Overseas Study

Below are weblinks of Scholarships for African students offered annually to study at an international institution. These scholarships are offered annually. Please note that scholarship providers may change information about their scholarship programme without notice. You are therefore advised to check the scholarship website for current information.

Overseas Funding

International Scholarships: Top 80 Annual International Scholarships?

SWISS Goverment Application Form



Flanagan Scholarship


Closing Date: 31ST AUGUST 2024

Application procedure:

The following documents are to be submitted to pgfunding@ru.ac.za as a SINGLE PDF document, saved as “Your Surname P&M Flanagan Scholarship Application”:

  1. Letter of motivation: The motivation should include:
    • Why you plan to study at an international university.
    • What you plan to do upon completion of your Masters or PhD.
    • Your intended Research Focus.
    • Which university you wish to enrol with, and why you have selected that

2. Detailed ACADEMIC CV

    • including email contact details of three ACADEMIC referees one of which must be a Head of Department or Dean

3. A full academic transcript, certified.

 4. Certified ID copy.

 Flanagan Scholarship: General Conditions and Application procedure

Flanagan Scholarship: Past Recipients

Flanagan Advert

Canon Collins RMTF Scholarship

Canon Collins Sol Plaatje Scholarship

Tom Queba & Pegasys Scholarship

We are pleased to announce the launch of the INITIATE - PhD Exchange Platform call.


  • Internal Submission Deadline: Sunday, 21 April, 2024
  • Cycle: 2024
  • Discipline/Subject Area: Water Resources Management
  • Funding Available: 0
  • Description:

    Join the platform INITIATE for PhD


    INITIATE for PhD is a new platform aiming at strengthening the emergence of robust international, intercultural and interdisciplinary network of PhD candidates working on water related issues. It gathers PhD candidates and their mentors from 12 universities across the world, including three UNESCO International Centres (Delft, Dundee, Montpellier). The platform provides participating PhD candidates opportunities to exchange with PhD candidates from other universities, who are struggling with similar issues to develop interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary knowledge.

    We expect a double benefit from the platform: on the short term, a decentred perspective for each PhD candidate on his/her own PhD subject; and in the long term a robust network beyond PhD to exchange experience on water issues and build tomorrow successful consortia to face global change water related issues.

    The participants on the platform will also benefit from the connections to all the universities participating in the platform. If you are interested furthering your international career and network, you will be put in touch through the platform with academics from all over the world and practitioners from international institutions and major businesses involved in addressing water management issues.

    Tangible benefits the platform provide include exchange and mobility, support for summer schools, joint field schools, online seminars and webinars.

    Each year a new cohort of PhD candidates will be selected. As participation in the INITIATE for PhD platform is meant to be impactful in the course of the PhD, we require that the application come with a letter of support from your PhD supervisor(s), and that you commit to contribute to the cohort all along its activity, beyond one specific event.

    This platform is for you if you are currently a PhD candidate whose topic relates to water issues, irrespective of the discipline, and you value international and interdisciplinary collaboration, and you are ready to engage in collaborative intercultural exchanges trough on-line interactions as well as potential mobilities. You think you are able to find out the time for this within your PhD agenda

    The first cohort will start September 2024. The call for application is now open. As a participant in the first cohort you will have the opportunity to contribute to the fine tuning of the platform instruments. If you are interested, please fill in the questionnaire below explaining your interest and expectations. We will select a maximum of 2 PhD candidates from each university in the partnership. Selection will ensure the involvement of high level PhD candidates, ready to dedicate some time during their PhD to the group progress, as well as intercultural and interdisciplinary diversity.
    While assessing the applications we will pay specific attention to three aspects: (1) the integration of participation in the platform in the whole future professional project, (2) capacity and willingness to dedicate time to the platform and the group of PhD candidates of the same cohort, and (3) effective participation in the platform from the group perspective .



    1. Must be a registered PhD student in any of these institutions: Australian National University (AU), Dublin City University (IE), Dundee University (UK), IHE Delft Institute for Water Education (NL), Rhodes University (ZA), Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar (SN), Université Félix Houphouët Boigny (CI), Université Mohamed VI Polytechnique (MA), Université de Montpellier (FR), Université Laval (CA), Université de Sherbrooke (CA), University of California Irvine (US), University of Barcelona (ES).
    2. Must be proficient in English Language. Knowledge of French is an added value

    3. Must take interest in intercultural, interdisciplinary opportunitie

    4. Must be willing to actively participate in the platform
    5. Willingness to devote time to the programmes associated with the platform and engage actively with other PhD candidates of the same cohort.

    INITIATE will provide the following to the successful candidate to enable their participation in the programme:

    1) Travel costs and accommodation costs

    2) Subsistence costs

    3) Visa costs

    For further enquiries, you may contact either Dr Olivier Barreteau. Olivier.barreteau@inrae.fr or the contact person of your institution as listed below:

    Australian National University (Australia): Joseph Guillaume, Joseph.Guillaume@anu.edu.au

    Dublin City University (Ireland): 'Fiona Regan' <fiona.regan@dcu.ie>

    IHE Delft (Netherlands): Margreet Zwarteveen <m.zwarteveen@un-ihe.org>

    Rhodes University (South Africa): nelson Odume <n.odume@ru.ac.za>

    UNIVERSITY CHEIKH ANTA DIOP OF DAKAR (Senegal): Awa Fall, awa10.fall@ucad.edu.sn

    University Felix Houphouet Boigny (Ivory Coast): Dimitri Soro, dimitri.soro@gmail.com

    University Mohamed 6 Polytechnique (Morocco): Abdelghani Chehbouni, Abdelghani.CHEHBOUNI@um6p.ma

    Université Laval (Canada): 'François Anctil' <Francois.Anctil@gci.ulaval.ca>

    Université de Sherbrooke (Canada): Marie-Amélie Boucher: Marie-Amelie.Boucher@usherbrooke.ca

    UNIVERSITY OF BARCELONA (Spain): Joaquim Farguell Pérez <jfarguell@ub.edu>

    University of Dundee (United Kingdom): 'John Rowan (Staff' <j.s.rowan@dundee.ac.uk>

    Visit our website for detailed information on the platform: https://fr.unesco-montpellier.org/platform-initiate-for-phd



Click on the link below to view the call and APPLY.

Staff and current students must please login as a Rhodes University User, with their Rhodes username and password.

All other users will need to register (first time log in) and log in as Other Users.


Abe Bailey Travel Bursary 2024

This is an opportunity for a study tour to the UK (25 Nov 2024 – 18th Dec 2024).

Please engage with the attached documents and read them carefully before you commence the process to ensure eligibility. Documents attached:

  1. Abe Bailey Conditions of Award
  2. Abe Bailey Travel Tour Objective
  3. Abe Bailey Abbreviated Program

NB: RHODES CLOSING DATE: 25th April 2024 - no late or incomplete applications will be accepted!


Applicants need to provide evidence of exceptional qualities of leadership, community service experience, and excellent grades. Other factors are taken into account when selecting.

  • Senior Students – 3rd years and above
  • Age 25 or less at the start of the tour
  • Must be South African national and have a valid South African passport
  • Demonstrate all-round leadership
  • Applicants must have a strong academic record and proven record of community participation and public service ethic.

PLEASE DO NOT APPLY if this will clash with exams, other interviews etc., as the successful candidate will undertake to attend this trip. No cancellations are allowed.

There is an initial Rhodes screening process, with a Selection Committee of interviews for the top 6 applications received. The RU internal interview date is Monday 20th May 2024. Candidates shortlisted for interview will be emailed with more details closer to the date. Please do not apply if you have other commitments on the day of the interview. The top three interviewees will be nominated to the Trust, who then make the final selection.

Documents required for this process:

1)   A personal letter of motivation as to why you are applying for the travel bursary to Britain;

2)   A current CV;

3)   Two recent letters of reference that address the suitability of the candidate to meet the Objectives of this travel bursary. Please co-ordinate carefully with your referees so that your application is complete when delivered to our offices;

4)   Copies of ID, full University academic transcripts (undergraduate and postgraduate, where relevant);

5)   Copies of University merit/achievement certificates (limited to 5);

6)   Details of leadership roles in the community and at University.

RHODES CLOSING DATE: 25th April 2024 - no late or incomplete applications will be accepted!


Fulbright Foreign Student Program

List of international scholarships compiled by the DHET for funding opportunities for International study

Website: http://www.internationalscholarships.dhet.gov.za/









SERBIA: The “World in Serbia” Project (5 scholarships offered)

Vocational Studies Bachelor’s



Various fields of study

  • Free Serbian language preparatory course (Serbian on-line course and Serbian language intensive course upon arrival in the Republic of Serbia);
  • Tuition at basic academic or vocational studies, specialist vocational studies, master academic studies or doctoral studies;
  • Monthly stipend to the value of 15.000,00 Serbian dinars (approximately R 2165.01);
  • Student accommodation and food expenses;
  • Compulsory health insurance (up to age of 26);
  • Residence Visa; and
  • Free verification of secondary and higher education.

Travel costs to and from Serbia, as well as a settlement allowance

13 October 2022

Click here

FRANCE: France - South Africa Scholarship Programme



Applications are open to all fields of study. Science, engineering and technology fields and niche courses not available in South Africa may be prioritized.

  • For a Master’s degree, the scholarship will be granted for a duration between 10 and 22 months;
  • For PhDs, the scholarship will be granted for a maximum duration of 3 years;
  • The scholarship will only be granted for the periods spent in France;
  • Social security;
  • Priority for accessing student housing;
  • Visa fee exemption and assistance offered by Campus France Paris;
  • Annual tuition fees, not exceeding €5 000 per year;
  • A round-trip airfare ticket;
  • A monthly allowance towards living expenses (approximately 700 euros for Master's students and 1400 euros for PhD students);
  • Accommodation aid (approximately 150 euros/month) can be obtained from the French Governments;
  • Co-funding opportunities are strongly encouraged to strengthen the collaboration between South African and French institutions and the public and private sectors.


16 October 2022

Click here

UNITED KINGDOM: Commonwealth Master’s Scholarships



Online information session to be held on 20 September 2022


Register here to participate


The awards are offered under six development themes:

   -   Science and technology for development

   -   Promoting global prosperity

   -   Strengthening resilience and response to crises

   -   Strengthening health systems and capacity

   -   Strengthening global peace, security and governance

   -   Access, inclusion and opportunity

  • Approved airfare from your home country to the UK and return at the end of your award;
  • Approved tuition fees;
  • Stipend (living allowance);
  • Warm clothing allowance, where applicable; 
  • Thesis grant towards the cost of preparing a thesis or dissertation, where applicable;
  • Study travel grant towards the cost of study-related travel within the UK or overseas;
  • A child allowance of £529 per month for the first child, and £131 per month for the second and third child under the age of 16, if you are accompanied by your children and they are living with you at the same address in the UK (rates quoted at current levels);
  • If you share that you have a disability, a full assessment of your needs and eligibility for additional financial support will be offered by the CSC.


18 October 2022

Click here

UNITED KINGDOM: Chevening Scholarship 2023/2024


All fields of study

  • University tuition fees;
  • A monthly stipend;
  • Travel costs to and from the UK;
  • An arrival allowance;
  • A homeward departure allowance;
  • The cost of one visa application;
  • A travel grant to attend Chevening events in the UK.


1 November 2022


Click here

SWITZERLAND: Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships



Research scholarships

All academic fields of research

  • Stipend: Postdoctoral research: CHF 3500/month;
  • Stipend: PhD and Research scholarship: CHF 1920/month;
  • Mandatory Swiss health insurance;
  • One-time lump sum of CHF 300.-with the first grant payment to help for payment of the housing deposit;
  • Flight allowance (lump sum) for a ticket back to their country of origin (provided at the end of the scholarship).


15 December 2022

Click here


Patrick & Margaret Flanagan Scholarship 2024

Rhodes University invites candidates to apply for the Patrick & Margaret Flanagan Scholarship for international full-time postgraduate study in 2024.

Eligibility: South African women with a good academic record and outstanding qualities are eligible to apply.

Period: A maximum of two years full-time postgraduate study.

Tenable: At any international university.

Value: Up to R750 000 per annum for two years.

Deadline: 29 September 2023


The Rhodes Scholarships for Southern Africa


Outstanding young graduates, from across Southern Africa, who excel academically; demonstrate leadership skills; are committed to making a difference in the broader community, both locally and internationally; and have the energy to fulfil their ambitions, are invited to submit their applications for Rhodes Scholarships.

If you are interested in applying for the 2023 academic year, applications open on 01 June 2022 and close on 01 August 2022.

Kindly review the Rhodes Trust website



Why Apply : Letter to high achievers at Rhodes University

Interested candidates are also referred to the following links:

· Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/RhodesTrust
· Twitter: https://twitter.com/rhodestrust
· YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/RhodesTrust

There is no doubt that being awarded a Rhodes Scholarships is a life-changing experience. Should you have any queries or if additional information is required, please do not hesitate to contact Bev Johnson, Regional Manager of the Rhodes Scholarships for Southern Africa, directly on e-mail: southernafrica.secretary@rhodestrust.com.


Abe Bailey Travel Bursary 2022

This is an opportunity for a study tour to the UK ( 22nd Nov 2022 – 18th Dec 2022).

Please click on the links below and read them carefully before you commence the process to ensure eligibility:

Conditions of Award


Tour Programme

RHODES CLOSING DATE: 25 April 2022 - no late or incomplete applications will be accepted


Applicant’s need to provide evidence of exceptional qualities of leadership and community service experience, and excellent grades. Other factors are taken into account when selecting.

  • Senior Students – 3rd yrs and above
  • Age 25 or less at the start of the tour
  • Must be South African national and have a valid South African passport
  • Demonstrates all round leadership
  • Applicants must have a strong academic record and proven record of community participation. public service ethic

PLEASE DO NOT APPLY if this will clash with exams, other interviews etc, as the successful candidate will undertake to attend this trip without the chance of bailing at that time!

There is an initial Rhodes screening process, with a Selection Committee of interviews for the top 6 applications received. The RU internal Interview date is 30th May 2022 (morning), those shortlisted for interview will be emailed of the time closer to the day. Please do not apply if you have other commitments on the day of the interview. The top three interviewees will be nominated to the Trust, who then make the final selection and advise us towards the end of June.

Docs required for this process:

1)   A personal letter of motivation as to why you are applying for the travel bursary to Britain;

2)   A current CV;

3)   Two recent letters of reference that address the suitability of the candidate to meet the Objectives of this travel bursary; 

Please co-ordinate carefully with your referees in the next few weeks so that your application is complete when delivered to our offices.

4)   Copies of ID, full University academic records (undergraduate and postgraduate (where relevant)).

5)   Copies of university merit/achievement certificates (limited to 5)

6)   Details of leadership roles in the community and at university; and

7)   A certified Copy of the Student’s Department of Health Vaccination Certificate.


RHODES CLOSING DATE: 25 April 2022 - no late or incomplete applications will be accepted


Kader Asmal Fellowship

The Kader Asmal Fellowship Programme is a fully-funded scholarship opportunity for study at any of over 1000 institutions of higher learning in Ireland. This is an opportunity for those who want to develop skills and knowledge to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals in South Africa.

Fellowships are offered for postgraduate study in:

  • Agriculture, Environmental Science, Conservation, Rural Development.
  • Food Science, Food Engineering and related.
  • Pharmacy, Biotechnology, Health, Medicine and Health Economics.
  • Development Studies, Peace Studies, Conflict Resolution and Humanitarian Action.
  • Social Policy, Social Research, Community Development and Sociology.
  • Law, Human Rights, Women's Studies, Gender Studies, Equality Studies.
  • Engineering, Hydrology, Sustainable Technology.
  • Economics, Finance, Accounting, Management and Business.
  • Information Systems and Communications Technology.

Applicants must:

  • Be a resident national of South Africa.
  • Have at least two years relevant work experience (can include internships and volunteering).
  • Hold an honours level academic qualification with a minimum grade point average of 75%.
  • Be seeking funding for a full-time postgraduate programme for the academic year 2021/2022.
  • Must not have applied for the Fellowship on more than one previous occasion.
  • Applicants already in possession of a Masters degree are not eligible.

What the Fellowship offers

  • university application fees.
  • tuition fees, examination and other fees.
  • economy travel to and from your country of residence to Ireland.
  • settling in allowance, book allowance and study allowance.
  • accommodation and a monthly personal living allowance (stipend)
  • the costs of an entry clearance (student visitor visa) application

How to apply


The application deadline is 31 August.

Email for information scholarships@canoncollins.org.uk


Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships 2020-2021

Each year the Swiss Confederation awards Government Excellence Scholarships to promote international exchange and research cooperation between Switzerland and over 180 other countries. Recipients are selected by the awarding body, the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students (FCS).

The Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships are aimed at young researchers from abroad who have completed a master’s degree or PhD and at foreign artists holding a bachelor’s degree.

Full details at:  https://www.sbfi.admin.ch/sbfi/en/home/education/scholarships-and-grants/swiss-government-excellence-scholarships.html

Types of scholarship

The research scholarship is available to post-graduate researchers in any discipline (who hold a master’s degree as a minimum) who are planning to come to Switzerland to pursue research or further studies at doctoral or post-doctoral level. Research scholarships are awarded for research or study at all Swiss cantonal universities, universities of applied sciences and the two federal institutes of technology. Only candidates nominated by an academic mentor at one of these higher education institutions will be considered.

Art scholarships are open to art students wishing to pursue an initial master’s degree in Switzerland.
Art scholarships are awarded for study at any Swiss conservatory or university of the arts. This scholarship is available to students from a limited number of countries only.

Submission deadline: 15 December 2019

The FCS will select scholarship holders for the 2020-21 academic year by the end of May 2020. Scholarships for the 2021-22 academic year will be advertised online from August 2020.


Commonwealth Master’s Scholarships UK 2020

Commonwealth Scholarships are aimed at individuals who could not otherwise afford to study for a Master’s in the UK.

Full details available at:  http://www.internationalscholarships.dhet.gov.za/UNITEDKINGDOMCommonwealthScholarship20202021.html

Closing date: 30 October 2019 for the Electronic Application System (EAS).  


Chevening Scholarships

We are pleased to inform you that the Chevening Scholarships are currently open for applications.

Chevening is the United Kingdom (UK) Government's global awards programme aimed at developing future leaders and influencers by offering fully-funded scholarships and fellowships to study in the UK.

Potential candidates must already have:

  • Have completed all components of an undergraduate degree that will enable you to gain entry onto a postgraduate programme at a UK university by the time you submit your application. This is typically equivalent to an upper second-class 2:1 honours degree in the UK.
  • Two (2) years work (paid or unpaid) experience and have demonstrated leadership skills in their field.
  • Applied for three courses at UK universities.

The closing date for applications is 5 November 2019.

For further information and to apply please go to  www.chevening.org


https://www.chevening.org/scholarships/ and ensure you read eligibility and criteria before you commence the application.


Mandela Washington Fellowship

The Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders is the flagship program of the U.S. Government’s Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI). Since 2014, nearly 4,400 young leaders from every country in Sub-Saharan Africa have participated in the Fellowship. The Fellows, between the ages of 25 and 35, are accomplished leaders and have established records of promoting innovation and positive impact in their communities and countries. The Mandela Washington Fellowship will bring up to 700 young leaders to the United States in the summer of 2020 for a comprehensive executive-style program that is designed to build skills and empower Fellows to lead in their respective sectors and communities.

Applications open September 12, 2019 and close October 9, 2019.

Fellowship Components
Leadership Institutes : Fellows participate in a Common Leadership Curriculum exercise.

Each year, the Fellows participate in six-week Leadership Institutes, studying Business, Civic Engagement, or Public Management at U.S. colleges or universities.  During their time on campus, Fellows connect with Americans and enrich local U.S. communities while sharing best practices.

Mandela Washington Fellowship Summit : After the Institutes, Fellows convene for a multi-day Summit in Washington, D.C., where they forge connections with one another and U.S. leaders from the private, public, and non-profit sectors, setting the stage for long-term engagement between the United States and Africa.

Professional Development Experiences (PDEs): Following the Summit, a group of competitively-selected Fellows remains in the United States for four weeks to work with private, public, and non-profit organizations. Both Fellows and Hosts benefit from discussing shared issues and challenges in their sectors, broadening their perspectives, and positioning U.S. organizations for international engagement.

The Mandela Washington Fellowship is open to young African leaders who meet the following criteria:

  • A proven record of leadership and accomplishment in business, civic engagement, or public service;
  • A demonstrated commitment to public or community service, volunteerism, or mentorship;
  • The ability to work cooperatively in diverse groups and to respect the opinions of others;
  • Strong social and communication skills;
  • An energetic, positive attitude;
  • A demonstrated knowledge of, interest in, and professional experience in the preferred sector/track; and
  • A commitment to return to Africa and apply leadership skills and training to benefit the applicant’s country and/or community after they return home.


  • Are citizens of and residents in a sub-Saharan African country;
  • Are between the ages of 25 and 35 at the time of application submission;
  • Are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents of the United States;
  • Are eligible to receive a United States J-1 visa;
  • Are not employees or immediate family members of employees of the U.S. Government;
  • Are proficient in reading, writing, and speaking English; and
  • Are not Alumni of the Mandela Washington Fellowship.

Additional information and the online application can be found at: mwfellows.info/apply


Call for Applications

NRF-Nuffic Doctoral Scholarships for Full-time Studies in 2020

*Only for students that have successfully completed their Masters degree, kindly circulate to anyone who may be interested*

Closing Date: 20 May 2019

The DST and NRF are pleased to announce a call for applications for Honours/BTech, Masters and Doctoral Scholarships for Full-time Studies in 2020.

In the process of reducing the high volume of applications received yearly, duplication of applications into different programmes and increasing the turnaround time of informing successful applicants, NRF - Nuffic Doctoral Scholarships in one framework document

The NRF Nuffic Doctoral scholarships are open to South African citizens and permanent residents.

  • Applicants may not hold this scholarship concurrently with any other NRF or South African/Netherlands government scholarship;
  • Provide a Master’s degree certificate or an official document from the university certifying that all requirements for the Master’s degree have been met and that they will be graduating;
  • Be intending to pursue full-time doctoral studies; and
  • Not hold full-time salaried employment during the tenure of the award.

Scholarships are intended to support Doctoral candidates to pursue studies in all areas of Science, Engineering, Technology, Social Sciences, and Humanities, including Priority Research Areas.

Applicants must apply on the NRF Online Submission System at https://nrfsubmission.nrf.ac.za and follow the application process set out in the attached Framework documents and Application and Funding Guides.


Postgraduate Scholarships in Spanish & Portuguese Universities


Fulbright Foreign Student Progam

2020 - 2021 Call for Applications

THE FULBRIGHT FOREIGN STUDENT PROGRAM provides grants for South African university graduates to pursue a Master’s or Doctoral degree at a United States university in any subject (excludes studies that require contact with patients).  Grants are awarded for two years towards one degree – Master’s or Doctorate (renewable each year).  Students are selected through a rigorous application and interview process and receive a high level of support ranging from visa processing and health insurance to a comprehensive pre-departure Orientation and re-entry session. Applications are open for 2020-2021 academic year and close April 19, 2019.


  • Be a SA citizen (Non-SA citizens are required to apply in their country of citizenship, even if they are resident in SA)
  • Have a four-year bachelors degree, a three-year bachelors degree plus honors year, or a four-year B-Tech degree when applying for Masters
  • Have a Master’s degree when applying for a Doctoral degree
  • For Non-Degree studies: Must be registered for PhD with a South African university

What do we look for in our applicants?

  • Academic excellence
  • Required scores for the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) and Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) for each specific field of study
  • Clearly written study objectives
  • Demonstrable ambassadorial skills with evidence of cultural sensitivity and a genuine desire to learn more about the United States and share with American citizens aspects of South African culture,
  • Experience and interest in extracurricular and community activities,
  • Evidence of ambition and leadership potential, and
  • A desire to further the Fulbright Program and give back to your home country upon returning.

The Selection Committee and the Interview Panel will also be looking for clear reasons for selecting your US university preferences. The Fulbright Awards Program expects candidates to conduct a thorough university search and to identify institutions which are a strong fit for their academic, personal and professional goals.                                                      

For more information: https://za.usembassy.gov/fulbright

Apply online: https://apply.iie.org/ffsp2020


Last Modified: Mon, 14 Oct 2024 15:59:38 SAST