BA (Wits), BAHons (UKZN), MA (UKZN), PhD (Wits)
Room 231 Africa Media Matrix
Upper Prince Alfred Street
School of Journalism and Media Studies,
Rhodes University, PO Box 94,
Makhanda 6140. Tel: 046 603 7100/25
Rand Daily Mail (1981), Cape Times (1982), Sunday Times (1983), African Enterprise (1983-1987), The Witness (1988-1996)
JMS1: Introduction to Media Studies
JMS3: Academic Writing Enhancement
JMS4: Writing and Editing
Hons and MA: Academic Writing
Member of the International Association for Media and Communication Research, member of the International Communication Association, member of the International Association of Literary Journalism Studies, member of the SA Communications Association, member of the SA National Editors’ Forum.
Talking and listening in the public sphere
Citizenship and the media
Journalism practice
Creative nonfiction writing
Creativity and the imagination
The Body in the Public Sphere
Media, Sociality and Digitality (funded by the Mellon Foundation)
Licence to Talk (funded by the National Research Foundation)
2023. Della Togna, M, Garman, A, Burton, S, Jacobs, J, Kleyn, L, Sithole, H. Chapter 4. Communication. South Africa Covid-19 Report [Second edition]. DPME (Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation), GTAC (Governing Technical Advisory Centre) & NRF (National Research Foundation), Pretoria.
2023. Adjin-Tettey, TD and Garman, A. Lurking as a mode of listening in social media: Motivations-based typologies, Digital Transformation and Society, https://doi.org/10.1108/DTS-07-2022-0028
2023. “The Public Sphere and Journalism.” Oxford Research Encyclopedia. https://doi.org/10.1093/acrefore/9780190228613.013.880
2023. “Guerrillas and Combative Mothers: Women and the Armed Struggle in South Africa, by Siphokazi Magadla. Book review for African Journal of Conflict Resolution. 23(1). https://www.accord.org.za/ajcr-issues/guerrillas-and-combative-mothers-women-and-the-armed-struggle-in-south-africa/
2022. “Deeper and deeper and deeper’: narrative nonfiction and the interiority of the other in South Africa. Chapter for the Routledge Companion to World Literary Journalism edited by John Bak and William Reynolds: 118-128.
2022.“Not clowns but capable agents: Tapping into subaltern theory to centralise the marginalised” (with Mvuzo Ponono) in Decolonising Journalism Education in South Africa: Critical Perspectives, edited by Ylva Rodny Gumede, Colin Chasi, Zubeida Jaffer and Mvuzo Ponono. Pretoria: UNISA: 149-162.
2022. “The Ethics of Engagement: Media, Conflict and Democracy in Africa, by Herman Wasserman. Book review for Critical Arts. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/epub/10.1080/02560046.2022.2078384?needAccess=true
2021. Adjin-Tettey, T.D. and Garman, A. Solutions Journalism as a Tool to Erode Polarisation in the Media and Society, African Journalism Studies, https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23743670.2021.1972530
2020. “Anger, pain and the body in the South African public sphere.” Chapter for Babl Unbound: Rage, Reason and Rethinking Public Life edited by Carolyn Hamilton and Lesley Cowling. Johannesburg: Wits University Press: 239-259. https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.18772/22020055898 or http://witspress.co.za/catalogue/babel-unbound/
2020. “Truth-Telling in the Unsettling Present.” Book review of Hedley Twidle, Experiments with Truth: Narrative Non-fiction and the Coming of Democracy in South Africa. Literary Journalism Studies 12(1): 201-203. https://ialjs.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/20-LJS-v12n1_BkRev_Twidle.pdf
ResearchGate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Anthea_Garman
Google Scholar http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=CiYeNyMAAAAJ&hl=en
Media and Citizenship: Between Marginalisation and Participation edited by Anthea Garman and Herman Wasserman. Cape Town: HSRC Press. https://www.hsrcpress.ac.za/books/media-and-citizenship
Antjie Krog and the Postapartheid Public Sphere: Speaking Poetry to Power. Pietermaritzburg: UKZN Press.
2023. “Time Piece.” Multilingual Margins 10(1): 27-35. https://epubs.ac.za/index.php/mm/article/view/2170
2023. “Lines Land Slant” (with Gillian Rennie) in Notes from the Body edited by Duncan Brown, Kobus Moolman and Nkosinathi Sithole. UKZN Press: 156-170.
2020. “When I get out I will order a repeat Supermoon.” Poetry in McGregor Poetry Festival 2020 Anthology, edited by Patricia Schonstein. Cape Town: African Sun Press, 62 and 161.