
 The Spirit of Victoria Mxenge Award:

Victoria Mxenge was known for her achievements, her dedicated professionalism and for her ultimate sacrifice. She is also known for her sense of fun, her friendship, kindness and generosity on a personal level.
The Victoria Mxenge Award is awarded annually to the student in res who most embodies similar kindnesses on a personal level while still achieving in other spheres of her university life.

Academic Award:

This award is awarded to a student resident in Victoria Mxenge House who attains the highest "grade points" as determined by the Rhodes University system in the June and November examinations.

Sporting achievement Award:

This award is awarded to a student resident in Victoria Mxenge House that:

• Participates as a representative of Victoria Mxenge House in inter-res and Nelson Mandela Hall Shield activities;
• Participates in other sporting (outside of the activities of Victoria Mxenge House) activities;
• The manner (sportswomen like conduct) in which the student participated in these activities.

Participation Star Award :

Stars are awarded for participation in Sport; Sport Supporter; Community Engagement; Environment Projects

This award is awarded to a student resident in Victoria Mxenge House that:

• Participates in Victoria Mxenge House sports/community engagement/sport supporter/environmental activities;
• Participates in other activities (outside of the activities of Victoria Mxenge House);
• The manner in which the student participated in these activities;
• The sense of personal achievement attained in these activities.

Fun/Mock Awards:

Nerd of the Year
Gym Bunny of the Year
The JCB Award
The Vuvuzela Award
The Johnty Rhodes Award
The '2 for the price of 1' Award
The Elegance and Style Award
Hazard Award
The Dark Horse Award
The Little Miss Sunshine Award

Last Modified: Fri, 11 Sep 2015 09:26:34 SAST