Rhodes>ISER>Publications>Research Publications

Using Google data to measure the role of Big Food and fast food in South Africa’s obesity epidemic

Otterbach, S., Oskorouchi H.R., Rogan M., and Qaim M. Using Google data to measure the role of Big Food and fast food in South Africa's obesity epidemic. World Development(40) Available:  Using Google data to measure the role of Big Food and fast food in South Africa’s obesity epidemic


Last Modified: Wed, 10 Nov 2021 09:18:25 SAST

Rhodes>ISER>Publications>Research Publications

The Uberisation of work: the challenge of regulating platform capitalism. A commentary

Webster, E (2020): The Uberisation of work: the challenge of regulating platform capitalism. A commentary, International Review of Applied Economics, DOI: 10.1080/02692171.2020.1773647 The Uberisation of work the challenge of regulating platform capitalism A commentary


Last Modified: Wed, 10 Nov 2021 09:10:54 SAST

Rhodes>ISER>Publications>Research Publications


Mbatha, C.N.,2021.Livestock production and marketing for small emerging farmers in South Africa and Kenya: comparative lessons.SA Journal of Agric.Ext. Vol. 49 No. 1, 2021:141-161.Available: LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION AND MARKETING FOR SMALL EMERGING FARMERS IN SOUTH AFRICA AND KENYA 


Last Modified: Wed, 10 Nov 2021 09:06:17 SAST

Rhodes>ISER>Publications>Research Publications

Carbon taxes and the attainment of emissions reductions targets in South Africa

Gustafsson, M. 2021. A critical stocktaking of recent analyses and policies ISER Working paper Series 2021 . Available: Carbon tax in South Africa - ISER WP - August 2021-Gustafsson

Last Modified: Wed, 10 Nov 2021 09:23:02 SAST

Rhodes>ISER>Publications>Research Publications

Quality of Life and Human Well-Being in sub Saharan Africa: Prospects for Future Happiness Series

Moller, V. and Roberts,B.2021. Quality of Life and Human Well-Being in sub Saharan Africa: Prospects for Future Happiness Series: Human Well Being Reserach and Policy Making. Springer, Switzerland. Available: 2021 Moller Roberts_ QoL& Well-Being subSaharan Africa_ Prospects happiness.pdf 

Last Modified: Wed, 10 Nov 2021 09:39:52 SAST