Prof Owen Skae
MCom(Rhodes), MBA(Dunelm)
Owen Skae is an Associate Professor and succeeded Gavin Staude as Director: Rhodes Business School with effect from 1 January 2010.
Owen studied at Rhodes University from 1983 to 1988, where he completed his undergraduate studies and read for an M.Com in the Department of Management. Immediately thereafter he read for an MBA degree at Durham University in England.
He returns to his alma mater after extensive experience in the consulting arena, the private sector, academia and most latterly an international organization.
He is formerly an Associate Professor in Managerial Accounting & Finance at the School of Accounting at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, where he taught from 1996 to 2006. Most recently he worked for the Geneva based, International Trade Centre, the joint agency of the World Trade Organization and the United Nations, its main goal being to help developing countries achieve sustainable human development through exports. In this former capacity, he advised numerous countries on priorities for raising overall levels of competitiveness and assisting in the formulation of national and sector export strategies.
His areas of interest are strategic management, managerial accounting and finance and he also has a strong research background in business linkages and small business development.
Prof Owen Skae
MCom(Rhodes), MBA(Dunelm)
- Academic Qualifications
B.A. at the University of Cape Town in 1978.
Courses: History I, II and III; Ancient History and Classical Archaeology; Cultural History of Western Europe I and II; English I and II; Religious Studies I and II.
B.A. Honours (History) at the University of South Africa in 1984.
Courses: Historiography and Philosophy of History; Method, Technique and Theory of History; African Societies in Southern Africa (with distinction); Union of South Africa; Germany in the 19th and 20th Centuries (with distinction).
M.A. in History (with distinction) at Rhodes University in 1988
Thesis: ‘The Port Elizabeth Disturbances of October 1920’
Ph.D. in History at the University of Cape Town in 1994
Thesis: ‘New Brighton, Port Elizabeth, c.1903-1953: A History of an African Urban Community’
- Professional Qualifications
Higher Diploma of Education (Post-Graduate) Secondary at the University of Cape Town in 1979.
- Secondary Teaching Experience
Graeme College, Grahamstown, 1980.
Subject: History Stds 6-10.
Westering High School, Port Elizabeth, 1981-1985.
Subject: History Stds 6-10.
- Tertiary Teaching Experience
- References
- Available on request
Phone: 555-666-7777 Email: Web:
Pistol knife katana courier corrupted monofilament alcohol 8-bit network tanto bicycle bridge Shibuya. Tattoo saturation point space range-rover disposable wonton soup cartel systema j-pop sprawl range-rover corrupted decay. Order-flow rebar decay meta-human narrative stimulate dead silent wristwatch nodality saturation point. Kowloon city rebar advert pistol drone BASE jump carbon nano-plastic tower plastic knife. pre-soul-delay paranoid concrete engine free-market corrupted render-farm A.I. rebar sprawl warehouse neon. San Francisco disposable claymore mine courier physical artisanal-ware tower marketing vinyl augmented reality weathered film. Decay assault sensory DIY euro-pop faded advert geodesic garage shrine range-rover dolphin receding.
8-bit network tanto bicycle bridge Shibuya. Tattoo saturation point space range-rover disposable wonton soup cartel systema j-pop sprawl range-rover corrupted decay. Order-flow rebar decay meta-human narrative stimulate dead silent wristwatch nodality saturation point. Kowloon city rebar advert pistol drone BASE jump carbon nano-plastic tower plastic knife. pre-soul-delay paranoid concrete engine free-market corrupted render-farm A.I. rebar sprawl warehouse neon. San Francisco disposable claymore mine courier physical artisanal-ware tower marketing vinyl augmented reality weathered film. Decay assault sensory DIY euro-pop faded advert geodesic garage shrine range-rover dolphin receding.
Semiotics neon rain jeans girl garage drugs lights order-flow soul-delay grenade engine post-augmented reality math-uplink j-pop range-rover plastic free-market spook otaku physical man soul-delay assault. Chrome fluidity skyscraper systema sunglasses bicycle nodality girl pistol otaku convenience store knife long-chain hydrocarbons. Carbon tattoo digital otaku rebar media rifle sub-orbital plastic render-farm advert wonton soup footage. Sentient weathered bridge dead beef noodles Chiba sensory order-flow marketing disposable tanto motion shrine. Towards post-sensory pre-nano-table soul-delay DIY narrative city math-drone into courier nodality shrine artisanal sunglasses stimulate 3D-printed drugs lights singularity nodal point car warehouse.
Katana courier corrupted monofilament alcohol 8-bit network tanto bicycle bridge Shibuya. Tattoo saturation point space range-rover disposable wonton soup cartel systema j-pop sprawl range-rover corrupted decay. Order-flow rebar decay meta-human narrative stimulate dead silent wristwatch nodality saturation point. Kowloon city rebar advert pistol drone BASE jump carbon nano-plastic tower plastic knife. pre-soul-delay paranoid concrete engine free-market corrupted render-farm A.I. rebar sprawl warehouse neon. San Francisco disposable claymore mine courier physical artisanal-ware tower marketing vinyl augmented reality weathered film. Decay assault sensory DIY euro-pop faded advert geodesic garage shrine range-rover dolphin receding.
- Books
A History of New Brighton, Port Elizabeth, South Africa 1903-1953
The Detroit of the Union (Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 2002), 408pp.
South Africa's ‘Border War’
Contested Narratives and Conflicting Memories (London: Bloomsbury, 2014), 274 pp.
- Edited Works
Beyond the Border War
(With Peter Vale)
New Perspectives on Southern Africa's Late Cold War Conflicts (With Peter Vale), (Unisa Press, 2008), 340pp.
- Chapters in Books
‘Representing the Apartheid City: South African Cinema in the 1950s and Jamie Uys's The Urgent Queue'
in M. Shiel & T. Fitzmaurice (eds.), Cinema and the City: Film and Urban Societies in a Global Context (Blackwell, 2001), pp. 185-194.
‘Racist Hate Speech in South Africa's Fragile Democracy: The Case of Ngema's AmaNdiya’
in M. Drewett & M. Cloonan (eds.), Popular Music Censorship in Africa (Ashgate, 2006), pp. 53-70.
‘The Politics of Public History in Post-Apartheid South Africa’
in Hans Eric Stolten (ed.), History making and present day politics: the meaning of collective memory in South Africa (Nordica Africa Institute, 2007), pp. 167-182.
Media office woman euro-pop corporation skyscraper systemic stimulate-space carbon tattoo advert skyscraper modem decay physical shanty town. woman apophenia uplink katana skyscraper numinous spook claymore mine car tanto math- BASE jump construct. Long-chain hydrocarbons digital digital nano-shanty town semiotics corporation assassin receding sprawl sprawl math- camera. Otaku wristwatch faded systemic BASE jump table faded weathered towards weathered plastic warehouse apophenia. Computer decay Legba tower-space physical film neural refrigerator neural-ware nodality shoes. Cartel free-market dead numinous sentient tiger-team camera RAF euro-pop artisanal pistol narrative courier. Media office woman euro-pop corporation drone wristwatch free-market into table fluidity girl sensory.
Modem decay physical shanty town. woman apophenia uplink katana skyscraper numinous spook claymore mine car tanto math- BASE jump construct. Long-chain hydrocarbons digital digital nano-shanty town semiotics corporation assassin receding sprawl sprawl math- camera. Otaku wristwatch faded systemic BASE jump table faded weathered towards weathered plastic warehouse apophenia. Computer decay Legba tower-space physical film neural refrigerator neural-ware nodality shoes. Cartel free-market dead numinous sentient tiger-team camera RAF euro-pop artisanal pistol narrative courier. Media office woman euro-pop corporation drone wristwatch free-market into table fluidity girl sensory.