Rhodes University and the National Arts Festival celebrate milestones at anniversary Cocktail Event
Every year, the historic town of Makhanda (Grahamstown) comes alive with the vibrancy and creativity of the National Arts Festival, attracting visitors from all corners of the globe. Amid this bustling celebration, Rhodes University hosts a special cocktail event, bringing together its alumni, fondly known as Old Rhodians, along with friends and supporters of the institution. This year’s gathering, however, held an extra layer of significance as it marked two monumental anniversaries: Rhodes University continuing its celebration of its 120th year and the National Arts Festival its 50th. This convergence of milestones provided a unique opportunity to reflect on the past, celebrate the present, and envision a future of sustained excellence and mutual support.
[RU120] Student leaders inspired at Young Leaders Bootcamp
From 6-7 July 2024, Rhodes University hosted the inaugural Young Leaders Bootcamp, a transformative engagement that sought to empower the next generation of leaders. This two-day programme brought together Makhanda High School student leaders and the Rhodes University Student Representative Council (SRC) to participate in a programme designed to reflect on ethical leadership and community engagement.
[RU120] “Students are not our enemy; they are our future.” – Conference explores trust in the higher education context
As part of celebrating its bidecacentennial anniversary year of academic excellence, Rhodes University hosted the international Higher Education Close-Up 11 (HECU11) conference from 3 to 5 July last week.
[RU120] Rhodes University celebrates ‘A Series of Musical Firsts’ with #RU120 tribute concerts
As Rhodes University marks its 120th anniversary, the Department of Music and Musicology proudly presents a series of tribute concerts on 13 July 2024. These concerts celebrate "firsts," highlighting the university's pioneering role in shaping South African music and its ongoing legacy of excellence and innovation. This special event will honour the ground-breaking contributions of two distinguished composers, Dr Bongani Ndodana-Breen and Dr Paul Hanmer, whose works have set significant musical precedents.
[RU120] Rhodes University to become one of few with advanced electromagnetics research lab
A new research laboratory, the Electromagnetics Innovation (EMI) lab, was opened last week at the Centre for Radio Astronomy Techniques and Technologies (RATT), Department of Physics and Electronics at Rhodes University by Rhodes University’s Dean of Science, Professor Joanna Dames.
[RU120] Shining stars of physics: Award winners announced at SAIP2024 gala dinner
On Friday, 5 July 2024, the SAIP2024 conference concluded with a grand Gala dinner held at the Nelson Mandela Dining Hall, Rhodes University. The evening was marked by a series of inspiring speeches and the celebration of excellence within the physics community.
[RU120] SAIP Conference unites physics experts at Rhodes University
The 68th Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Physics (SAIP) was held at Rhodes University between 1-5 July 2024, and brought together students, professionals, educators, and government officials.
[VC's OFFICE] Vice-Chancellor’s Address: Young Leaders Bootcamp
Thank you for the honour and privilege of being part of this important young leaders bootcamp – an opportunity to engage young leaders of our city on leadership issues. Seeing so many of you this morning inspires me with great hope and optimism that our future is bright with promise. You, our country's youth, will help us create a better society and world.
[RU120] Allan Magubane reflects on failing forward at Rhodes University's Young Leaders Bootcamp
Rhodes University is hosting the Young Leaders Bootcamp at Eden Grove on 6-7 July 2024, featuring Allan Magubane as the keynote speaker. Magubane, born in 1989 in Estcourt, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, has contributed to education and corporate consultancy, focusing on leadership ethics, strategy, and diversity.
[RU120] Demonstrating what is possible: Allan Magubane to inspire future trailblazers at Allan Gray Young Leaders Bootcamp
Rhodes University is taking the next step in its transformative involvement in the broader education sector in Makhanda through a trailblazing bootcamp for school leaders, aimed at cultivating ethical leadership.
[RU120] Isikhumbuzo Applied History Unit teams up with Mr Sibhozo to bring to life domestic workers' struggles and triumphs
As South Africa marks 30 years of democracy, Rhodes University celebrates its 120th anniversary, and the National Arts Festival reaches its 50th year, Mr Thumamna Sibhozo, in collaboration with the Isikhumbuzo Applied History Unit from the History Department at Rhodes University, presented a play that depicts South Africa's past and present - called “Madam President Evelyn”.
[RU120] Rhodes University’s women's rugby team features at USSA Rugby Tournament for the first time
The Rhodes University Sports Department is proud to announce that it will host the 2024 USSA Rugby Tournament from 1 – 5 July 2024. This prestigious event will gather twenty-six universities from across South Africa, promising a diverse and competitive field of teams for an exciting week of competitive matches, camaraderie, and celebration.
Frozen in Time: Alice, the ghostly sculpture in crystacal and fibreglass at The National Arts Festival
Alice is a sculpture of body casts taken off an elderly lady who lived in the Brookshaw home in Makhanda. It is one of the artworks Christine Maree made for her Masters in Fine Art exhibition, completed in 2008 under the current HOD of Fine Arts Maureen de Jager's supervision. She later taught Sculpture in 2009 as de Jager’s sabbatical leave replacement.
From COVID to Curtain Calls: Lethabo Makweya's artistic odyssey at the National Arts Festival
During her second year at Rhodes University in 2020, Lethabo Makweya’s journey through the National Arts Festival (NAF) began. Music composer Stacey van Schalkwyk Naidoo was searching for a talented writer and performer. Lalu Mokuku, a supervisor and Drama lecturer at Rhodes University who formed MEQOQO Playback Theatre Collective, recommended Makweya. The excitement was palpable, but the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic led to the festival's cancellation that year, forcing plans to be postponed.
[RU120] Rhodes University marks historic milestones at the 50th National Arts Festival amid 30 years of democracy
As we mark 120 years of academic excellence, we reflect on the rich tapestry of history and transformation that defines Rhodes University and its decades of artistic contributions to the arts. Rhodes University is proud to announce a series of performances and exhibits as part of the official National Art Festival (NAF) programme, which marks its 50th anniversary, between 20 and 30 June 2024 in Makhanda.
Rhodes University foregrounds bioinformatics research amid anniversary celebrations
Bioinformatics, though relatively new compared to biochemistry and microbiology, is revolutionising the analysis of large biological datasets using cutting-edge computer technology. To honour its importance, Rhodes University has renamed its Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology to include Bioinformatics.
International students reflect after memorable semester at Rhodes University
As the semester ends, we bid farewell to our semester-abroad students from Boston College, Hobart and William Smith Colleges (HWS), and Pädagogische Hochschule Bern (PH Bern).
Empowering Scholars: St. Andrews College & The Diocesan School for Girls visit Rhodes University
On the 4th of June 2024, Rhodes University warmly welcomed a cohort of aspiring scholars from St. Andrews College and The Diocesan School for Girls (DSG) for a day brimming with discovery and engagement. This event stood as a testament to Rhodes University's enduring dedication to forging meaningful partnerships with neighbouring schools and its unwavering commitment to expanding access to higher education.
Oonozakuzaku bephulo le-RU120: UGqirhalwazi uNoxolo Grootboom unika inkxaso ngelizwi lakhe
Njengoko iYunivesithi iRhodes iqhuba umbhiyozo wayo weminyaka engama-120 (obizwa ngokuba yi-RU120), omnye umamkeli wesidanga sokunika imbeko sobuGqirhalwazi kule Yunivesithi, nowayesakuba ngumfundi weendaba ku-SABC nolitshantliziyo kwezenkcubeko uGqirhalwazi uNoxolo Grootboom, uvakalise ilizwi lakhe kwimpumelelo yeli phulo.
Faces of the RU120 legacy: Dr Noxolo Grootboom lends her voice in support
[MAKHANDA] As Rhodes University continues the year-long celebration of its 120th anniversary (affectionately referred to as RU120), one of the university’s revered Honorary Doctorate recipients, former SABC newsreader and cultural icon Dr Noxolo Grootboom, has lent her voice to the campaign's success – literally.