Past Conferences, Events and Seminars
2013 Conferences
- International Congress of Ethnobotany ICEB - December 2013
2012 Conferences
- RUMEP BEd 1; ACE/BEd 2 - January 2012
- SASOCP - S A Society of Clinical Pharmacy Conf & Workshop - June 2012
- RUMEP BEd 1; ACE/BEd 2 - June/ July 2012
- National Arts Festival - June/July 2012
- Networking Conf E Cape English Educators - June/ July 2012
- ISEA Course - July 2012
- Shakespeare International Conference - July 2012
- National Schools Festival - July 2012
- S A Country Districts Hockey Tournament - July 2012
- Higher Education Close Up 6 - July 2012
- International Association for Critical Realists Conf /IACR - July 2012
- APSSA: - September 2012
- Early Childhood Education Research & Development Week:
- September 2012 - Highway Africa : Highway Africa: - September 2012
- Environmental Educational Assoc. Southern Africa-EEASA - September 2012
- Southern Hemisphere Environmental Conf
- September 2012 - RUMEP BEd 1; ACE/BEd 2; BEd(Rumep); BEd(NC) - December 2012
- ISEA Course exams - December 2012
2011 Conferences
- South African Association of Botany (SAAB) Conference - January 2011
- South African Society for Systematic Biology (ZSSA/SASSB) Conference - January 2011
- ODAM conference- April 2011
- Summer School Accounts & Statistics - January 2011
- RUMEP - January 2011
- ISEA - January 2011
- SA Naitonal Archery Association Tournament - April 2011
- South African Marine Science Symposium (SAMSS) & Estuarine and Coastal Science Association (ECSA) Conference - April 2011
- International Symposium on Human Factors in Organisational Design and Management (ODAM) Conference - April 2011
- Linguistics Conference - June 2011
- SASRIM - July 2011
- Classic Association of South Africa Conference - June 2011
- International Association for Study of Popular Music (IASPM) Conference - July 2011
- SAIAB Winter School - June/July 2011
- USSA Squash Tournament - July 2011
- National Arts Festival - July 2011
- FANON Colloquium - July 2011
- Round table - Academic Freedom
- National Schools Festival - July 2011
- Narrative Therapy Conference - July 2011
- AUETSA English Conference - July 2011
- RU Pharmacy Students Association (RUPSA) Conference - July 2011
- SEACC SF-S East African Climate Consortium - July 2011
- Highway Africa Conference - September 2011
- History Centenary Colloquium - September 2011
- Mathematics Education into the 21st Century Conference - September 2011
- ISER - September 2011
- IPGC Conference - September 2011
- Extended Studies Regional Workshop - November 2011
- RUMEP Examinations - December 2011
- E Cape Baptist Convention - December 2011
- ISEA Course - December 2011
2010 Conferences
- RUMEP - January 2010
- Summer school - January 2010
- Scifest - March 2010
- ISEA Networking Teachers Conference - April 2010
- National Arts Festival - June 2010
- Highway Africa & World Journalism Education Congress - July 2010
- National Schools Festival - July 2010
- SEAC Winter School - July 2010
- Student National Ballroom Competition - August 2010
- Student Association of Geomorphology Conference (SSAG) - August 2010
- ISER Course - August 2010
- Leadership in Africa - September 2010
- Eastern Cape Bench of Social Justice Conference - September 2010
- Southern African Association of Geomorphology Conference (SAAG) - September 2010
- South African Institute of Management Scientists - September 2010
- RUMEP - November 2010
- South African National Antarctic Programme Conference - December 2010
- Education: Professional Development Course - December 2010
- Conference of the Demographic Left
- USSA Football National Club Championships
- RUMEP - December 2010
- ISER - December 2010
2009 Conferences
- SAARMSTE Conference - January 2009
- German Studies Conference - April 2009
- Business Society Conference - July 2009
- SEWSA Conference - July 2009
- Folklore Society Conference - September 2009
- Mandela Rhodes Scholars - September 2009
- Highway Africa - September 2009
- College Reunion Conference - December 2009
- South African Nordic Association Conference (SANORD) - December 2009
- Masamanyane - December 2009
- Masifunde - December 2009
2009 Courses, Tournaments & Festivals
- RUMEP - January, April & December 2009
- Summerschool - January 2009
- ISEA - January, April, June & December 2009
- ISER - September 2009
- Global Pact - June 2009
- SAIAB Winterschool - July 2009
- ECARP - September 2009
- National Arts Festival - June 2009
- National Schools Festival - July 2009
- Tennis Tournament - December 2009
2008 Conferences
- Bio-08 Congress - January 2008
- Critical Methods Conference - July 2008
- HASA Conference - July 2008
- South African Association for the Conference Industry Conference (SAACI) - July 2008
- Highway Africa Conference - September 2008
- HELTASA - November 2008
2008 Courses, Tournaments & Festivals
- RUMEP - January, April, June & December 2008
- ISEA - January, March, June & December 2008
- ISER - September 2008
- Summerschool - January & December 2008
- Dutch Winter School - July 2008
- International Summerschool - June 2008
- Global Pact - June 2008
- SASSU Chess - November 2008
- SASSU Golf - November 2008
- National Arts Festival - June 2008
- National Schools Festival - July 2008
2007 Conferences
- Philosophy Conference - April 2007
- South African Society of Music Teachers (SASMT ) - April 2007
- Shakespeare Society of Southern Africa (SSOSA) Conference - June 2007
- International History Conference - June 2007
- African Sociological Association Congress - June 2007
- Grasslands Society Conference - June 2007
- Highway Africa - September 2007
- Social Development Conference - September 2007
- African Graphics Association Conference - September 2007
2007 Courses, Tournaments & Festivals
- RUMEP - January, April & December 2007
- ISEA - January, April & December 2007
- Summerschool - January
- SAIAB Winter School - July 2007
- International Summer School - July 2007
- National Arts Festival - June 2007
- National Schools Festival - July 2007
- National Debating Society Tournament - July 2007
- Environment Education Course - December 2007
2006 Conferences
- Nietzsche Culture & Society Conference - January 2006
- Philosophy (PSSA) Conference - January 2006
- ISQOLS Conference - June 2006
- Conversations Assessments Conference - September 2006
- AFSSA French Conference - September 2006
- Highway Africa - September 2006
- Palaeontological Conference - September 2006
2006 Courses, Tournaments & Festivals
- RUMEP - January, April, June & December 2006
- Summerschool - January 2006
- Education LO Course - January 2006
- National Schools Festival - June 2006
- Global Pact - June 2006
- ISEA - July 2006
- International Summer school - July 2006
- SASSU Tennis Tournament - December 2006
- Environmental Education Course - December 2006
Last Modified: Fri, 18 May 2018 11:14:53 SAST