Would you like to get involved with Community Engagement?
Below is a list of what’s on offer at Rhodes University (and application forms!). For further information please refer to our website: https://www.ru.ac.za/communityengagement/voluinteersim
No programmes run on public holidays, during SWOT week/exams or Rhodes and school vacations.
Nine Tenths Matric Mentoring (accredited NQF short course certificate on completion)
Description: In 2018 our three partner schools pulled together 89 Bachelor passes. The highest number of Bachelor Passes since starting the programme in 2016. Do you want to help a matric student reach their potential in 2020?
In three phases mentor help matric mentees negotiate goal setting, learning study skills and summarising, career guidance and applying to tertiary institutions.
Skills required: All training will be provided
Spaces available: 105
Who can join: Students (returning students favoured) and staff
Co-ordinator: Anna Talbot (a.talbot@ru.ac.za or 046 603 7667)
Application deadline: 11 February (2nd day of term!!!)
Apply here: https://forms.gle/uHkWA2ZT8WbeEREw8
BuddingQ (Certificate on full completion)
Description: BuddingQ aims at helping children bloom into their full emotional and intellectual potential through fun, play-based physical activity. Weekly sessions are structured to facilitate learning fine and gross motor skills that will contribute to the physical aspects required for reading. In Grahamstown 80% of children cannot read for meaning by the time they're in Grade 3. This vastly impacts their learning and success throughout their schooling. Research has shown that a good and meaningful Early Childhood Education greatly improves the socio-economic status of a person later in life.
Skills required: All training will be provided
Spaces available: 140
Who can join: Students and staff- particularly if you will be doing Community Engagement for the first time!
Co-ordinator: Anna Talbot (a.talbot@ru.ac.za or 046 603 7667)
Application deadline: 18 February
Apply here: https://forms.gle/WVqPXW9vosNkr9bm8
Engaged Citizens Programme (Accredited NQF short course certification on completion)
Description: The Engaged Citizen Programme (ECP) is a volunteerism programme open to all registered students (and staff members!) at Rhodes University. Sign up to spend 1 hour a week during term time at one of our 24 community partner organisations!
Skills required: Various – check online what our partner sites require! (anything from music, tutoring and painting murals)
Spaces available: 300
Who can join: Students and staff
Co-ordinator: Thobani Mesani (t.mesani@ru.ac.za or 046 603 7230)
Application deadline: 19 February
Apply here: https://forms.gle/mXKxBaNLXzK8T34U7
Siyakana @ Makana (Certificate awarded to organisation on full completion)
Description: Siyakana @ Makana (S@M) is a 19 week project planning programme that aims at helping students, in partnership with local organisations, establish meaningful initiative to help improve our City. Currently residences use this programme as a framework to negotiate the relationship and goals with their partner Early Childhood sites. This programme is recommended for committed students wanting to start a project or clubs and societies who do not have a CE project yet.
Skills required: Good organisation and project management
Spaces available: Not limited space
Who can join: Students and staff
Co-ordinator: Nosi Nkwinti (n.nkwinti@ru.ac.za or 046 603 7482)
Sports Clubs to contact Anna Talbot (a.talbot@ru.ac.za or 046 603 7667)
Application deadline: Throughout the year. Contact the Coordinator.
Residence Community Engagement (certificate awarded to Hall on completion)
Description: Each hall at Rhodes is partnered with an Early Childhood Development site/school. With the school, students try to complete goals laid out by the school to improve the safety and enjoyment for children and staff. Students are guided and supported through the S@M process.
Skills required: Various. An affinity with fixing, painting and building would be useful.
Spaces available: Unlimited – consult your residence CE Rep
Who can join: Students and staff, Compulsory for all CE Reps
Co-ordinator: Nosi Nkwinti (n.nkwinti@ru.ac.za or 046 603 7482)
Application deadline: Ongoing – consult your residence CE Rep
Short Courses
CERCO: Offered through the Engaged Citizens Programme if you elect to be part of a reading club a one of our local schools. The course taught be Sam Naidu. Spaces are limited.
Tutoring in Community Engagement: This is offered to participants who elect to volunteer at a tutoring partner site through the Engaged Citizens Programme.
Departmental Activities: consult your department CE Coordinator for information on Service-Learning and other initiatives.
Sports and Societies: get in touch with your sports or society CE Rep. If you are unaware of who they are contact the SRC (srcsocieties@ru.ac.za) or Sports Admin Manager (f.mamabolo@ru.ac.za)