Professor Helliker is a Professor Emeritus in the Department. He is a Research Professor and continues to head the Unit of Zimbabwean Studies which he founded in 2015. He is currently finalising two co-edited books on Zimbabwe, one on natural resource contestations and the other on civil society in Matabeleland.
In 2024, he initiated a Research Project on Agroecology and Rural Futures, with a focus on the Eastern Cape Province specifically but also South Africa and the southern African region more broadly. He is researching “forgotten foods” in the Eastern Cape province, specifically sorghum and millet, and undertaking analytical work around metabolic and technological rifts in relation to agroecology.
Research Interests: agroecology, agrarian and land reform, urban and rural livelihoods, just climate transition, state theory, civil society and social movements.
Academic Publications:
a) Articles and Chapters
Chadambuka, Patience and Kirk Helliker (published on-line). “Culture, politics and material landscaping as strategies of belonging: the case of ex-farm workers of foreign origin in Bushu communal areas, Zimbabwe”, Canadian Journal of African Studies.
Chadambuka, Patience and Kirk Helliker (published on-line). “Communal land and belonging among foreign farm workers in Zimbabwe”, African Studies, 82(2).
Matanzima, Joshua, Kirk Helliker and Nedson Pophiwa (2023). “Borders, borderlands and borderlanders”. In: Nedson Pophiwa, Joshua Matanzima and Kirk Helliker (Eds). Lived Experiences of Borderland Communities in Zimbabwe: Livelihoods, Conservation, War and Covid-19. London: Routledge.
Moyo, Gorden and Kirk Helliker (2023), “Concluding reflections on change and continuity”. In: Gorden Moyo and Kirk Helliker (Eds.). Making Politics in Zimbabwe’s Second Republic – The Formative Project by Emmerson Mnangagwa. Cham: Springer.
Helliker, Kirk and Gorden Moyo (2023), “Mnangagwa’s formative project: risks and limits”. In: Gorden Moyo and Kirk Helliker (Eds.). Making Politics in Zimbabwe’s Second Republic – The Formative Project by Emmerson Mnangagwa. Cham: Springer.
Helliker, Kirk, Sandara Bhatasara and Manase Kudzai Chiweshe (2023), “Land lobbying and mobilisation: civil and uncivil society in the 1990s in Zimbabwe”. In: Max Gromping and Jessica C. Teets (Eds.). Lobbying the Autocrat: The Dynamics of Policy Advocacy in Non-Democracies. Michigan: University of Michigan Press.
Matanzima, Joshua and Kirk Helliker (2023). “Contextualising Tonga lives and livelihoods in Zimbabwe”. In: Kirk Helliker and Joshua Matanzima (Eds.). Tonga Livelihoods in Rural Zimbabwe. London: Routledge.
Helliker, Kirk and Lucien van der Walt (2022). “Politics at a distance from the state: radical, South African and Zimbabwean praxis today”. In: Kirk Helliker and Lucien van der Walt (Eds.). Politics at a Distance from the State: Radical and African Perspectives. Los Angeles: PM Press.
Alexander, Tarryn and Kirk Helliker (2022). “A feminist perspective on autonomism and commoning, with reference to Zimbabwe”. In: Kirk Helliker and Lucien van der Walt (Eds.). Politics at a Distance from the State: Radical and African Perspectives. Los Angeles: PM Press.
Van der Walt, Lucien, Gilton Klerck and Kirk Helliker (2022), “State capitalism in Sub-Saharan Africa: Colonial rule, capitalist development and class formation”. In: Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra, Anna Grossman, Illya Okhamatovskiy, Pei Sun, Geoffrey Wood and Mike Wright (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of State Capitalism. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Chadambuka, Patience and Kirk Helliker (published online, 2022). “Two sides of the stream: the politics of belonging between foreign ex-farm workers and A1 farmers on a fast track farm in Zimbabwe”, African Identities.
Mwonzora, Gift and Kirk Helliker (2022). “Truce and reconciliation in Zimbabwe: From Mugabe to Mnangagwa”, Critical African Studies 14(2).
Helliker, Kirk, Joshua Matanzima and Patience Chadambuka (2022). “Theorising and historicising the livelihoods of ethnic minorities in Zimbabwe”. In: Kirk Helliker, Patience Chadambuka and Joshua Matanzima (Eds.). Livelihoods of Ethnic Minorities in Rural Zimbabwe. New York: Springer.
Mazwi, Freedom, George T. Mudimu and Kirk Helliker (2022), “Capital penetration and insubordination of the peasantry under neoliberalism in Africa”. In: Freedom Mazwi, George T. Mudimu and Kirk Helliker (eds). Capital Penetration and the Peasantry in Southern and Eastern Africa: Neoliberal Restructuring. New York: Springer.
Gimenez-Amoros, Luis and Kirk Helliker (2021), “The orchestration of post-colonial Zimbabwe: The soundtrack of three zvimurenga and the present”, Muziki (Journal of Music Research in Africa) 18(2).
Helliker, Kirk, and Gerald Mazarire (2021), “Mnangagwa’s Zimbabwe: Crisis? What crisis?”. In: Kirk Helliker and Gerald Mazarire (Eds.). Mnangagwa’s Zimbabwe. Special Edition of Journal of Asian and African Studies, 56(2).
Helliker, Kirk, Manase Kudzai Chiweshe, Sandra Bhatasara and Gift Mwonzora (2021), “Everyday crisis-living in contemporary Zimbabwe”. In: Kirk Helliker, Sandra Bhatasara and Manase Kudzai Chiweshe (Eds.). Everyday Crisis-Living in Contemporary Zimbabwe. London: Routledge.
Mwonzora, Gift and Kirk Helliker (2020), “Learning and performing political violence: ZANU-PF youth and the 2008 presidential run-off election in Zimbabwe”, African Studies 79(4).
Helliker, Kirk and Tendai Murisa (2020). “Zimbabwe; continuities and changes”. In: Kirk Helliker and Tendai Murisa (Eds.). Crocodiles in Still Waters: The Legacies of Mugabe’s Rule in Zimbabwe. Special Edition of Journal of Contemporary African Studies, 38(1).
Helliker, Kirk and Sandra Bhatasara (2018). “Writing the chimurengas: locating the contribution of Terence Ranger in the making of Zimbabwean history”. In: Percysledge Chigora, Richard Mahomva and Majahana Lunga (Eds.). Reinventions and Contestations of Thought-Power. Bulawayo: Lan Readers.
Helliker, Kirk and Sandra Bhatasara (2018). “Inside the land occupations in Bindura District, Zimbabwe”. African Studies Quarterly 18(1).
Helliker, Kirk and Lucien van der Walt (2018). “Politics at a distance from the state: radical, South African and Zimbabwean praxis today”. In: Kirk Helliker and Lucien van der Walt (Eds.). Politics at a Distance from the State: Radical and African Perspectives. Routledge: London.
Alexander, Tarryn and Kirk Helliker (2018). “A feminist perspective on autonomism and commoning, with reference to Zimbabwe”. In: Kirk Helliker and Lucien van der Walt (Eds.). Politics at a Distance from the State: Radical and African Perspectives. London: Routledge.
Bhatasara, Sandra, Manase Kudzai Chiweshe and Kirk Helliker (2018). “Introduction: theorising the political economy of livelihoods in contemporary Zimbabwe”. In: Kirk Helliker, Manase Kudzai Chiweshe and Sandra Bhatasara (Eds.). The Political Economy of Livelihoods in Contemporary Zimbabwe. London: Routledge.
Takawira, Wadzanai and Kirk Helliker (2018). “Sex work as a livelihood strategy in the border town of Beitbridge”. In: Kirk Helliker, Manase Kudzai Chiweshe and Sandra Bhatasara (Eds.). The Political Economy of Livelihoods in Contemporary Zimbabwe. London: Routledge.
Bhatasara, Sandra and Kirk Helliker (2018). “The party-state in the land occupations of Zimbabwe: the case of Shamva District”. Journal of Asian and African Studies 53(1).
Helliker, Kirk (2017). “‘We give off a lot of heat but not a lot of light’: NGOs and land advocacy in Zimbabwe from 1995 to 2005”. In: Sally Matthews (Ed.). NGOs and Social Justice in South Africa and beyond. Durban: UKZN Press.
Naidoo, Lalitha, Gilton Klerck and Kirk Helliker (2017). “Resisting accumulation by dispossession: organisation and mobilisation by the rural poor in contemporary South Africa”. In: Dip Kapoor (Ed.). Against Colonisation and Rural Dispossession. London: Zed Press.
Alexander, Tarryn and Kirk Helliker (2016). “El feminismo autónomo, el comunizar y las ocupaciones de tierra en Zimbawe”, Bajo el Volcán. 16(24).
Alexander, Tarryn and Kirk Helliker (2016). “A feminist perspective on autonomism and commoning, with reference to Zimbabwe”. In: Kirk Helliker and van der Walt, Lucien (Eds.). Politics at a Distance from the State. Special Edition of the Journal of Contemporary African Studies 34(3).
Van der Walt, Lucien and Kirk Helliker (2016). “Politics at a distance from the state: radical, South African and Zimbabwean praxis today” In: Kirk Helliker and Lucien van der Walt (Eds.). Politics at a Distance from the State. Special Edition of the Journal of Contemporary African Studies 34(3).
Chiweshe, Manase Kudzai, Kirk Helliker and Loveness Chakona (2015). “Patriarchy, women, land and livelihoods on A1 farms in Zimbabwe”, Journal of Asian and African Studies 50(6).
Helliker, Kirk (2014). “Politics and governance”. In: Paul Stewart and Johan Zaaiman (Eds.), Sociology: A South African Introduction. Cape Town: Juta.
Helliker, Kirk and Peter Vale (2014). “South African Marxisms, past and present”. In: Peter Vale and Estelle Prinsloo (Eds.), The New South Africa at Twenty: Critical Perspectives. Scottsville: University of KwaZulu-Natal Press.
Helliker, Kirk (2014). “Imagining civil society in Zimbabwe and ‘most of the world’”. In: Ebenezer Obadare (Ed.). The Handbook of Civil Society in Africa. New York: Springer.
Helliker, Kirk, Fred Hendricks and Lungisile Ntsebeza (2013). “Conference on ‘Land, Race and Nation in South Africa’, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa, 19-22 June 2013”, Agrarian South 2(3).
Helliker, Kirk (2013). ‘Reproducing white commercial agriculture in South Africa”. In: Fred Hendricks, Lungisile Ntsebeza and Kirk Helliker (Eds.). The Promise of Land: Undoing a Century of Dispossession in South Africa. Johannesburg: Jacana.
Hendricks, Fred, Lungisile Ntsebeza and Kirk Helliker (2013). “Land questions in South Africa”. In: Fred Hendricks, Lungisile Ntsebeza and Kirk Helliker (Eds.). The Promise of Land: Undoing a Century of Dispossession in South Africa. Johannesburg: Jacana.
Hendricks, Fred, Lungisile Ntsebeza and Kirk Helliker (2013). “Colonial pasts and democratic futures in South Africa”. In: Fred Hendricks, Lungisile Ntsebeza and Kirk Helliker (Eds.). The Promise of Land: Undoing a Century of Dispossession in South Africa. Johannesburg: Jacana.
Helliker, Kirk (2013). “NGOs and rural movements in contemporary South Africa”, Social Dynamics 39(2).
Helliker, Kirk (2013). “Civil society and state-centred struggles”. In: David Moore, Norma Kriger and Brian Raftopoulos (Eds.). ‘Progress’ in Zimbabwe? London: Routledge.
Helliker, Kirk and Vale, Peter (2013). “Marxisms past and present”, Thesis Eleven 115(1).
Helliker, Kirk and Vale, Peter (2012). “Radical thinking in South Africa’s age of retreat”, Journal of Asian and African Studies 47(4).
Helliker, Kirk (2012). “Civil society and state-centred struggles”, Journal of Contemporary African Studies 30(1).
Murisa, Tendai and Kirk Helliker (2011). “Contemporary rural realities”. In: Kirk Helliker and Tendai Murisa (Eds.), Land Struggles and Civil Society in Southern Africa, New Jersey: Africa World Press.
Helliker, Kirk (2011). “Land reform and marginalised communities in the Eastern Cape countryside of post-apartheid South Africa”. In: Kirk Helliker and Tendai Murisa (Eds.). Land Struggles and Civil Society in Southern Africa. New Jersey: Africa World Press.
Helliker, Kirk (2010). “The state of emancipation: with, within, without?”, Interface: A Journal for and about Social Movements 2(1).
Helliker, Kirk (2009). “Dancing around the same spot? Land reform and NGOs in Zimbabwe: the case of SOS Children’s Villages”, African Sociological Review 13(2).
Sadomba, Wilbert and Kirk Helliker (2009). “Transcending objectifications and dualisms: farm workers and civil society in contemporary Zimbabwe”, Journal of Asian and African Studies 45(2).
Helliker, Kirk (2008). “Dancing on the same spot: NGOs”. In: Sam Moyo, Kirk Helliker and Tendai Murisa (Eds.). Contested Terrain: Land Reform and Civil Society in Contemporary Zimbabwe. Pietermaritzburg: SS Publishers.
Helliker, Kirk, Sam Moyo and Tendai Murisa (2008). “Introduction” in Sam Moyo, Kirk Helliker and Tendai Murisa (Eds.). Contested Terrain: Land Reform and Civil Society in Contemporary Zimbabwe. Pietermaritzburg: SS Publishers.
Helliker, Kirk (2007). “Marx, Weber and NGOs”, South African Review of Sociology 38(2).
Helliker, Kirk (2006). “Reclaiming the land” (review article), African Sociological Review 9(2).
Helliker, Kirk (2005). “A lot of critical thinking and a few great women”, African Sociological Review 8(1).
Helliker, Kirk (1987), “South African Marxist state theory: a critical overview”, Politikon 15(1).
Helliker Kirk, Andre Roux and Roland White (1987), “‘Asithengi!’: Recent consumer boycotts”. In: Southern African Research Service (Ed.), South African Review 4. Johannesburg: Ravan Press.
Roux, Andre and Kirk Helliker (1986), “Voices from Rini: a survey of black attitudes towards a consumer boycott in Grahamstown”. Institute of Social and Economic Research Development Studies Working Paper No 23. Rhodes University. Grahamstown.
Bekker, Simon, Kirk Helliker and Eileen Lambie (1981), “Quality of life in Grahamstown, East London and Mdantsane: preliminary results”, South African Journal of Sociology 12(1).
b) Books/Journals (author/editor)
Pophiwa, Nedson, Joshua Matanzima and Kirk Helliker (Eds). (2023). Lived Experiences of Borderland Communities in Zimbabwe: Livelihoods, Conservation, War and Covid-19. London: Routledge.
Moyo, Gorden and Kirk Helliker (Eds.). (2023). Making Politics in Zimbabwe’s Second Republic – The Formative Project by Emmerson Mnangagwa. Cham: Springer.
Helliker, Kirk and Joshua Matanzima (Eds.). (2023) Tonga Livelihoods in Rural Zimbabwe. London: Routledge.
Helliker, Kirk and Lucien van der Walt (Eds.) (2022). Politics at a Distance from the State: Radical and African Perspectives. Los Angeles: PM Press.
Helliker, Kirk, Patience Chadambuka and Joshua Matanzima (Eds.). (2022). Livelihoods of Ethnic Minorities in Rural Zimbabwe. New York: Springer.
Mazwi, Freedom, George Mudimu and Kirk Helliker (Eds.) (2022). Capital Penetration and the Peasantry in Southern and Eastern Africa: Neoliberal Restructuring. New York: Springer.
Helliker, Kirk, Sandra Bhatasara and Manase Kudzai Chiweshe (Eds.). (2021) Everyday Crisis-Living in Contemporary Zimbabwe. London: Routledge.
Helliker, Kirk, Sandra Bhatasara and Manase Kudzai Chiweshe (2021). Fast Track Land Occupations in Zimbabwe: In the Context of the Zvimurenga. New York: Springer.
Helliker, Kirk and Gerald Mazarire (Eds.) Mnangagwa’s Zimbabwe. 2021. Special Edition of Journal of Asian and African Studies, 56(2).
Helliker, Kirk and Tendai Murisa (Eds.) 2020. Crocodiles in Still Waters: The Legacies of Mugabe’s Rule in Zimbabwe. Special Edition of Journal of Contemporary African Studies, 38(1).
Helliker, Kirk and Lucien van der Walt (Eds.). (2018). Politics at a Distance from the State: Radical and African Perspectives. London: Routledge
Helliker, Kirk, Manase Kudzai Chiweshe and Sandra Bhatasara (Eds.). (2018). The Political Economy of Livelihoods in Contemporary Zimbabwe. London: Routledge.
Helliker, Kirk and Lucien van der Walt (Eds.) (2016). Politics at a Distance from the State. Special Edition of the Journal of Contemporary African Studies 34(3).
Hendricks, Fred, Lungisile Ntsebeza and Kirk Helliker (Eds.). (2013). The Promise of Land: Undoing a Century of Dispossession in South Africa, Johannesburg: Jacana.
Helliker, Kirk and Tendai Murisa (Eds.) (2011). Land Struggles and Civil Society in Southern Africa, New Jersey: Africa World Press.
Moyo, Sam, Kirk Helliker and Tendai Murisa (Eds.) (2008). Contested Terrain: Land Reform and Civil Society in Contemporary Zimbabwe, Pietermaritzburg: SS Publishers.
Surplus Peoples Project Eastern Cape (1983), Forced Removals in South Africa: The Eastern Cape Vol 2. Cape Town: Surplus People Project.
Graduated PhD and Master Students:
(N.B. Masters – All are full theses unless indicated otherwise;
Master and PhD – I was sole supervisor unless indicated otherwise)
A. PhDs
1. Perpetua Chinomona (2024)
A comparative analysis of land, labour and gender in a communal area and fast track farm in Zvimba Rural District, Zimbabwe
2. Maphosa Mandlenkosi (2022)
A critical analysis of the urban food system, urban governance and household food security in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
3. Tendai Nciizah (2022)
Land degradation and livelihood strategies in rural Zimbabwe: The case of two A1 farms in Shurugwi District
4. Hilary Nare (2022)
The nexus between territorial border controls, cross border trading and economic security in Zimbabwe: The case of Beitbridge border post
5. Andi Daki (2022)
A sociological analysis of the experiences of Zimbabwean teachers in South Africa: The case of KwaZulu-Natal townships and township secondary schools
6. Esteri Msindo (2022)
Ownership and occupation contestations in South Africa: The case of state housing in Buffalo City Municipality, Eastern Cape.
7. Patience Chadambuka (2021)
Former farm workers of foreign descent in communal areas in post-fast track Zimbabwe: The case of Shamva District
8. Lalitha Naidoo (2021)
Minimum wage in the agricultural sector of the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
9. Bowden Mbanje (2020) (co-supervision)
A comparative analysis of the use of participatory practices by Indigenous Trusts and mainstream development NGOs in Zvimba communal area, Zimbabwe
10. Rumbidzai Chitombi (2020)
A gendered analysis of conditional cash-based transfers: a case study of Puntland Technical Vocational Skills Training Programme, Somalia
11. Loveness Chimuka (2020)
A critical analysis of Christian Care in countering food insecurity in the communal areas of Zimbabwe: The case of Gutu, Masvingo
12. Jagat Basnet (2020) (co-supervision)
A critical analysis of the de-peasantisation process in Nepal with specific reference to the role of the state land policies since the 1950s
13. Shamiso Madzivire (2020)
A sociological understanding of contemporary child marriage in Mabvuku, Harare, Zimbabwe
14. Elinah Nciizah (2020)
Understanding climate change and rural livelihoods in Zimbabwe: adaptation by communal farmers in Ngundu, Chivi District
15. Allan Mushonga (2020)
‘Being regional’: an analysis of the conceptualisation, operations and embeddedness of regional non-governmental organisations responding to HIV and AIDS in southern Africa
16. Delta Sivalo (2019)
A sociological understanding of urban governance and social accountability: the case of Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
17. Jonathan Mafukidze (2019)
Perspectives on land and water politics at Mushandike Irrigation Scheme, Masvingo, Zimbabwe
18. Tafadzwa Chevo (2018)
Construction of livelihood strategies in urban areas: the case of households in Budiriro, Harare, Zimbabwe
19. Bernard Mrewa (2017)
Aid agencies in land reform policymaking in Kenya
20. Sipho Nkambule (2017)
Housing, households and social reproduction in urban South Africa – the case of eZamokuhle, Mpumalanga
21. Gift Mwonzora (2017)
The quest for ‘good governance’ and democracy by political party institutions in Africa: a case of the Movement for Democratic Change in Zimbabwe
22. Tafara Marazi (2016)
An investigation into the survival strategies of the rural elderly in Zimbabwe: A case study of the Hobodo ward in Mangwe district
23. Robert Maseko (2016)
Being a black mine worker in South Africa: The case of Anglo Platinum Mine
24. Takunda Chirau (2016)
Rural livelihood strategies of female headed households in former Bantustans of post-apartheid South Africa: The case of Cala, Eastern Cape Province
25. Innocent Mahiya (2016)
A critical analysis of agricultural innovation platforms among small-scale farmers in Hwedza communal area, Zimbabwe
26. Sandra Bhatasara (2015)
Understanding climate variability and livelihoods adaptation in rural Zimbabwe: a case of Charewa, Mutoko
27. Loveness Makonese (2013)
Coping with HIV and AIDS in marginal communities: a case study of Chivanhu settlement in Nemanwa, Masvingo, Zimbabwe
28. Manase Chiweshe (2012)
Farm level institutions in emergent communities in post-fast track Zimbabwe: the case of Mazowe District
B. MAs
1. Sarah Mazvita Nhliziyo (half thesis) (2022)
Teaching in times of crisis: understanding the uneven effects of the Covid-19 lockdowns on teaching practices in Zimbabwe (a case study of Marondera)
2. Kennedy Simango (half thesis) (2021)
Climate change and small-scale farmer livelihood adaptation in rural border communities in southern Africa: A case study of Ezondweni Village in Mchinji, Malawi
3. Moreblessing Mavhika (half thesis) (2020)
A critical analysis of NGOs in addressing HIV and AIDS in the context of gendered inequality: The case of Makhanda, Eastern Cape, South Africa
4. Tariro Henrietta Musiyandaka (half thesis) (2020) with distinction
Understanding the livelihoods of Zimbabwean informal traders in South Africa: The case of Makhanda
5. Andile Daki (half thesis) (2019)
Understanding the experiences of Zimbabwean students as foreign students at South African Universities: The case of Rhodes University
6. Kudakwashe Chingono (half thesis) (2019) with distinction
A critical analysis of A2 Fast Track Lowveld sugar cane farms in Zimbabwe in global value chains: interrogating the lives of farmers and farm labourers
7. Tafadzwa Sachikonye (half thesis) (2019) (co-supervision)
A social capital analysis of citizen participation and service delivery in metropolitan government in Zimbabwe: the case of Glenview, Harare since 2013
8. Agnes Sanyangore (half thesis) (2019)
A critical analysis of development NGO programmes in rural areas: A case study of East Cape Agricultural Research Project in South Africa
9. Jonis Ghedi Alasow (2019) (co-supervision)
Popular politics in the rural Western Cape, South Africa: a case study of Ruitersbos
10. Ncebakazi Makwetu (half thesis) (2018)
Urban protests and the ANC in contemporary South Africa
11. Patience Sibanda (half thesis) with distinction (2018)
A gender-based analysis of the Amalima Programme in empowering married women within households in rural Gwanda, Zimbabwe
12. Annette Manzira (half thesis) (2018)
The power of mysticism: Understanding political support for President Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe
13. Felix Tombindo (2017)
Landscapes, land and belonging among Tonga People in the Zambesi Valley, Zimbabwe
14. Ziyanda Ntantiso (2017)
Analysing social grants and poverty in Queenstown, Eastern Cape
15. Rachel Gondo (2016)
A critical analysis of community participation at the primary level of the health system in Goromonzi District, Zimbabwe
16. Wadzanai Takawira (2016) with distinction
Sex work as a livelihood strategy in the border town of Beitbridge, Zimbabwe
17. Adriana Mercadal-Barroso (2015)
Black identity and black inferiority amongst Rhodes University black students: a critical Fanonian perspective on black student identities
18. Vimbai Chikukwa (2015)
Child support grant and poverty in Riebeek East, South Africa
19. Nonzuzo Mbokazi (2015) (half-thesis)
Land policy formation process in post-apartheid South Africa
20. Desmond Jaricha (2014)
The impact of decentralisation on land redistribution in the Eastern Cape
21. Allan Mushonga (2014)
Southern African AIDS Trust’s capacity-development model for organisations responding to HIV and AIDS in southern Africa
22. Ana Ndlovu (2014)
Mozambique state autonomy in the context of the international aid system and European Union budget support
23. Matsepo Motsetse (2014)
Child support grant and intra-household relations in KwaZulu-Natal South Africa
24. Siya Fobosi (2014)
Informal taxi industry in East London
25. Nomzamo Kheswa (2014) with distinction
Labour process on white commercial farms in South Africa
26. Kayla Knight (2014)
Rural development and NGOs in Matabeleland, Zimbabwe
27. Paidashe Chamuka (2014)
HIV and condom use among circumcised males in Harare, Zimbabwe
28. Sipho Nkambule (2013)
Sustainable human settlement in housing: the case of Hlalani, South Africa
29. Takunda Chirau (2013)
Livelihood strategies of urban women traders: the case of Magaba, Harare in Zimbabwe
30. Tendai Wapinduka (2013)
Rural livelihoods and adherence to HIV and AIDS antiretroviral therapy in Chivanhu settlement, Nemamwa Village in Masvingo District, Zimbabwe
31. Tarryn Alexander (2012) with distinction
Smashing the crystal ball: post-structural insights associated with contemporary Anarchism and the revision of blueprint utopianism
32. Gayle Kasere (2102)
Cash transfers and poverty reduction in South Africa: a case study of old age pensions
33. Loveness Chakona (2012) with distinction
Fast Track Land Reform Programme and women in Goromonzi District, Zimbabwe
34. Eddah Jowah (2010) with distinction
Rural livelihoods and food security in the aftermath of the fast track land reform
Last Modified: Wed, 15 May 2024 12:38:51 SAST