Academic Staff Development
The academic staff development initiatives offered by CHERTL are underpinned by the belief that lecturers who are scholarly and critically reflexive will design courses and teach in ways which will create conditions for student success and equip academics to respond to calls for transformation and decolonisation of universities and curricula. Academics new to Rhodes are strongly encouraged to attend an Academic Orientation Programme offered before the start of each academic year. A short course, Conversations About Teaching, Assessment and Learning (CATALyst) is offered for Rhodes academic staff. CHERTL offers Postgraduate Diplomas in Higher Education, one for academics from Rhodes and further afield, and one for academic developers. In a context of growing postgraduate numbers, the shortcourse on Strengthening Postgraduate Supervision offered at Rhodes and nationally, is a space for exploring pedagogies for working with masters and doctoral students.
At Rhodes University the Teaching and learning Policies is further enhanced by the provision of support for the integration of Educational Technologies, Service Learning, Tutor Development and the use of evaluation data on teaching and courses. The Writing Intensive Project, initiated in 2013, has successfully encouraged academics to integrate writing development in their curricula. A new short course emerging from this work, Writing in the University, is also now offered for lecturers. The brochure which can be found here: Short Courses offered by CHERTL outlines the courses we are, subject to staff availability, able to offer at universities across South Africa.
Nationally there is concern about the aging professoriate and recognition of the need to recruit, retain, and induct, particularly young black academics into academia. The national Growing the New Generation of Academics Programme is an initiative to address this concern.
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Last Modified: Tue, 26 Oct 2021 15:21:48 SAST