Buhle Francis

Project Administrator & Researcher
Contact details:
Phone: +27(0) 632222304
Email: b.francis@ru.ac.za
MPhil in Environmental Management (Stellenbosch) BSc Hons degree in Forestry & Wildlife Management (NUST), Diploma in Forestry Resources (ZCF), Certificate in Project Management (ZIPAM)
Buhle Francis is Project Administrator and Researcher responsible for providing project coordination services, management and research at the One Ocean Hub Project at the ERLC. Buhle is responsible for the coordination of the OOH research activities between ERLC, Ichthyology and Biochemistry within Rhodes University as well as UCT, NMU and DUT. She further assists the ERLC - OOH PI with coordination of similar work in other countries.
Buhle has a wide range of experience in working in a diverse multicultural environment and is currently a PhD student with the Department of Environmental Science at Rhodes University. Buhle is also assisting the team with Research activities within the OOH.