Rhodes>Human Resources>Academic Staff >Health and Wellness>Ill Health and Occupational Health

Ill Health and Occupational Health

The University concerns itself with the wellbeing of all employees and recognises that all recurring, progressive and life-threatening diseases or impairments present challenges that require appropriate action. The needs of the institution should be balanced with those of the employee in that it is important for the University community to acknowledge that living with a life-threatening disease relies on positive support structures, and, that, continued employment has beneficial effects during remission and recovery periods or may create positive life-prolonging effects. In addition, the institution seeks to promote positive quality of work life and personal wellbeing. The Ill-Health and Occupational Health Policy and related programmes seek to address this.

7.81Ill Health Policy 2008.doc

Last Modified: Tue, 06 Sep 2011 16:58:30 SAST