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Andre van Heerden

Andre van Heerden

Director of The Power of Integrity Ltd. Andre is the designer of the corporate workshop programme The Power of Integrity. He is the author of Leaders and Misleaders and An Educational Bridge for Leaders. Since studying law at Rhodes University in South Africa, Andre has been a history teacher, a deputy headmaster, a soldier, a policeman, a refugee, an advertising writer, a creative director, an immigrant, a marketing communications strategist, an account director for leading multinational brands, a marketing consultant, a conference speaker, and an expert on leadership. His career in advertising involved working with blue-chip brands like Toyota, Lexus, Ford, Jaguar, Honda, Renault, Kodak, Canon, American Express, Kimberley Clark, SC Johnson, and John Deere. The Power of Integrity Program has developed leadership in the dairy industry, food production, retail, the financial sector, environmental science, real estate, advertising, print production, governmental services, education and training, accountancy, and legal services. Contact Andre on 09 535 8932 or 0274 831 431 or amd@xtra.co.nz or at www.powerofintegrity.com

Last Modified: Thu, 06 Sep 2018 15:16:17 SAST