BSc (Hons), MSc, PhD (University of Port Elizabeth)
Tel: +27 (0) 466038415
Professor Warwick Sauer has been involved in African fisheries for 34 years, first as a commercial fisherman, then as a Principal Oceanographer in a government institution in South Africa, and for the last 24years a member of Rhodes University, South Africa with ten years as Head of Department of Ichthyology and Fisheries Science. He has vast experience in project procurement and in monitoring and evaluation, responsible for more than 90 projects in 2021. He has published over 160 manuscripts in rated peer reviewed international journals, edited two books and numerous book chapters; sat on numerous international panels, has supervised over 60 post graduate students, and led or participated in more than 50 consulting projects. He has prepared numerous complex project evaluations and reports. Prof Sauer has a South African National Research Foundation B2 rating, a google scholar h factor of 45 with some 5800 citations. He has worked extensively internationally, and in more than 20 African countries, with much of the research and consulting involving the management of marine resources, for example implementation of the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries, the development and application of fisheries policy, the development of fisheries management plans, combatting IUU, and Monitoring surveillance and compliance.
Fish ecology, Fisheries development, Fisheries management, IUU/MCS, Aquaculture and fisheries business planning, Fisheries Governance. Sector planning, Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation, Project appraisal, Procurement.
Sauer, W.H.H., Roberts M.J., Lipinski, M.R., Smale, M.J., Hanlon, R.T., Webber, D.M. and O’Dor R.K. (1997).Choreography of the squid’s ‘nuptial dance’. Biol. Bull 192: 203-207
Cochrane, K.L., J. Joyner, W. Sauer and J. Swan. (2015). An evaluation of the Marine Living Resources Act and supporting legal instruments as a framework for implementation of an ecosystem approach to fisheries in South Africa. Afr. J. mar. Sci.
Popova, E., Yool, A., Byfield, V., Cochrane, K., Coward, A.C., Salim, S.S., Gasalla, M.A., Henson, S.A., Hobday, A.J., Pecl, G., Sauer, W. and Roberts, M. (2016), From global to regional and back again: common climate stressors of marine ecosystems relevant for adaptation across five ocean warming hotspots. Glob Change Biol. Accepted Author Manuscript. doi:10.1111/gcb.13247
Zoë A. Doubleday, Thomas A.A. Prowse, Alexander Arkhipkin, Graham J. Pierce, Jayson Semmens, Michael Steer, Stephen C. Leporati, Sílvia Lourenço, Antoni Quetglas, Warwick Sauer, and Bronwyn M. Gillanders. (2016) Global proliferation of cephalopods. Current Biology, 26 R387–R407
Warwick H. H. Sauer, Ian G. Gleadall, Nicola Downey-Breedt, et al (2021) World Octopus Fisheries, Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture, 29:3, 279-429, DOI: 10.1080/23308249.2019.1680603
Mullins, R. B., McKeown, N. J., Sauer, W. H. H., and Shaw, P. W. (2018) Genomic analysis reveals multiple mismatches between biological and management units in yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares). – ICES Journal of Marine Science, doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsy102.
Last Modified: Fri, 10 Feb 2023 14:56:29 SAST