The Amanzi for Food project is a WRC funded research project in which the ELRC has shared rain water harvesting techniques that the WRC documented in various reports, with participants.
One of the ways in which the ELRC has shared this information with farmers and agricultural practitioners at large is through a course called the Training of Trainers course. This course introduces participants to the RWH&C materials of the WRC. Participants are supported through the course and assignments in implementing RWH&C practices. A change project is part of the assignment, therefore participants presented posters which are a summery of the change projects and productive demonstration sites of the groups formed in the EC course.
The course has been run in the Eastern Cape, Mpumalanga and the Noth West.
A recent graduation ceremony hosted by the ELRC celebrated participants of the Amanzi for Food Training of Trainers course. All participants received attendance letters while those who also completed assignments graduated with a NQF Level 5/6 certification.
For more information on this project please visit the Amanzi for Food website.