Dr Anthea Adams

Anthea Adams Graduation


MA (Linguistics), UWC; Higher Diploma in Higher Education and Teaching (HDHET), CPUT; Diploma in Education, Bellville College of Education ORCid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2602-193X


Anthea has a PhD in Higher Education Studies. She coordinates the Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education (PGDip HE)  for Academic Developers and co-teaches the  PGDip HE course for lecturers. Before joining CHERTL, Anthea coordinated the Student Feedback on Teaching and Courses Programme at Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT). Anthea's research interests are professional academic identity, enhancing teaching and learning through academic staff development, and using digital storytelling and multilingualism as pedagogical tools.  Anthea is an adjudication member for the National University Teaching Awards (NUTA). She engages in regional and national workshops and mentoring activities to help prepare lecturers to compile their teaching portfolios for the NUTA.  Anthea is a former executive member of the Higher Education Learning and Teaching Association of Southern Africa (HELTASA). As a Residence Manager (House Warden) at Phelps Residence, Anthea plays an active role in the running of the residence and, through day-to-day activities and various initiatives, ensures the holistic well-being of students in her residence. Anthea is also a founder member of the GriefShare support group at her local church in Makhanda.

Anthea believes in life-long learning and active engagement in capacity-building workshops, short courses and professional development initiatives. Anthea's humanising pedagogy and developmental perspective enable her to prioritise students' holistic well-being and foster meaningful relationships with students and colleagues.


Latest publications and relevant journal articles:  

Williams, S., Adams, A., Geduld-Van Wyk, C., & Muhuro, P. 2024. Holding a mirror up to Academic Development through the HELTASA (un) conferencing methodology. Critical Studies in Teaching and Learning (CriSTaL)12(si1), 99-116.

Muzanenhamo, G.N., Allen-Ile, C.O.K., Adams, A., & Iwu, C.G. 2016. The relationship among change implementation, job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior in the Business Process Outsourcing industry in South Africa. Problems and Perspectives in Management. 14, number 3, 473-482. 
Winberg, C., Adams, A., Esbach, J., Groenewald, W., Lakay,D., Muzondo, I., Randall, K., Seane, G., Siyepu, S., & Veeran, P. 2010. Day jobs/nightwork: Academic staff studying towards higher degrees. SAJHE, 24 (1), 175–195

Adams, A., Reiners, A. & De Louw, L. 2015. Learning about students through their digital stories. In Condy, J.(ed.). Telling Stories Differently. Stellenbosch: SunMedia

Last Modified: Tue, 15 Oct 2024 11:40:58 SAST