Ethics for research involving animals


Any research or teaching activity in which animals are the subject requires the electronic completion of the form below and submission, for approval, to the RHODES UNIVERSITY ANIMAL RESEARCH ETHICS COMMITTEE (RU-AREC). THe RU-AREC will meet once a month to review applications and for more information on the committee's activities and structure, please see the Rhodes University's Ethics webpage (

Please note that ethics applications are required for use of ANY animals (this includes invertebrates) in research or teaching activities.

From January 2019 onwards, all applications for ethics approval to work on animals must be done through the ERAS application system. Please contact the Ethics Coordinator Siyanda Manqele ( for more information about the system, and to be able to log on to the system. 


Ethical guidelines for the use of animals in research

Legislation relevant to research and teaching activities using animals

Last Modified: Wed, 11 Dec 2024 16:01:12 SAST