Service-learning Short Course
Accredited Short Courses offered by RUCE :
1) Service-learning
See the RUCE website for more information:
2) Community Engagement Mentor Orientation (pitched at NQF5)
This short course is aimed at equipping mentors in the 9/10ths volunteer programme to provide the guidance and support to local matric learners.
The course addresses the contextual realities of local learners and teaches mentors transferable skills (e.g. study techniques, basic counselling and career guidance).
The programme is open to students and staff at Rhodes. Applications open in December.
The programme is open to students and staff at Rhodes. Applications open in December.
3) Asset Based Project Management (pitched at NQF4)
Siyakhana@Makana is a volunteer programme, designed to focus and deepen community-university partnerships by strengthening students understandings of sustainable and mutually beneficial community interventions. This course seeks to extend this mission and develop leadership that appreciates the values of asset- based community development. The goal of the course is to facilitate community-university partnerships by providing the scaffolding for groups to co-create a project based on shared goals and interests from start to finish.
4) Community Engagement Tutor Orientation (NQF5)
The Community Engagement Tutor Orientation short course is designed to train volunteers in community partner sites that tutor local learners. Tutors are trained in micro-teaching techniques and subject-specific teaching knowledge.
5) Digital Storytelling (NQF5)
The Digital Storytelling for Social Innovation course is a community-driven approach to digital storytelling that is designed to support and encourage social innovation in community development and education. Digital storytelling is a malleable and interpretive process that aims to stimulate critical reflection and empathy. Practically, creating a digital story involves a process of group story-building, introspection and digital skills development. In this workshop, participants are encouraged to reflect on their own experiences to create a meaningful story using video editing software.
6) Engaged Citizenship (NQF 4)
The Engaged Citizens Programme is one of the university's flagship volunteer programmes, attracting more than 300 students annually. Student volunteers are expected to complete this associated short course which challenges their thoughts around community, and the role of the university in transformation and community development. With options for newcomers and returning students, this is the ideal gateway programme for an introductory experience to volunteerism or a more in-depth pathway towards community-engaged research.
7) Understanding SA's literacy crisis from a Rights-based perspective (NQF5)
South Africa's literacy crisis has serious implications for our economy and society at large. This course helps participants understand the literacy crisis as a social justice issue and locate themselves as social change leaders. The course includes a practical component in which volunteers participate in BuddingQ - an early literacy and motor skills development programme that currently runs in 10 out our city's 15 primary schools.
Last Modified: Thu, 09 Sep 2021 10:37:36 SAST