Critical incidents for 1st term released

22 April 2010

Transparency promotes responsible student behaviour on campus

Higher education institutions experience a range of harmful incidences that variously affect students and universities. These incidences present institutions with a major challenge, a challenge which Rhodes believes can be tackled through, among other, active public reporting and being transparent.

Being transparent and actively reporting the incidences does lead to students coming forward sooner and more often than would otherwise be the case. In turn the University has committed to report the incidences to students and staff every term.

For the period 01 February to 31 March 2010 the following critical incidences were reported:

  • Serious accidents (car) - 1
  • Cases of assault - 2
  • Cases of attempted suicide - 3
  • Cases of domestic violence - 2
  • Cases of drug-induced psychosis - 1
  • Cases of harassment - 5
  • Reports of rape - 3

Larissa Klazinga, of the Dean of Students office, says awareness, vigilance, willingness and preparedness to combat harmful and unlawful practices and behaviour will go a long way to preventing and reducing serious occurrences on campus.

Other counter measures that have been implemented by the Dean of Students include a portfolio of services to educate and assist students to take care of themselves while on campus – even more importantly, to know that they have support regardless of their situation.

This support includes a 24-hour crisis and counselling service, a Get-Home-Safe initiative, effective panic buttons throughout the campus as well as other comprehensive services for rape, harassment, pregnancy, suicide and substance abuse.

Issued on behalf of:
Rhodes University
Communication & Marketing Division
Ashley Stander
Phone: (046) 603 8513