Security alert on recent muggings

There have been two recent incidents in town involving Rhodes students, and
heightened caution is advised. On Sunday night two female students were
accosted in a shopping centre by two strange men who tried to force their
way into their car while they were getting into it . They screamed and ran
away without injury. Last night while a female student was getting into her
car, which was parked in a residential area, a strange man jumped into the
car and held a screwdriver to her throat. He instructed her to drive to the
township, but allowed her to turn back when she offered to draw money for
him at the ATM. At the stopstreet near Fitzroy Park she jumped from her car
in the presence of a security guard, who managed to accost and apprehend the

Students are urged to be particularly vigilant and observant of their
surroundings when getting into their vehicles.

Vivian de Klerk