Title: Current postgraduate students supervised by Lee Watkins at ILAM

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Title: Current postgraduate students supervised by Lee Watkins at ILAM


ILAM PhD Student 2020 

 Thobeka Veronica-Ndlebe September. Ph D. Topic: The “little jazz towns” of the Eastern Cape: Constructing the heritage of jazz as it prevails in the memories and sounds of veteran musicians in Queenstown and King William’s Town.


 phd student

Elijah Madiba. Ph D. Topic: The Harepa music of Limpopo: Heritage, decline and revivalism of an imported musical instrument.




 PhD student

Rakesh Kumar. Ph D. Topic: Liminality and states of being in the contemporary music performances of goma/dhamal among Afro-Indian (Siddi) performers and audiences in Gujarat, India.



 Phd Student

Nicole Pooley. Ph D. Topic: Beyond the Digital Return: New Heritage/s, Sustainability, and the Decolonisation of Music Archives in South Africa.


 Qawekazi Masters student

Qhawekazi Giyose. MA. Topic: Traditional jazz songs in East London and their role as repositories of a collective memory about the jazz music heritage of the Eastern Cape, 1940-1970.



Masters student 

Nontuthu Mtsini. MA. Topic: Tradition and change in the imfene dance of amaMpondo in Ntabankulu district of the Eastern Cape Province.




Masters student 

Yamkela Ntshakaza. MMus. Topic: Traditional knowledge, music and healing among traditional healers of the Eastern Cape.