BSc(Rwanda), MSc(Stellenbosch), PhD(UCT)
Contact Deatils:
Email: s.nsengiyumva@ru.ac.za; schadnse@gmail.com
Phone: +27 (46) 603 8452 (Office) 082 399 6256 (Mobile)
Fax: +27 (46) 603 8757
Location: Physics Building, Room 38
Physics 102: General Physics
Physics 1E1: General Physics for Life Sciences
Physics 1E1 practicals
Physics 301: Solid State Physics
Research interests:
The experimental study of point defects induced by ion implantation and their influence on lumines-cence properties of synthetic quartz.
Research expertise:
- Ion beam analysis (Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy)
- X-Ray Diffraction (phase analysis and stress determination)
- Microscopy: scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
- Laser ablation technique
- Member - South African Institute of Physics (SAIP)
- Member - NanoSciences Innovation Center at UCT
- Member - Nanopower Africa
Recent collaborative projects:
Nano Power Africa project:
This is a joint research project involving 5 institutions. The project aims to develop solar cells for use in isolated regions of Sub-Saharan Africa. Collaborators: David Thomas, Britton (NanoSciences Inno-vation Center, SA), Margit, Harting (NanoSciences Innovation center, SA), Evariste, Minani (Kigali Institute of Education, Rwanda), Girma Goro Gonfa (Haramaya University, Ethiopia). Gregory Beau-cage (Cincinatti University, USA), Gregory Smith (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA), and Jan Ilavsky (Argonne National Laboratory, USA)
Luminescence emission in ion implanted synthetic quartz:
This research aims to study the effects of ion implantation on the luminescence properties of synthetic quartz. It focuses mainly on the study of the physical processes of luminescence from quartz in order to produce comprehensive original knowledge about the properties of point-defects involved in the emis-sion of luminescence in this material. Collaborators: M L Chithambo (Rhodes University), Mira Topic (iThemba Labs, SA), Luc Pichon (University of Poitiers, France)
- Defects in ion-implanted hcp-titanium: A first-principles study of electronic structures, A. T. Raji, R. Mazzarello, S. Scandolo, S. Nsengiyumva, M. Haerting, and D. T. Britton, Solid State Commun., 151 (2011) 1889-1893.
- Intrinsic defects and krypton impurity atoms in hcp titanium: A first-principles study, Abdulrafiu T. Raji, Riccardo Mazzarello, Sandro Scandolo, Schadrack Nsengiyumva, Margit Härting, and David. T. Britton, Physical Review B 83, 054120 (2011)
- Oxygen depth profiling in Kr-implanted polycrystalline alpha titanium by means of 16O(α, α)16O resonance scattering, S. Nsengiyumva, J.P. Rivière, C.M. Comrie, A.T. Raji, D.T. Britton, and M. Härting, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 414 (2010) 150-155.
- Ab initio Pseudopotential study of vacancies and self-interstitials in HCP Titanium, A.T. Raji, S. Scandol, R. Mazzarello, S. Nsengiyumva, M. Härting, and D.T. Britton, Philosophical Magazine, 89 (2009) 1629-1645.
- Ab Initio Study of Krypton in hcp Ti: Diffusion, Formation, and Stability of Small Krypton-Vacancy Clusters, A.T. Raji, S. Scandolo, R. Mazzarello, S. Nsengiyumva, M. Härting, and D.T. Britton, Nuclear Instruments and Methods B 267, (2009) 2991 - 2994
- The mutual influence of krypton implantation and pre-existing stress states in polycrystalline alpha titanium, S. Nsengiyumva, T.P. Ntsoane, A.T. Raji, M. Topic, G. Kellermann, J. P. Rivière, D.T. Britton, and M. Härting, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics research B 267 (2009) 2712-2715
- Scientific Visualization: Analysis, Exploration and Presentation of Tri-Axial stress states of Kr+ implanted Titanium determined by X-ray diffraction, M. Yaman, M. Härting, S. Nsengiyumva, Surface and Coatings Technology, 201 (2007) 8431-8436
- Near surface stress determination in Kr-implanted Polycrystalline Titanium by the X-ray sin2psi method, M. Härting, S. Nsengiyumva, A.T. Raji, G. Dollinger, P. Sperr, S.R. Naidoo. T.E. Derry, C.M. Comrie, and D.T. Britton, Surface and Coatings Technology, 201 (2007) 8237-8241.
- Krypton-induced surface modification of polycrystalline titanium, M. Topic, S. Nsengiyumva, R. Bucher, S.R. Naidoo, T.E. Derry, C.M. Comrie, C. Theron, D.T. Britton, and M. Härting, Surface and Coatings Technology, 201 (2007) 5621-5627.
- Vacancy and Krypton dynamics in Kr-implanted Naturally oxidised Aluminium, M. Härting, D.F. Kanguwe, C.M. Comrie, S. Nsengiyumva, S.R. Naidoo, T.E. Derry and D.T. Britton, Materials Science and Engineering, 445-446 (2004), pp 102-104.
Last Modified: Sat, 04 Dec 2021 07:37:50 SAST