Rhodes>Information Systems>Studying>Masters & Doctoral>IS Postgraduate Applications


The information below will guide you through the stages of applying for senior postgraduate studies in the Department of Information Systems.

A) If you are not currently a Rhodes student and if your most recent degree was not done at Rhodes.

Stage 1:
You need to perform an initial ROSS registration online at https://ross.ru.ac.za/ following this ROSS Registration Guide.

Stage 2:
Once registered on ROSS, your application needs to be evaluated by submitting all of the following documents by email to ISPostGrad@ru.ac.za

  • Rhodes reference number (obtained from the initial ROSS registration process in Stage 1)
  • Your academic transcript
  • Your CV including any publications and/or relevant work-related activities
  • A copy of your most recent research submission (usually an Honours research report if applying for Masters studies, or a copy of your Master’s thesis if applying for PhD studies)
  • An outline of your research interest (you may have more than one) that should align to research areas supported by academic staff in the department.
  • Whether you intend to study full-time or part-time
  • Whether you will be based locally or elsewhere
  • How do you intend to fund your studies
  • The contact details of an academic reference (e.g. current or past supervisor) indicating: name, title, university, phone, email, and relationship 

The subject line of the email should make it clear that you are applying for either Masters or Doctoral studies, and include the Rhodes reference number.

Important: Your application will not be considered until all the required information has been provided. Note that if your highest qualification was completed at a university outside of South Africa then you may be required to confirm the NQF level of that qualification to ensure that you meet the admission requirements for the degree you are applying for (see www.saqa.org.za).

Stage 3:
We will confirm receipt of your application as soon as possible after it has been submitted – please email ISPostGrad@ru.ac.za if you have not heard from us within two weeks of applying.

Your application will be evaluated based on your academic record, evidence of research ability, your research proposal and the availability of supervisory capacity within your area of interest. A potential supervisor may contact you directly to further explore your research interests or available research projects. A research proposal will still need to be produced.

As far as possible we prefer higher degree candidates to be based locally for at least the first year of their postgraduate studies, since students in their first year of postgraduate study are usually required to attend a series of research workshops and colloquia scheduled throughout the academic year.

Stage 4:
It may take some time for a decision to be made regarding the outcome of your application.

If your application meets our departmental criteria and a suitable supervisor is available then the University’s central application system will send you an email asking you to complete the rest of the application online, which includes providing information such as whether you require accommodation in a university residence, and details of the person responsible for fee payment. Successful applicants are expected to make their own arrangements with regards to funding in respect of academic fees, accommodation, subsistence and travel.

If we are unable to accommodate you on our program, then you will be contacted directly by a member of the Department.

B) If you are currently studying at Rhodes or if your most recent degree was done at Rhodes

You will need to consult with the M&D Manager in person or via email to discuss your intention to pursue further postgraduate studies. You will be advised further as to what is required.

Last Modified: Tue, 08 Oct 2024 16:40:39 SAST