Rhodes>Environmental Science>Research>A weed by any other name?

A weed by any other name?


This project adopts a comparative framework of analysis to investigate how indigenous and rural communities around the Indian Ocean perceive, classify, and use environmental weeds in their everyday livelihood and cultural activities. It considers all weeds within the selected study sites, but uses Lantana camara L. as a common benchmark across the sites. Lantana is a plant introduced from tropical America to tropical regions around the Indian Ocean and regarded a serious agricultural, pastoral, and environmental weed. The study investigates how indigenous and rural communities in Australia, India, Madagascar and South Africa regard Lantana in relation to other weedy plants in their landscapes and use them to manage landscapes and livelihoods in the context of dynamic economic and environmental change. The project is led by Monash University (Australia) with partners being Rhodes University (SA) and ATRRE (India).

Time Frame: 2013-2014

ContactCharlie Shackleton

Last Modified: Thu, 08 Jun 2017 13:32:03 SAST