Rhodes>IWR>People>Alumni>Sithenkosi Mamkeli

Sithenkosi “Sthe” Mamkeli

Email: s.mamkeli@ru.ac.za  picture of Sthe


SUPERVISOR: Dr Paul Kojo Mensah


WORKING TITTLE OF THESIS: Culturing of commercial alga toxicity test kit for ecotoxicological                               experiments                                                    

Brief Biography and Research focus

I am Sithenkosi Mamkeli, born in Port Elizabeth and grew up in King Williams Town. I am doing my last year of my diploma (Analytical Chemistry) where am doing in-service training, the training is accompanied by a Research Project and log book which is basically a monthly report of activities I’m doing every month. I did my 2 years full time studies at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU) in Analytical Chemistry. My job is to set up and develop framework for aquatic invertebrate database; assists students and staff with research projects; capture, transcribe data to database using previous aquatic invertebrate’s collections and field records; collect, sorting macro-invertebrate bio-monitoring samples; run statistical analysis and report writing.

My focus on my current research is to culture the commercial alga toxicity test kit and run ecotoxicological experiments, all of that is done in the lab no field trip. My research interest is in bio-monitoring and ecotoxic experiments.

Last Modified: Thu, 17 Sep 2015 16:36:43 SAST