Rhodes>Zoology and Entomology>Research>Knysna Field Laboratory

Knysna Field Laboratory


University staff, postgraduate students, and visitors have access to a small field laboratory located in Knysna, which is in the middle of the Garden Route. This location is ideal for the study of the South Africa’s premier estuary, its catchment, rocky shores, coastal forest and other biomes.

The laboratory is equipped with some basic equipment including microscopes with digital image capture and analysis, glassware, a submersible fluorometer, Seabird CTD, YSI oxygen probe, drying oven and spectrophotometer (top of the range). There is also a boat that is suitable for work on the Knysna estuary.

The lab is managed by Emeritus Professor Brian Allanson

Location of Lab
32 Waenhout Street

To Use the Facilities Contact Professor Allanson at
044 384 0658
082 551 9738



For an overnight stay it is possible to sleep in an upstairs room which does have bathroom facilities (visitors would have to supply a sleeping mattress and bedding).Knynsa has many Bed and Breakfast places as well as camping sites.


The laboratory links into The Knysna Basin Project which maintains its own website. Please click here to access this site.

Last Modified: Tue, 14 Aug 2012 08:58:28 SAST