In future I shall be issuing a brief incident report on security issues, for students' information.

  1. A laptop was stolen from a residence room late on Wednesday night. The occupant was asleep at the time, but had left the door unlocked, and the laptop was neither concealed nor leashed.
  2. A female student was mugged while walking alone to her residence across the lawns near Eden Grove at 2a.m. during a weeknight. She screamed for help and a Rhodes CPU guard gave chase. He apprehended the assailant and retrieved all the stolen property.
  3. A female student was mugged near the Pick & Pay exit into AllanStreet as she was walking alone very late on Friday nighT.
  4. There have been a number of attempted break-ins in digs around town. Please be vigilant and maintain security by keeping doors locked and windows closed when no-one is home.

Please take care.

Vivian de Klerk