Full List of Publications by Mellony Graven

2012 2011 2009 and earlier  

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2012 Publications

Graven, M., & Venkatakrishnan, H. (2012). Linking research and development in Numeracy Education - Building and sustaining a community of numeracy educators and researchers. Maths, Science and ICT in Education Convention. Johannesburg.

Teacher Support, Identity and Retention: Exploring the Relationship. Teacher Support, Identity and Retention: Exploring the Relationship. Monograph: Mathematics Teacher Retention. Los Angeles, CA: California Mathematics Project.

Accessing and assessing young learner’s mathematical dispositions Accessing and assessing young learner’s mathematical dispositions. South African Journal of Childhood Education, 2(1), 49–62.

Graven, M., & Stott, D. (2012). Fun with Maths Series. Grocotts Mail. Grahamstown.

Graven, M. (2012). Changing the Story Teacher Education through Re-authoring their Narratives. In C. Day (Ed.), The Routledge International Handbook of Teacher and School Development (pp. 127–138). Abingdon: Routledge.

Graven, Stott - 2012a Design Issues for Mathematics Clubs for Early Grade Learners. In Nampota, D. & Kazima, M. (eds) Proceedings of the twentieth annual meeting of the Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, pp 94-105 University of Malawi, Lilongwe.

Graven, M. (2012). The evolution of an instrument for accessing early learning mathematical dispositions. In M. Graven & H. Venkatakrishnan, eds. Early Childhood Education Research and Development Week. Grahamstown: Rhodes University, pp. 53–55.

Pausigere, P. & Graven, M. (2012). The story of two Reception teachers participating in NICLE: emergent themes and early childhood mathematicseducation learning trajectories. In M. Graven & H. Venkatakrishnan, eds. Early Childhood Education Research and Development Week. Grahamstown: Rhodes University, pp. 63–65.

Graven, M. (2012) Round table extended abstract: Why should teachers’ pay attention to Learner Mathematical Identities and how do we as researchers access these identities? In Nampota, D. & Kazima, M. (eds) Book of Abstracts of the twentieth annual meeting of the Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, pp 143-145 University of Malawi, Lilongwe.

Pausigere, P, Graven, M. (2012) Primary Teacher Imagination: The emergence of identities through participation in a Numeracy Community of Practice. In Nieuwoudt, S., Laubscher, D. and Dreyer, H. (eds) Proceedings of 18th Annual National Congress of the Association for Mathematical Education of South Africa (AMESA), pp. 276-286 North-West University, Potchefstroom

Graven, Stott - 2012b Conceptualising procedural fluency as a spectrum of proficiency. In Nieuwoudt, S., Laubscher, D. and Dreyer, H. (eds) Proceedings of 18th Annual National Congress of the Association for Mathematical Education of South Africa (AMESA), pp. 146-156 North-West University, Potchefstroom

2011 Publications

Graven - 2011c‌. Mathematical learning opportunities for young learners with touch screen technology. Learning and Teaching Mathematics9(January), 43–45.

Graven - 2011a. Review of the newly launched website www.MathsEdge.org.za. Learning and Teaching Mathematics9(January), 8–10.

Graven - 2011b Do South African Mathematics teachers need narrative therapy? Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of the Mathematics Education into the 21st Century Project (pp. 127–133). Grahamstown: Rhodes University.

Atweh, B., Graven, MH., Secada, W., Valero, P. (2011). Mapping Equity and Quality in Mathematics Education, Springer

Graven, Buytenhuys - 2011 Mathematical Literacy in South Africa: Increasing Access and Quality in Learners' Mathematical Participation Both in and Beyond the Classroom, Springer. 493 - 509

Graven, Stott - 2011  Exploring Online Numeracy Games for Primary Learners: Sharing Experiences of a Scifest Africa Workshop. A Journal of AMESA, August 2011. 10 - 16

Graven - 2011d Creating new Mathematical Stories: Exploring Potential Opportunities within Maths Clubs. Proceedings of the 17th National Congress of the Association for Mathematical Education of South Africa (AMESA), University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 161-170.

2009 and earlier

Graven, Rollnick, Venkat, & Nakedi - 2009 Similarities and differences in the nature and role of contextualization in Mathematics, Mathematical Literacy and the Science South African FET Curricula. In M. Schäfer & C. McNamara (Eds.), Proceedings of the 17th Annual Meeting of the Southern African Association For Research In Mathematics, Science And Technology Education (pp. 155–162). Grahamstown, South Africa: Rhodes University.

Graven - 2009 Wenger Wenger’s (1998) perspective on learning is “ready for prime time” in some Mathematical Literacy classrooms. In M. Schäfer & C. McNamara (Eds.), Proceedings of the 17th Annual Meeting of the Southern African Association For Research In Mathematics, Science And Technology Education (pp. 71–82). Grahamstown, South Africa: Rhodes University.

Venkat et al. - 2009‌ “Reasoning and Reflecting” in Mathematical Literacy. Learning and Teaching Mathematics7(July), 47–53.

Venkat, Bowie, Graven - 2009 Positions and purposes for contextualisation in mathematics education in South Africa. African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 13(Special Issue), 81–95.

Venkat et al. - 2009 Critiquing the Mathematical Literacy Assessment Taxonomy: Where is the Reasoning and the Problem Solving? Pythagoras, 70(December), 43–56.

Venkat, Graven - 2008 Opening up spaces for learning: Learners’ perceptions of Mathematical Literacy in Grade 10. Education As Change, 12(1), 29 – 44.


Graven - 2008 Mathematical Literacy in South Africa - an opportunity for shifting learner identities in relation to Mathematics. In 11th International Congress on Mathematical Educaiton (pp. 41–42). Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.

Buytenhuys, Graven, Venkatakrishnan - 2007. Mathematical Literacy - a Lifeline for Many. Learning and Teaching Mathematics5(November), 31–35.

Graven, Venkat - 2007 Emerging pedagogic agendas in the teaching of Mathematical Literacy. African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 11(2), 67–84.

Venkatakrishnan, Graven - 2006 Mathematical Literacy in South Africa and Functional Mathematics in England: A consideration of overlaps and contrasts. Pythagoras, 64(December), 14–28.

Graven - 2005 Mathematics teacher retention and the role of Identity: Sam’s story. Pythagoras, 61(June), 2–10.

Graven - 2005 Dilemmas in the design of in-service education and training for mathematics teachers. In R. Vithal, J. Adler, & C. Keitel (Eds.), Researching Mathematics Education in South Africa: Perspectives, practices and possibilities (pp. 206–232). HSRC Press.

Graven - 2004 Investigating mathematics teacher learning within an in-service community of practice: The centrality of confidence. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 57(2), 177–211.

Graven and Lerman 2003‌ Book Review: Wenger (1998) Communities of practice: Learning, meaning and identity. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 6, pp.185–194.

Graven - 2003 Teacher Learning as Changing Meaning, Practice, Community, Identity and Confidence: the Story of Ivan. For the Learning of Mathematics, 23(2), 25–33.

Graven - 2002 The effect of the South African curriculum change process on mathematics teacher roles. In P. Valero & O. Skovsmose (Eds.), Conference proceedings of the 3rd International MES Conference held in Copenhagen (pp. 1–10). Copenhagen: Centre for Research in Learning Mathematics.


Adler, Pournara, & Graven - 2000 Integration within and across mathematics. Pythagoras, 53, 2–13.


Last Modified: Fri, 20 Nov 2015 12:43:34 SAST