of key ecological knowledge on the cetacean and filter feeding elasmobranch populations that occur in the coastal waters of north-west Madagascar and more broadly the West Indian Ocean region, to aid in the conservation of marine megafauna and their critical habitats in this highly diverse region.

Supervisor: William Froneman
Co-supervisors: Michelle Caputo


Research Interests

Shark Conservation
Spatial planning
Megafauna movement and habitats
Marine resource management
Ecological modelling







Last Modified: Wed, 15 Jun 2022 11:34:06 SAST