Humans vs Zombies 2012

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Humans vs. Zombies is a week-long game of action tag which will be played on Rhodes campus 20-24 February. There are two teams, the Humans and the Zombies, with everyone starting off as a Human except a secret Original Zombie, who spreads the virus. For humans, the aim of the game is to stay alive for the entire week and survive until the final mission on Friday night. For zombies, the goal is to tag as many humans as possible- converting them to your side! Last year, over 400 students took part in our first ever HvZ game and it was a runaway success- now, we want you to join us for HvZ 2012!

The game takes place during the entire week, day and night, as long as the players are out of doors. Humans are allowed to carry rolled-up socks to throw at and stun the Zombies but, eventually, the socks will run out! Missions are held during the evenings in order to give either side a chance to win a bonus, and players can plan their strategies online- both on the HvZ site and on Facebook. All interested players should attend a compulsory Security Briefing which will be held the week before, during 13-17 February. At these briefings, they will be given bandanas and ID cards to mark them as HvZ players and the rules of the game will be explained.

If you're interested in connecting with your fellow students in a desperate struggle to defeat the zombie horde/squash the humans, then come and play Humans vs. Zombies with us!  It's the perfect way to get to know the fastest routes around campus, and, of course, to do some hectic cardio while meeting people from all walks of Rhodent life. Many students have called it the most fun (and exercise) that they've ever had here at Rhodes.

Want to join the Resistance?

Step 1: Sign up on HvZ Source and connect your account to the Rhodes University game
Step 2: Join the Facebook event to meet fellow players
Step 3: Get ready to run...