Peer-reviewed papers
- Aigbedion-Atalor, P.O., Adom, M., Day, M.D., Uyi, O., Egbon, I.N., Idemudia, I., Igbinosa, I.B., Paterson, I.D., Braimah, H., Wilson, D.D. and Zachariades, C. 2019. Eight decades of invasion by Chromolaena odorata (Asteraceae) and its biological control in West Africa: the story so far. Biological Control Science and Technology. 29: 1215-1233.
- Aigbedion-Atalor, P.O., Day, M.D., Idemudia, I., Wilson, D.D. and Paterson, I.D. With or without you: stem-galling of a tephritid fly reduces the vegetative and reproductive performance of the invasive plant Chromolaena odorata (Asteraceae) both alone and in combination with another agent. Biocontrol 64: 103-114.
- Aigbedion-Atalor, P.O., Hill, M.P., Zalucki, M.P., Obala, F., Idriss, G., Midingoyi, S., Chidege, M., Ekesi, S. and Mohamed, S.A. 2019. The South America tomato leafminer Tuta absoluta (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) spreads its wings in eastern Africa: distribution and socio-ecological impacts. Journal of Economic Entomology 112(6): 2797–2807.
- Canavan, K., Paterson, I.D., Hill, M.P. and Dudley, T.L. 2019 Testing the enemy release hypothesis on tall-statured grasses in South Africa, using Arundo donax, Phragmites australis, and Phragmites mauritianus as models. Bulletin of Entomological Research 109: 287-299.
- Chari, L. D., Mauda, E.V., Martin, G.D. and Raghu, S. 2019. Insect herbivores associated with Lycium ferocissimum (Solanaceae) in South Africa with reference to potential biological control. African Entomology 28(2).
- Goddard, M., Hill, M.P. and Moore, S.D. 2019. An analysis of the fruit-sucking and fruit-piercing moth complex in citrus orchards in South Africa. African Entomology 27(1): 1-9.
- Griffith, T. C., Paterson, I. D., Owen, C. A. and Coetzee, J. A. 2019. Thermal plasticity and microevolution enhance establishment success and persistence of a water hyacinth biological control agent. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 167(7): 616-625.
- Hoffmann, J.H., Moran, V.C. and Hill, M.P. 2019. Conceptualizing, categorizing and recording the outcomes of invasive plant species, at a population level. Biological Control 133: 134-137.
- Hussner, A., Smith, R., Mettler-Altmann, T., Hill, M.P. and Coetzee, J. 2019. Simulated global increases in atmospheric CO2 alter the tissue composition, but not the growth of some submerged aquatic plant bicarbonate users growing in DIC rich waters. Aquatic Botany 153: 44-50.
- Ivey, P., Hill, M.P. and Coetzee, J.A. 2019. South Africa tackles invasive plants. Nature 565(7738): 161.
- Kenfack Voukeng, S.N., Weyl, P.R.S., Hill, M.P. and Chi, N. 2019. The attitudes of riparian communities to the presence of water hyacinth in the Wouri River Basin, Douala, Cameroon. African Journal of Aquatic Science 44(1): 7–13.
- Kenfack-Voukeng, S.N., Coombes, C.A, Weyl, P.R.S, Djeugoue, F. and Hill, M.P. 2019. Morphological identification of fungi associated with Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.-Solms) Laubach in the Wouri-Basin, Cameroon. African Journal of Aquatic Science 44(3): 195-208.
- Kraus, E.C., Coetzee, J., van Noort, S. and Olmi, M. 2019. First record of an indigenous South African parasitoid wasp on an imported biological control agent, the water hyacinth hopper. Biocontrol Science and Technology.
- Kwong, R.M., Sagliocco, J.L., Harms, N.E., Butler, K.L., Martin, G.D. and Green, P.T. 2019. Could enemy release explain invasion success of Sagittaria platyphylla in Australia and South Africa? Aquatic Botany, 153: 67-72.
- Love, C.N., Moore, S.D. and Hill, M.P. 2019. The role of abiotic factors in the pupation of Thaumatotibia leucotreta Meyrick (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in the soil. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 21: 38–49.
- Martin, G.D., 2019. Addressing geographical bias: A review of Robinia pseudoacacia (black locust) in the Southern Hemisphere. South African Journal of Botany 125: 481-492.
- Maseko, Z., Coetzee, J.A. and Hill, M.P. 2019. Effect of shade and eutrophication on the biological control of Salvinia molesta (Salviniaceae) by the weevil Cyrtobagous salviniae (Coleoptera: Erirhinidae). Austral Entomology 58(3): 595–601.
- Miller, B.E., Coetzee, J. and Hill, M. 2019. Chlorophyll fluorometry as a method of determining the effectiveness of a biological control agent in post-release evaluations. Biocontrol Science and Technology 29(11): 1118-1122.
- Mnguni, S. 2019. Mating preferences of two species of Eccritotarsus (Hemiptera: Miridae). Biocontrol Science and Technology 29(12): 1146-1158.
- Mnqeta, Z., Paterson, I.D. 2019. Interactions between two biological control agents and their target weed: a beetle, a bug and a cactus weed. Biocontrol Science and Technology 29: 979-990.
- Motsoeneng, B, Jukes, M., Knox, C., Hill, M.P. and Moore, S. D. 2019. Genome analysis of a novel South African Cydia pomonella granulovirus (CpGV-SA) with resistance-breaking potential. Viruses: Insect Viruses and Pest Management 11(7): 658.
- Musedeli, J.N., Simelane, D.O., Hill, M.P. and Marais, M. 2019. Additive interaction between a root-knot nematode Meloidogyne javanica and a root-feeding flea beetle Longitarsus bethae on their host Lantana camara. Pest Management Science 76(1): 198-204.
- Mvandaba, S.F., Coetzee, J.A., Owen, C.A. and Hill, M.P. 2019. The thermal physiology of Stenopelmus rufinasus and Neohydronomus affinis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), two biological control agents for the invasive alien aquatic weeds, Azolla filiculoides and Pistia stratiotes in South Africa. Biocontrol Science and Technology 29(1): 44–58.
- Novoa, A., Brundu, G., Day, M.D., Deltoro, V., Essl, F., Foxcroft, L.C., Fried, G., Kaplan, H., Kumschick, S., Lloyd, S., Marchante, E., Marchante, H., Paterson, I.D., Pyšek, P., Richardson, D.M., Witt, A., Zimmermann, H.G. and Wilson J.R.U. 2019. Global actions for managing cactus invasions. Plants MDPI 8(10): 421.
- Owen, C. A., Van Noort, S., Compton, S. G. and Coetzee, J. A. 2019. Nest site choice by the intertidal spider Desis formidabilis (Araneae: Desidae) and nest utilization by its unusual hymenopteran egg parasitoid. Ecological Entomology 44: 62 -70.
- Paterson, I.D., Coetzee, J.A., Griffith, T., Voogt, N. and Hill, M.P. 2019. Crytpic species of water hyacinth biological control agent revealed in South Africa: host specificity, impact and thermal tolerance. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 167: 682-691.
- Paterson, I.D., Manheimmer, C.A. and Zimmermann, H.G. 2019. Prospects for biological control of cactus weeds in Namibia. Biocontrol Science and Technology 29(4): 393-399.
- Paterson, I.D., Muskett, P.C., Mdodana, L.A. and Vitorino, M.D. 2019. Pereskiophaga brasiliensis, a natural enemy of the invasive alien cactus Pereskia aculeata, is not suitably host specific for biological control in South Africa. Biocontrol Science and Technology 29(7): 715-719.
- Porter, J. D., Owen, C. A., Compton, S. G. and Coetzee, J. A. 2019. Testing the thermal limits of Eccritotarsus catarinensis: a case of thermal plasticity. Biocontrol Science and Technology 29(6): 565-577.
- Smith, R., Mangan, R. and Coetzee, J.A. 2019. Risk assessment to interpret the physiological host range of Hydrellia egeriae, a biocontrol agent for Egeria densa. BioControl64(4): 447-456.
- Strange, E.F., Landi, P., Hill, J.M. and Coetzee, J.A. 2019. Modelling top-down and bottom-up drivers of a regime shift in invasive aquatic plant stable states. Frontiers in Plant Science
- Sutton, G.F., Canavan, K., Day, M.D., Den Breeyen, A., Cristofaro, M., McConnachie, A., Goolsby, J.A. and Paterson, I.D. 2019. Grasses as suitable targets for classical weed biological control. BioControl 64(6): 605-622.
- Wennmann, J.T., Eigenbrod, M., Marsberg, T., Moore, S.D., Knox, C.M., Hill, M.P. and Jehle, J.A. 2019. Cryptophlebia peltastica nucleopolyhedrovirus is highly infectious to codling moth susceptible and resistant to Cydia pomonella granulovirus. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 85(17).
Book chapters
- Coetzee, J. A., Hill, M. P., Hussner, A., Nunes, A. L., and Weyl, O. L. F. 2019. Chapter 16. Invasive aquatic species. In: Freshwater Ecology and Conservation: Approaches and Techniques. Edited by Jocelyne M. R. Hughes: Oxford University Press DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198766384.003.0016. pp. 338-358.
Last Modified: Mon, 08 Mar 2021 10:07:19 SAST