Why study Accounting?
Why study Accounting? - simply because it is the golden key to the door of opportunity. South African Chartered Accountants are sought after all over the world. Accountants are not number-crunchers! They are involved in analysing and interpreting financial information and advise businesses at all levels. Chartered Accountants are on the boards of virtually every listed company in South Africa, and form a majority of all top management in these companies. Studies indicate that some 32% of chief executives of the JSE’s top companies are chartered accountants and some 75% of those companies have a Chartered Accountant as their chief financial officer. Chartered Accountants occupy prominent positions in all spheres and are amongst the highest-earning professionals in the country.
Even for students who don’t want to do the whole course, one or two credits in Accounting provide invaluable knowledge for anyone who is involved in business in any way.
Accounting and the related disciplines of Auditing, Taxation and Management Accounting and Finance presented in the Department of Accounting are not “easy” subjects and require a different approach to study. If you follow the guidelines and put in an adequate amount of honest hard work, you are almost assured of passing. There is no reason why you cannot enjoy all that Rhodes University has to offer by way of sport, cultural and social activities and still be successful in your studies. It all depends on getting your priorities right and managing your time sensibly. A leader and a winner is a person who can get that balance right.
Last Modified: Fri, 27 Jan 2023 08:34:53 SAST