1)             Books

Macleod, C. (2011).  ‘Adolescence’, pregnancy and abortion: Constructing a threat of degeneration.  London: Routledge.

Vincent, L. Puzzles in Contemporary Political Philosophy. An Introduction. Van Schaik publishers. Due for release in 2012.

2)            Book chapters

 Macleod, C. (in press). “Adolescent pregnancy”: a feminist issue. In A. Cherrie (Ed.), Handbook of Global Adolescent Pregnancy: Medical, Psychosocial, and Public Health Responses. New York: Springer

 Macleod, C. (in press). Feminist Health Psychology and abortion: towards a politics of transversal relations of commonality. In C. Horrocks and S. Johnson (Eds) Advances in Health Psychology. London: Sage.

 Macleod, C. & Tracey, T. (in press). Pregnancy amongst young women in South Africa. In A. Cherrie (Ed.), Handbook of Global Adolescent Pregnancy: Medical, Psychosocial, and Public Health Responses. New York: Springer.

Vincent, L. (2012). ‘From Suffrage to Silence. The Politics of the Afrikaner Nationalist Women’s Parties’ in Kathleen Blee and Sandra McGee Deutsch (eds.). Women of the Right. Comparisons and Exchanges Across National Borders. Penn State University Press. In press.

Vincent, L. (2011). ‘Capacity and State Legitimacy in Fragile Environments’ in African Capacity Indicators – A Flagship publication of the African Capacity Building Foundation. Harare: ACBF.

Macleod, C. (2006).  Early reproduction and gendered assumptions about adolescence and adolescent (hetero)sexuality.  In T. Shefer F. Boonzaier & P. Kiguwa (Eds.), The Gender of Psychology (pp. 121-134). Lansdowne: UCT Press.

Vincent, L. (2006). ‘Non-State Actors in International Relations’ in Power, Wealth and Global Order. An International Relations Textbook for Africa. Philip Nel and Patrick McGowan (eds.). Third Edition. Cape Town: UCT Press.     

 3)            Journal articles

To view the full articles of C. Macleod, click on the link below:


To view the full articles of L. Vincent, click on the links next to the articles


Macleod, C. & Feltham-King, T. (2012). Representations of the subject ‘woman’ and the politics of abortion: an analysis of South African newspaper articles from 1978 to 2005. Culture, Health & Sexuality: An International Journal for Research, Intervention and Care, DOI:10.1080/13691058.2012.685760.

Vincent, L. (2012). ‘Shaking a Hornets’ Nest. The Politics of Abortion Counselling in South Africa’. Culture, Health and Sexuality14(2),125-138  http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/13691058.2011.627469

 Vincent, L. ‘Abortion Counselling: Health Care Provision or Moral Preaching?’ Under review -- Studies in Family Planning.


Macleod, C., Sigcau, N., & Luwaca, P. (2011). Culture as a discursive resource opposing legal abortion. Critical Public Health, 21(2), 237-245.

Vincent, L. ‘Abortion Counselling: Health Care Provision or Moral Preaching?’ Under review -- Studies in Family Planning.

Vincent, L. (2011). ‘Seducing the People. Populism and the Challenge to Democracy in South Africa’. Journal of Contemporary African Studies 29 (1): 1-14. http://0-www.tandfonline.com.wam.seals.ac.za/doi/full/10.1080/02589001.2011.533056

Vincent, L. (2011). ‘South Africa’s Abortion Values Clarification Workshops. An Opportunity to Deepen Democratic Communication Missed’. Journal of Asian and African Studies46(3), 264-277   http://0-jas.sagepub.com.wam.seals.ac.za/content/46/3/264.full.pdf+html

Vincent, L and T. Lamb. (2011). ‘When Breast is Not Best. Young Women and Breast Reduction Surgery in South Africa’. Agenda  http://0-www.tandfonline.com.wam.seals.ac.za/doi/full/10.1080/10130950.2011.610978


Macleod, C., & Tracey, T. (2010). A decade later: follow-up review of South African research on the consequences of and contributory factors in teen-aged pregnancy. South African Journal of Psychology, 40(1), 18-31.

Vincent, L. (2010). ‘Re-thinking Rugby and the Rainbow Nation’. Journal of African Media Studies 2.3.  http://0web.ebscohost.com.wam.seals.ac.za/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=3&hid=14&sid=251857bd-7997-4ce0-ae4f-5ba77a954b13%40sessionmgr11


Macleod, C. (2009). Why we should avoid the term “post-abortion syndrome”: Commentary on Boulind and Edwards (2008). Journal of Psychology in Africa, 19(3), 423-428.

 Macleod, C. (2009).  Danger and disease in sex education: the saturation of ‘adolescence’ with colonialist assumptions.  Journal of Health Management, 11(2), 375-389.

Vincent, L. (2009). ‘Moral Panic and the Politics of Populism’. Representations  45(2): 213-221, July. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00344890902945871

Vincent, L. (2009). ‘Polygamy in the Recognition of Customary Marriages Act’. Agenda Special Edition: Gender and the Legal System, vol. 82: pp58-65. http://0-www.tandfonline.com.wam.seals.ac.za/doi/pdf/10.1080/10130950.2009.9676275

Vincent, L. and B. Camminga.(2009). ‘Putting the “T” into South African Human Rights. Transsexuality and the Post Apartheid Order’. Sexualities. Vol. 12, no.6, pp.678-700. http://0-sex.sagepub.com.wam.seals.ac.za/content/12/6/678.full.pdf+html


Macleod, C. (2008).  Developing principles for research about young women and abortion: a feminist analysis of difficulties in current South African studies.  Feminist Africa, 11, 55-72.

Vincent, L. (2008). ‘Boys will be Boys’. Traditional Xhosa Male Circumcision, HIV and Sexual Socialisation in Contemporary South Africa’. Culture, Health and Sexuality10 (5): 431-446. http://0-web.ebscohost.com.wam.seals.ac.za/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=3&hid=14&sid=547298bf-6153-4a5d-9af2-b457bf85d3a7%40sessionmgr11

Vincent, L. (2008). ‘Cutting Tradition – the Political Regulation of Circumcision Rites in South Africa’s New Democratic Order’. Journal of Southern African Studies 34 (1): 77-91. http://0-web.ebscohost.com.wam.seals.ac.za/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=3&hid=14&sid=e1dba796-de75-471e-b756-325a6df89b69%40sessionmgr13 

Vincent, L. (2008). ‘New Magic for New Times: Muti Murder in Postcolonial South Africa’ in Health and Nutritional Problems of Indigenous Populations, Kaushik Boses (ed.). Studies of Tribes and Tribals, Special Issue, vol. 2: 43-53.

Vincent, L. (2008). ‘The Limitations of Inter-Racial Contact – Stories from Young South Africa’. Ethnic and Racial Studies 31 (8): 1426-1451. . http://0-web.ebscohost.com.wam.seals.ac.za/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=3&hid=11&sid=9bd3c74d-e104-4c8c-8456-eae8e0bf6551%40sessionmgr10

Vincent, L.(2008). ‘Women’s Rights Get a Dressing Down. The Politics of Mini Skirt Attacks in South Africa’. The International Journal of the Humanities 6 (6): 11-18.


Vincent, L; D. (2007). Edwards and C. Brereton. ‘Changing to Stay the Same. The Re-invention of Virginity Testing’. Jenda. A Journal of Cultural and Women’s Studies Issue 11.

Vincent, L. (2007). Steve Biko and Stoned Cherrie: Refashioning the body politic in democratic South Africa. African Sociological Review 11 (2): 80-93. http://www.codesria.org/IMG/pdf/06_Vincent.pdf


Bowes, T., & Macleod, C. (2006).  The characteristics of women seeking termination of pregnancy at an urban-based government hospital in the Eastern Cape.  Curationis, 29(4), 4-11.

Vincent, L. (2006). ‘Destined to Come to Blows? Race and Masculinites in Post-Apartheid South Africa. Men and Masculinities 8 (3): 350-366.  http://0-jmm.sagepub.com.wam.seals.ac.za/content/8/3/350.full.pdf+html  

Vincent, L. (2006). ‘Of No Account? South Africa’s Electoral System (Non) Debate’. Journal of Contemporary African Studies 24 (1): 81-100. http://0-web.ebscohost.com.wam.seals.ac.za/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=3&hid=11&sid=f892775f-3d19-4786-93da-eba8d5456720%40sessionmgr15 

Vincent, L. (2006). ‘Virginity Testing in South Africa: Re-Traditioning the Postcolony’.Culture, Health and Sexuality. January-February 8 (1): 17-30. http://0-web.ebscohost.com.wam.seals.ac.za/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=3&hid=11&sid=60655852-12ed-4099-aaa4-2de2a9ae354a%40sessionmgr14

Vincent, L and C. McEwen. (2006). ‘Labouring to Love: Romantic Love and Power in the Construction of Middle Class Femininity’. Indian Journal of Gender Studies 13 (1): 37-59. http://0-ijg.sagepub.com.wam.seals.ac.za/content/13/1/37.full.pdf+html

 4).        Commissioned book reviews in refereed journals

Vincent, L.( 2009). ‘Review of A Man who is Not a Man’. Wordstock, National Arts Festival.

Vincent, L. (2007). ‘Review of Women in South African History edited by Nomboniso Gasa’. HSRC Press 2007. Journal of Commonwealth and Comparative Politics.

 5).        Other publications

Vincent, L. (2011). ‘Pregnant Pupils a Useful Distraction from Other Social Ills’. Daily Dispatch 12 March. 

Vincent, L. (2009). Polygamy. Cape Times.

Vincent, L. (2009). Populism. Cape Times.

Vincent, L. (2009). ‘Raw and Rotten Manhood’. Wordstock 6 July:3.

Vincent, L. (2008). ‘What is the Point of Studying the Humanities?’ Mail and Guardian Post-Matric Supplement 26 September.

Vincent, L. (2008). ‘Mini-skirt Wearing Women a Magnet for Violence?’ Mail and Guardian 22 May.


Last Modified: Tue, 17 Jul 2012 15:28:41 SAST