Rhodes>Psychology>Courses>Masters & PhD by Thesis

Masters & PhD by Thesis

Masters(MA) & Doctorate(PhD) by Thesis

A Masters degree by thesis in Psychology (MA) may be undertaken on a full-time or part-time basis.  Students should normally have a disciplinary background in Psychology or Organisational Psychology, and have a strong undergraduate and postgraduate academic record, particularly for courses and projects related to social scientific research and research methodologies. Selection is contingent on supervisory capacity within the Psychology Department in a student’s proposed field of research. Under the supervision of a staff member, a student would produce a research proposal that is approved by appropriate Departmental, Faculty and University research and ethics committees, and produce a full length (150 page) dissertation that is externally examined. This degree is 100% research based (no coursework, no supervised practicum, no internship), and does not lead to professional registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa as a Registered Counsellor, Psychometrist, Research Psychologist, Organisational Psychologist, Clinical Psychologist or Counselling Psychologist.

A Doctorate by thesis in Psychology (PhD) may be undertaken on a full-time or part-time basis.  Students should normally have disciplinary background in Psychology or Organisational Psychology, or allied social scientific disciplines, have a strong undergraduate and postgraduate academic record, particularly for courses and projects related to social scientific research and research methodologies, and have demonstrable experience in social scientific research methodologies. Selection is contingent on supervisory capacity within the Psychology Department in a student’s proposed field of research. Under the supervision of a staff member with a Doctorate, a student would produce a research proposal that is approved by appropriate Departmental, Faculty and University research and ethics committees, and produce a full length (300 page) dissertation that is externally examined.  This degree is 100% research based (no coursework, no supervised practicum, no internship), and does not lead to professional registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa as a Registered Counsellor, Psychometrist, Research Psychologist, Organisational Psychologist, Clinical Psychologist or Counselling Psychologist.

Application Process:


Step 1: Identify a potential supervisor

First investigate the research interests of the staff in the department to see if any align with your own. Initiate contact with a potential supervisor to discuss your proposed research. For your application to be successful, the University will ascertain whether it has the capacity to provide you with the requisite research supervision. Staff profiles and information about their research interests can be viewed here.


Step 2: Departmental consideration

Once a potential supervisor has agreed to support your application you are required to apply for departmental consideration before applying for registration at the university.

The online application is accessed here.

You will be required to upload your application document as one pdf file*.  The document should include in this order:

  1. A 2 page summary CV,
  2. Your research outline, the structure of this outline is accessed here
  3. Copies of all academic transcripts

*(Save the file name as: Name Surname MA or PhD dept con & date of submission eg: John Smith MA dept con 02032021)

Once we have received your application your proposed supervisor and an internal departmental committee will review your application and decide whether you have the academic potential to complete a thesis and whether the department has expertise in the relevant area and capacity to provide supervision. 


Closing date for applications 25 March 2025.


Step 3: Apply to register

If the department supports your application you will be issued with a letter of recommendation and you may then apply to register at the university online here. 

You will be required to upload:

  1. academic transcripts
  2. Letter of recommendation from the department

The Registrar’s office will forward your application to the Head of Department (Psychology) and the Dean of the faculty for approval. Once their approval has been obtained you will receive a letter from the Registrar approving your application. You must sign this letter and return it to Academic Administration. You are then officially registered


For further information and assistance please contact the MA and PhD programme coordinator, Dr Sandiso Bazana s.bazana@ru.ac.za

*Please note that although you can apply and register up until these dates,
we encourage potential students to apply well in advance. You are required to have
a completed faculty approved research proposal done within your 1st year of








Last Modified: Tue, 28 Jan 2025 09:09:00 SAST