The Building Maintenance Section employs artisans who are responsible for locks, replacement keys and key-cutting services on campus (this service is not available outside normal working hours). Authorised staff should send an ONLINE REQUISITION to the following trade:
Locksmiths (7). Please note:
Keys cost R15.00 each (departments) and R45.00 each (students).
Keys will not be collected; either send your keys via internal mail in a sealed envelope with the requisition number, or send them with a messenger to Building Maintenance.
Keys are delivered twice a day - at 11h00 and 15h00.
When submitting a requisition for keys to be cut please ensure that the keys are sent to Building Maintenance immediately as a requisition that is older than 10 days will be cancelled.
Master keys are only cut when authorised by the HOD or Warden - on receipt of a signed letter or an email to the manager of Building Maintenance.
Loss or theft of master keys should be reported in writing to the Campus Protection Unit, giving full details. A copy of the report should be attached to the REQUISITION sent to Building Maintenance for replacements.
More info
Contact: RU extension 8421/2 (secretary), u.lugongolo(at)ru.ac.za
Manager: Mr Cromwell Dyala, RU extension 7439, c.dyala(at)ru.ac.za
Map: search "Building Maintenance" at www.ru.ac.za/static/campusmap/
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Maintenance requests: authorised staff may submit an ONLINE REQUISITION
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Last Modified: Tue, 06 Jun 2017 15:44:49 SAST