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Racial terror from Columbus to Charleston
Since the 1920s, Charleston has been the name of a dance, a dance with roots in Africa, made white and famous on Broadway.
Why Fanon continues to resonate more than half a century after Algeria’s independence
Algeria marks its 53rd year of independence from France this month. The bitter struggle for freedom in the late 1950s and early 1960s became a central focus of the global movement against colonialism
Nelson Mandela: The Crossing
[D]eath is always close by, and what's important is not to know if you can avoid it, but to know that you have done the most possible to realize your ideas. - Frantz Fanon, 1961.
On Not Reducing Racism to Apartheid
We would be more effective at dealing with the endemic racism in our society if we didn’t relentlessly speak in a manner that