Bonelwa Sidumo

Hometown and province:  Centani, Eastern Cape

Current Job/Occupation/Degree:  Lecturer @ NWU (Vaal Campus)

Faculty: Agricultural and Natural Sciences


  • BSc (Geology and Mathematical Statistics), 2011, University of Fort Hare
  • BSc Honours (Applied Statistics), 2012, University of Fort Hare
  • MSc (Mathematical Statistics), 2018, Rhodes University
  • PhD (Statistics and Operational Research), North-West University (in-progress)

Previous job(s): National Research Foundation intern (2015) at Nelson Mandela University (Computing Sciences)    

How did you obtain your current position? /What motivated you to study further?

While I was with busy my MSc studies I was applying for any post that require statistics skills. I applied for the new generation academic program (nGAP) that was advertised by NWU via pnet website. After I graduated for my Honours degree I struggled to get a job, then when I was working at NMU I decided to go back to school so that I can meet the university minimum requirements. My motivation to study further was to meet the university minimum requirements for lecturing (smiling).

What is your area of specialization?

My area of specialization is Linear Models

What course do you find was the most useful in your undergraduate/Honours?

Research methodology

In what way does your qualification relate to your work, whether directly or indirectly?

My qualifications relate to my work directly because I speak statistics language everyday.

What are your day-to-day activities?

Research and teaching

What are the best and most challenging parts of your job/degree?

Creating your own slides while still new on the job. Balancing work and studies.
How did your extra-curricular involvement while at Rhodes add value (transferable skills) to what you offer the world of work/your degree?

Tutoring and the ADs added great value to my career. Through these programs I gained communication skills.

Advice to current students: How best should students use their time at university to give themselves a competitive edge in your field?
Hard work and discipline.
Know why you are here.
Be passionate about what you are doing.

In retrospect, what advice can you give to students about how to approach their own career development journeys?
Seek for advices or guidance to people who are expect in your field.

Do you have any advice for a new graduate entering the world of work/thinking about post graduate studies?

Stay humble and work hard. Perseverance is the key to your career journey.
For post graduate studies, maintain a good relationship with your department and respect fellows.

Last Modified: Mon, 15 Apr 2019 12:23:30 SAST