Peer-reviewed papers
- Aigbedion-Atalor, P.O., Wilson, D.D., Eziah, V.Y., Day, M.D. and Paterson, I.D. 2018. The distribution and abundance of the stem-galling fly, Cecidochares connexa (Marquart) (Diptera: Tephritidae), a biological control agent of Chromolaena odorata (L.) (Asteraceae), in Ghana. African Entomology 26(2): 471-480.
- Canavan, K., Paterson, I., Lambertini, C. and Hill, M.P. 2018. Expansive reed populations-alien invasion or disturbed wetlands? AoB Plants, 10(2), ply014.
- Canavan, K.,Paterson, I.D., Hill, M.P. and Dudley, T.L. 2018. Testing the Enemy Release Hypothesis on tall-statured grasses in South Africa, using Arundo donax, Phragmites australis and Phragmites mauritianus as models. Bulletin of Entomological Research: 1-14.
- Canavan, S., Meyerson, L.A., Packer, J.G., Pyšek, P., Maurel, N., Lozano, V., Richardson, D.M., Brundu, G., Canavan, K., Cicatelli, A. and Čuda, J. 2018. Tall-statured grasses: a useful functional group for invasion science. Biological Invasions, 1-22.
- Jones, R.W., Hill, J.M., Coetzee, J.A. and Hill, M.P. 2018. The contributions of biological control to reduced plant size and biomass of water hyacinth populations. Hydrobiologia 807: 377–388.
- Kwong, R.M., Sagliocco, J.L., Harms, N.E., Butler, K.L., Martin, G.D. and Green, P.T., 2019. Could enemy release explain invasion success of Sagittaria platyphylla in Australia and South Africa? Aquatic Botany 153, pp.67-72.
- Marsberg, T., Jukes, M.D., Krejmer-Rabalska, M., Rabalski, L., Knox, C.M., Moore, S.D., Hill, M.P. and Szewczyk, B., 2018. Morphological, genetic and biological characterisation of a novel alphabaculovirus isolated from Cryptophlebia peltastica (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Journal of invertebrate pathology 157: 90-99.
- Martin, G.D., Coetzee, J.A., Lloyd, M., Nombewu, S.E., Ndlovu, M.S. and Kwong, R.M., 2018. Invaded habitat incompatibility affects the suitability of the potential biological control agent Listronotus sordidus for Sagittaria platyphylla in South Africa. Biocontrol Science and Technology 28(5), pp.468-485.
- Martin, G.D., Coetzee, J.A., Weyl, P.S.R., Parkinson, M.C. and Hill, M.P. 2018. Biological control of Salvinia molesta in South Africa revisited. Biological Control 125: 74-80.
- Martin, G.D., Compton, S.G. and Coetzee, J.A. 2018. Plant-herbivore-parasitoid interactions in an experimental freshwater tritrophic system: higher trophic levels modify competitive interactions between invasive macrophytes. Hydrobiologia
- Martin, G.D., Hill, M.P., Coetzee, J.A., Weaver, K.N. and Hill, J.M. 2018. Synergies between research organisations and the wider community in enhancing weed biological control in South Africa. Biocontrol 63: 437-447.
- Moore, S.D., Kirkman, W., Peyper, M., Thackeray, S., Marsberg, T., Albertyn, S. and Hill, M.P. 2018. Development of a postharvest cold treatment for Cryptophlebia peltastica (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) for export of litchis from South Africa. Journal of Economic Entomology 111(6): 2637–2643.
- Mvandaba, S. F., Hill, M. P., Owen, C. A. and Coetzee, J. A. 2018. The thermal physiology of Stenopelmus rufinasus and Neohydronomous affinis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), two biological control agents for the invasive alien aquatic weeds Azolla filiculoides and Pistia stratiotes in South Africa. Biocontrol Science and Technology 29(1): 44-58.
- Nepgen, E. Moore, S.D. and Hill, M.P. 2018. Integrating chemical control with sterile insect releases in an IPM programme for Thaumatotibia leucotreta. Journal of Applied Entomology 142: 421-427.
- Osariyekemwen, O.U., Zachariades, C., Heshula, L.U. and Hill, M.P. 2018. Development and reproductive performance of a specialist herbivore depend on seasonality of, and light conditions experienced by the host plant. PLoS ONE 13(1):
- Strange, E.F., Hill, J.M. and Coetzee, J.A. 2018. Evidence for a new regime shift between floating and submerged invasive plant dominance in South Africa. Hydrobiologia 817:349–362.
- Sutton, G.F., Klein, H. and Paterson, I.D. 2018. Evaluating the efficacy of Hypogeococcus as a biological control agent of the cactaceous weed Cereus jamacaru in South Africa. Biological Control 63: 493-503.
Book chapters
- Coetzee, J.A., Hill, M.P., Hussner, A., Nunes, A.L. and Weyl, O.L.F. 2019. Chapter 16: Invasive aquatic species. In: (Ed) J. Hughes, Freshwater Ecology and Conservation. Approaches and Techniques
Last Modified: Mon, 08 Mar 2021 10:04:53 SAST