Beit House

A four storey building, Beit House was completed in 1935 as one of the three residences which make up Courtenay-Latimer Hall.

Beit in summer


Situated in close proximity to the Library, Eden Grove, the Health Care Centre, the Campus Protection Unit, and the Students Union, Beit House is very centrally placed.
The 79 students all have single bedrooms, with shared ablution facilities, and the house warden's accommodation is in the residence.

To see a student room click Here


Beit is connected to ‘Resnet’, the University Computer Network which enables students to connect to the Web from their bedrooms. There are also many computer labs available on campus for you to use.


There are: an on site laundry facility, with 3 automatic washing machines  and 2 tumble driers; two shared living room areas each with a television set, DSTV, and a video recorder; a shared microwave; and 3 fridges.

Last Modified: Fri, 08 Jun 2018 09:38:50 SAST