Master of Education
The Faculty of Education has diverse expertise spanning community learning, early childhood education, higher education, environmental education and schooling (education leadership, adult-based education and training, primary education, curriculum studies, inclusive education, science, geography, mathematics, ICT and language education) as well as expertise in learning theory and innovative and generative research. This, together with the research chairs in the Education Faculty, ensure that we are well-equipped to supervise and guide research that is guided by well-articulated research programmes that are strongly grounded in the needs of the education profession.
Fields and Specialisms
The Education Faculty may have capacity for supervision in the following fields or specialisms for Master's level study:
Academic Development
Education Leadership and Management
English Language Teaching
Environmental Education
Geography Education
Higher Education Studies
Inclusive Education and Special Needs
Information and Communication Technology
Mathematics Education
Primary Education
Science Education
Please communicate with the relevant Department or Institute to explore possibilities for supervision. Ideally, you should have identified and spoken to a potential supervisor and include this person’s name in your Master’s application.
The minimum entry requirement is usually the postgraduate Bachelor of Education Honours degree or an honours degree plus PGCE or PGDip (HE) with, in each case, a credit in the underlying discipline at least at the second-year level and at least three years of teaching experience in the field of MEd specialisation. This does not apply to Educational Leadership & Management and Environmental Education.
Centre for Higher Education Research, Teaching and Learning
The MEd offered by CHERTL is aimed at engaging students in the scholarship of Higher Education. It is designed as a deliberative space in which personal experience in Higher Education offers a platform for research around relevant issues to develop greater insight and understanding and inform practice.
Centre for Higher Education Research, Teaching and Learning Studying
Education Department
An MEd degree in the Education Department may be undertaken in any approved field of educational research, depending on the availability of supervisory staff.
Currently, the Education Department can supervise studies with the following research foci:
Education Leadership and Management
English Language Teaching
Environmental Education (see below the ELRC)
Geography Education
Mathematics Education
Primary Education
Science Education
Inclusive Education and Special Needs
Information and Communication Technology
Environmental Learning Research Centre
The Masters degree in Environmental Education (or supervised by those in the ELRC) is designed for practising environmental education, training and development practitioners, including teachers with various subject specialism, lecturers and other adult educators, curriculum or resource developers, journalists, writers, researchers, conservationists, development workers and social learning facilitators, and others.
Environmental Learning Research Centre Studying
Institute for the Study of Englishes in Africa
The Institute for the Study of Englishes in Africa offers full thesis MEd in the areas of teaching of literature, reading and writing in English in school through structured reading for a research proposal and literature review and thesis supervision.
Further Information
Applicants with qualifications from Institutes outside of South Africa need to ensure that they have obtained a qualification that is equivalent to the South African NQF Level 8. Evaluation of Foreign Qualifications - SAQA has more information on this.
Last Modified: Thu, 17 Oct 2024 12:48:29 SAST