Professor Eureta Rosenberg

Prof Eureta Rosenberg Profile 2

Dean: Education Faculty
Chair of Environment and Sustainability Education

Contact details:
Phone: +27(46) 603 7335

B.Med.Sc (UFS); B.Med.Sc.Hons (UFS); M.Med.Sc (UFS); B.A.Hons (Rhodes); MEd Environmental Education (Rhodes); PhD Environmental Education (Rhodes University)

Short Biography

Prof Rosenberg is the Dean of the Education Faculty and the Chair of Environment and Sustainability Education in the Environmental Learning Research Centre at Rhodes University. Her qualifications include an M.Sc. in Medical Science (Hematology), an Honours in Psychology and a Masters in Education with a focus on Environmental Education. Her PhD, which she obtained in 1995 as Eureta Janse van Rensburg, focussed on transformative research methodology. Her other scholarly interests include evaluation that supports organisational learning; strategic planning; research ethics suitable for a diversity of research traditions; skills for sustainability and green work and learning. She has worked in these and other areas both as academic (1991-2000 and again from 2016) and as independent consultant (2001-2016).

Prof Rosenberg collaborated with Wits University’s Centre for Research in Education and Labour (REAL) to coordinate a Green Skills Systems Building Programme in South Africa, focussed on the capacity of government, employers and education institutions to plan and provide for skills for an inclusive, greener economy and an environmentally sustainable, just society. This programme has resulted in a number of research reports and skills planning resources.

In 2018-2020 Eureta led a research programme in Monitoring and Evaluation in a SETA Environment, supported by Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETAs) the Department of Higher Education and Training and the National Skills Authority. Her other evaluation research projects include developing Participatory Monitoring, Evaluation, Reflection and Learning frameworks for natural resource management programmes, working with partners like the Association of Water and Rural Development (AWARD) in the Limpopo Province, and Tsitsa project implemented by Rhodes University and the Department of Environmental Affairs, Forestry and Fisheries in the Eastern Cape. Her most recent collaboration with organisations to think through evaluation systems that support learning and transformation, is with South African National Parks (SANParks), focussing on its strategic adaptive management trajectory and a review of park management plans.

Prof Rosenberg supervises M.Ed. and PhD students and Post-Doctoral Fellows in these and related research areas. She is a member of the Environmental Education Association of Southern Africa’s Council and the editor-in-chief of the Southern African Journal of Environmental Education. At her academic home, Rhodes University, she serves as the Dean of the Education Faculty, Chair of the Education Faculty Research Ethics Committee and Chair of the Rhodes University Research Ethics Committee.

Her publications list can be accessed at

Teaching Experience

Prof Rosenberg has co-developed and co-presented the Masters in Education (Environmental Education), a pioneering course introduced in 1990 at Rhodes University, as well as a series of national and international short courses in environment and sustainability education. She played a leading role with colleagues in developing an innovative case study based research methodology programme in the Education Department. Most recently she supported post-graduate students, staff and post-doctoral fellows from Environmental Science and the Institute for Water Research to develop an online introductory course titled “Facilitating Social Learning and Stakeholder Engagement in Natural Resource Management Contexts”

Research and Evaluation

  1. GREEN SKILLS RESEARCH: Eureta worked with colleagues to pioneer and inform research on and for green skills in South Africa. This included research on green skills demand in industries such as agriculture, mining, chemicals and in state procurement, as well as championing green economy initiatives in general. This researchis being used to feed into the national skills planning system but also to pilot methodology and develop tools for further green skills demand articulation studies and planning. She offered a green skills research and planning course in partnership with Wits REAL. This work has resulted in several publications including a co-authored book published by Routledge, titled “Green Skills Research: Models, Cases and Methods”.

  2. EVALUATION RESEARCH: Eureta has conducted evaluations for local NGOs, international donors, business, local and antional government. In addition to evaluation of environmental education projects and programmes, she works with organisations to develop practical evaluation tools and frameworks with a strong theoretical and conceptual basis, as well as associated capacity building programmes. She supported climate change and natural resource management programmes to develop participatory monitoring, evaluation and reporting frameworks. Her evaluation projects tend to evolve into strategic planning and programme development processes, hence also creating a scholarly and practical interest in organisational learning. Her research into evaluation processes has been published and presented at international conferences and local think-tanks. 

  3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY AND ETHICS: A  theme across Eureta’s intellectual and practical project is interrogating and developing enquiry methodologies that are transformative, generative, and suitable for studying the complex, open systems that comprise (social) learning, teaching, education and capacity development. The ethical requirements for social science research in general is a recent scholarly focus, informed by the observation that ethical clearance procedures can easily become simply procedural, reducing the ethical agency of the researcher. Her work with the ethics structures at Rhodes University aims to keep alive real ethical considerations, while streamlining approval processes.

    Eureta has successfully supervised three PhD and 33 M.Ed. studies in Environmental Education, and supports Post-Doctoral Fellows working in trans-disciplinary areas across Education and the Sciences. She is currently supervising four more PhD and two M.Ed. students. Her research supervision interests include: skills and competencies for sustainability, green economy skills planning and provisioning; curriculum development and higher education transformation; evaluation and organisational learning; research methodology, mixed methods, critical realism and research ethics; education and social change; and climate change education context.




Last Modified: Mon, 09 May 2022 14:42:01 SAST