Laurea (University of Trento, Italy), MA (Rhodes), PhD (Rhodes), PGDHE (Rhodes)
Room 105 Africa Media Matrix
Upper Prince Alfred Street
School of Journalism and Media Studies
Rhodes University
PO Box 94
Makhanda 6140
JMS3: Radical Discourses Online.
MA and PhD supervision.
Digital inclusion and disability Digital Inequalities
Mobile communication and vulnerable groups Social Media and democratic participation
2015-2025: Two National Research Foundation-funded research projects into digital inequalities in marginalised communities.
2022 – 2024: Principal investigator of “Rethinking Digital Inclusion and (dis)ability in South Africa: A Southern Epistemological Perspective”. This project was sponsored by the NRF within the Competitive Programme for Rated Researchers. The goal is to challenge Eurocentric understandings of disability in the digital domain. The project includes a comprehensive critical literature review and online content analysis as well as documenting the experiences of a wide range of stakeholders.
2015-2017: Principal investigator of “Mediating the territory: mobile phones and hyperlocal services in marginalised communities” (funded by the NRF).
2015-2017: Institutional reference person for the “App factory” international collaboration with the Bruno Kessler Foundation (Italy). This initiative was sponsored by the Italian Foreign Ministry in collaboration with the South African NRF.
2015-2016: Led the South African component of the Advancing MOOCs for Development Initiative (AMDI). This was a multi-country collaboration (South Africa, Colombia and the Philippines) sponsored by IREX and co-ordinated by the Technology and Social Change Group at the University of Washington in Seattle (US).
[1]Based on a paper presented at the preconference on Media Sociology of the 73rd International Communication Association conference, 31 May 2023, Toronto (Canada).
[2]Based on a paper presented at the Communication, Capitalism and Critique conference, 1 – 3 September 2022, Turin (Italy).
[3]Based on a paper presented online at the workshop The Network Society Today. 2 - 30 November 2020
[4]Based on a paper Presented as Part of a Virtual Panel on Communication, Policy and Technology at the International Association for Media and Communication Research Conference. 11–15 July 2021.
Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=6JBz7bcAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao
[5]Available in both English and Portuguese
[6]Based on a paper presented at the IAMCR preconference on Era or Error of Transformation? Assessing Afrocentric Attributes of Digitalisation. 6 July 2019, Madrid (Spain)
[7]Based on a paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional Development. 24 - 26 May 2019. Rome (Italy)