Rhodes>Campus Protection>Safety and Security

Safety and Security at Rhodes University

Your safety is also your responsibility. Take care. Find out more:

  • Crime prevention

  • What to do if you are a victim of crime

  • Sexual assault

  • Protecting your personal property

  • Lost and found items

  • Tips for students living off campus

  • Security considerations when undertaking field trips

Safety, Health and Environment

Find out more about Rhodes University's SHE Office: Safety

Message from the Division of Student Affairs

The Campus Protection Unit Office and Control Room is situated in Rhodes Avenue next to Hobson House. The 24 hour Control Room operates 365 days of the year and is the nerve center of the security operations and the afterhours help desk on campus. It has radio
communication with the guards, monitors burglar, panic and fire alarms, is the after-hours switchboard and call center for the University, responds to first information of crime reports, calls out University standby technicians and deals with lost and found property.
It employs 19 Rhodes guards, 6 supervisors and 28 contract guards from a local security company, Hi- Tec. All work on a shift cycle to provide a security service throughout the year. Rhodes CPU guards wear blue uniforms, while Hi-Tec guards wear black uniforms with a yellow badge. These guards are highly “visible” and patrol campus 24 hours a day, both on foot and on bicycles. Traffic management falls under CPU and
they have jurisdiction to clamp any vehicle whereby the driver contravenes The National Road Traffic Act or Rhodes University Policy. The Manager is Mr. Towers Naidu performs various tasks under safety and security for the University and works close with all departments committees in the university.
The supervisors are responsible for the day to day running of the shifts, posting of the CPU and Hi Tec guards and running of the control room and Help Desk. They are the first point of contact for any issue on campus and to call out any of the standby support personnel, emergency services be that the
fire, ambulance, police, etc. In addition to their patrol work, guards also open and close lecture venues, administrative buildings and after-hours function venues, escort students and staff on campus, perform traffic and parking duties and report defunct lights on campus. They also operate a ‘lost and found’ service.
All emergencies must be reported immediately to the Control Room on telephone number: 046 6038146 / 7, or alternate the Emergency Number: 046 603 8999
Wardens can phone the Control Room for assistance with any matter at any time of the day or night. On receipt of a call, a guard will be dispatched immediately to assist the Warden.


More info

  • Contact: RU extension 046-603.8146/7 or 8999 (emergencies)

  • Email: cpu(at)ru.ac.za

  • Map: search "Campus Protection Unit" at www.ru.ac.za/maps

  • Searching for info? Go to the Search Box (top right side of this page)

Last Modified: Mon, 09 Sep 2019 10:55:24 SAST