json_data = CacheHandler::CacheUpToDate($json); // if the latest cache is not the latest version of the JSON if($this->json_data == false) { // read the original JSON file $this->json_data = $this->returnStructure($json); // Write the new structure to the Cache CacheHandler::WriteNewerCache($this->json_data); } } function returnStructure($json) { //replace the last ',' from the file $json = $this->str_lreplace(',', '', $json); $json = json_decode($json); if($json === null) { die("JSON is invalid."); } // initialise structure array $structure = array(); // foreach of the json prospectus keys foreach($json->prospectus as $obj => &$data) { // explode on the sectionParent and take second last element (this is the actual parent from the URL) $data->sectionParent = explode('/', $data->sectionParent); $data->sectionParent = $data->sectionParent[count($data->sectionParent) - 2]; if(!isset($structure[$data->sectionParent]['display_title']) || ($structure[$data->sectionParent]['display_title'] !== CONFIG::getFirstPage() && $structure[$data->sectionParent]['display_title'] !== CONFIG::getLastPage())) { $data->sectionParent = strtolower($data->sectionParent); $data->sectionParent = replaceCommasHyphens($data->sectionParent); $data->sectionTitle = replaceCommasHyphens((string)$data->sectionTitle); // if the sectionParent doesn't have a key in the structure array if(!isset($structure[$data->sectionParent])) { // set the array up with a total_ranges value of the current section ranges $structure[$data->sectionParent] = array ('total_ranges' => $data->sectionRanges ); } else if($structure[$data->sectionParent]['total_ranges'] !== ''){ // else just append onto what already exists $structure[$data->sectionParent]['total_ranges'] .= ',' . $data->sectionRanges; } else { // else set the total_ranges to the section_ranges value $structure[$data->sectionParent]['total_ranges'] = $data->sectionRanges; } if($data->sectionParent !== $data->sectionTitle) { $thisArray = array(); $thisArray[$data->sectionTitle] = $data->sectionRanges; $structure[$data->sectionParent] = array_merge($structure[$data->sectionParent], $thisArray); } $structure[$data->sectionParent]['display_title'] = $data->sectionParentTitle; } } $structure['md5_checksum'] = md5(file_get_contents(CONFIG::getJSON_FILE())); return $structure; } function str_lreplace($search, $replace, $subject) { $pos = strrpos($subject, $search); if($pos !== false) { $subject = substr_replace($subject, $replace, $pos, strlen($search)); } return $subject; } } class CacheHandler { public static function CacheUpToDate($json) { if(CONFIG::getENABLE_CACHING() === false) { return false; } $cached_file = CONFIG::getJSON_CACHED_FILE(); // if the cached file exists if(file_exists($cached_file)) { $json_cached = json_decode(file_get_contents($cached_file), true); $md5_main_json = md5($json); // if the MD5 strings are the same, return the cached version if($json_cached['md5_checksum'] === $md5_main_json) { return $json_cached; } else { // else return false return false; } } else { // else return false return false; } } public static function WriteNewerCache($structure) { if(CONFIG::getENABLE_CACHING() === false) { return false; } if(file_exists(CONFIG::getJSON_CACHED_FILE())) { // we write the cached file file_put_contents(CONFIG::getJSON_CACHED_FILE(), json_encode($structure)); } else { // else we make the directory, then write the cached file $dir_to_write_json = CONFIG::getPROSPECTUS_BUILDER_LOCATION() . '/' . CONFIG::getJSON_CACHED_FILE(); $dir_to_write_json = str_replace('\\', '/', $dir_to_write_json); $dir_to_write_json = str_replace('/index.json', '', $dir_to_write_json); // check if the directory exists if(is_dir($dir_to_write_json)) { // write the file file_put_contents(CONFIG::getJSON_CACHED_FILE(), json_encode($structure)); } else { if(mkdir($dir_to_write_json) === false) { die("error creating directory"); } else { // we write the file file_put_contents(CONFIG::getJSON_CACHED_FILE(), json_encode($structure)); } } } } } class send_emails { private $email_add; private $port; private $from; private $content; function __construct($email_addr) { ini_set('SMTP', CONFIG::getSMTP_HOST()); ini_set('smtp_port', CONFIG::getSMTP_PORT()); $this->sendEmailToEndUser($email_addr); $selections = $this->getUserSelections($_POST['selections']); $this->sendEmailToSite($selections, $email_addr); } private function getUserSelections($selections) { $selections = str_replace('-=-', ' ', $selections); $selections = ucwords($selections); return $selections; } private function sendEmailToSite($selections, $email_addr) { $this->from = CONFIG::getEmail_Address_From(); $this->msg = $this->formatSiteEmailMessage($_POST['selections'], $email_addr); $this->headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0" . "\r\n" . "Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8" . "\r\n" . "From: " . $this->from . "\r\n" . "Reply-To: " . $this->from . "\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion(); $this->subject = "User downloaded a Prospectus"; $client_email_address = CONFIG::getEmail_Address_Site(); $sent = mail($client_email_address, $this->subject, $this->msg, $this->headers); if($sent === false) { die("false"); } } private function sendEmailToEndUser($email_addr) { $this->from = CONFIG::getEmail_Address_From(); $this->msg = $this->getEndUserEmailMessage(); $this->subject = $this->getEndUserEmailSubject(); $validEmail = filter_var($email_addr, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL); if($validEmail === false) { die('Please enter a valid email address'); } if($this->msg && $this->subject) { $this->headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0" . "\r\n" . "Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8" . "\r\n" . "From: " . $this->from . "\r\n" . "Reply-To: " . $this->from . "\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion(); $sent = mail($email_addr, $this->subject, $this->msg, $this->headers); if($sent === false) { die("Failed to attempt sending email"); } } } function formatSiteEmailMessage($subs, $end_user_email) { $msg = "A user downloaded a prospectus with an email address of " . $end_user_email; $msg .= "

List of topics included in the Prospectus were:
"; //$selections = implode('
', $subs ); $selections = ''; // add blank value to subs, in case only one value was selected. $subs[] = ''; foreach($subs as &$selection) { $selection = str_replace('-=-', ' -> ', $selection); $selection = str_replace('_', ' ', $selection); $selection = ucwords($selection); $selections .= $selection . '
'; } $msg .= $selections; return $msg; } function getEndUserEmailMessage() { return CONFIG::getEndUserMessage(); } function getEndUserEmailSubject() { return CONFIG::getEndUserSubject(); } } class GeneratePDF { public $ranges; public $pdf; function __construct($choices, $json_data) { $this->json_data = $json_data; $this->ranges = $this->getRanges($choices, $json_data); $this->ranges = $this->formatRanges($this->ranges); // check if the first and past page data is set, and if so, include it. $this->ranges = $this->addFirstLastPage($this->ranges, $json_data); $this->pdf = $this->returnPDF($this->ranges); } function getRanges($choices, $json_data) { $ranges = ''; // add compulsory, if exists if(isset($json_data->json_data[CONFIG::getCOMPULSORY_SECTION()])) { $ranges .= $json_data->json_data[CONFIG::getCOMPULSORY_SECTION()]['total_ranges'] . ','; } // loop over the user selections foreach($choices['selections'] as $index => $course_selections) { // flag to append comma or not $append_comma = true; // if there is no hyphen, we are dealing with a main course if(strpos($course_selections, '-=-') === false) { $ranges .= $json_data->json_data[$course_selections]['total_ranges']; } else { // else we explode by the hyphen to get the main course and sub course name $sections = explode('-=-', $course_selections); $course = $sections[0]; $sub_section = $sections[1]; if(!in_array($course, $choices['selections'])) { $ranges .= $json_data->json_data[$course][$sub_section]; // we also need to include the compulsory section, if it is set if(CONFIG::getCOMPULSORY_SECTION() && isset($json_data->json_data[$course][CONFIG::getCOMPULSORY_SECTION()]) && strpos($ranges, $json_data->json_data[$course][CONFIG::getCOMPULSORY_SECTION()]) === false ) { $ranges .= ',' . $json_data->json_data[$course][CONFIG::getCOMPULSORY_SECTION()]; } } else { $append_comma = false; } } // if we are not on the last index of the choices, add a trailing comma if($index !== count($choices['selections']) -1 && $append_comma == true) { $ranges .= ','; } /* // we also need to include the compulsory section, if it is set if(CONFIG::getCOMPULSORY_SECTION() && isset($json_data->json_data[$course][CONFIG::getCOMPULSORY_SECTION()]) && strpos($ranges, $json_data->json_data[$course][CONFIG::getCOMPULSORY_SECTION()]) === false ) { $ranges .= $json_data->json_data[$course][CONFIG::getCOMPULSORY_SECTION()] . ','; } */ } // return the ranges return $ranges; } /** * Format the $range so that it is a comma delimitted string and replace all ranges with singular values * that are comma delimitted **/ function formatRanges($ranges) { $ranges_array = array(); $ranges_array = explode(',', $ranges); $ranges_array = array_filter($ranges_array); foreach($ranges_array as &$range) { // if there is a range if(strpos($range, '-') !== false) { // Explode by the hyphen $numbers = explode('-', $range); // Ensure the data is numeric, there are only 2 numbers, and the number on the left is less than the right if((is_numeric($numbers[0]) && is_numeric($numbers[1]) && count($numbers) == 2) && ($numbers[0] < $numbers[1])) { $new_range = ''; // Create the new page numbers with comma delimmitted values for($i = $numbers[0]; $i<= $numbers[1]; $i++) { $new_range .= $i; if($i != $numbers[1]) { $new_range .= ','; } } $range = $new_range; } else { // there was an error with the data $this->throw_range_error(); } } } // implode by comma $ranges = implode(',', $ranges_array); // explode again by comma $ranges = explode(',', $ranges); // make ranges unique (remove duplicates so that same pages dont appear twice) $ranges = array_unique($ranges); // sort ranges so pages appear in order sort($ranges, SORT_NUMERIC ); // reimplode and return $ranges = implode(',', $ranges); return $ranges; } function addFirstLastPage($ranges, $json_data) { if(CONFIG::getFirstPage() && CONFIG::getLastPage()) { $first_page_name = CONFIG::getFirstPage(); $last_page_name = CONFIG::getLastPage(); $first_page_range = $json_data->json_data[$first_page_name]['total_ranges']; $last_page_range = $json_data->json_data[$last_page_name]['total_ranges']; $ranges = $first_page_range . ',' . $ranges . ',' . $last_page_range; return $ranges; } else { return $ranges; } } function returnPDF($ranges, $type = 'download') { require_once(CONFIG::getPDF_PHP_LIBRARY_FILE()); $pdf = new PDFMerger; try { $pdf->addPDF(CONFIG::getMAIN_PDF_FILE(), $ranges) ->merge($type, CONFIG::getPDF_NAME()); } catch (Exception $e) {} return $pdf; } function checkExists($string, $json_data) { } function formatChoices($choices) { } function throw_range_error() { die("Data error."); } } class GetHTML { public $html; private $json_data; private $parent_class; private $child_class; function __construct($json_data) { $this->parent_class = CONFIG::getHTML_PARENT_CLASS(); $this->child_class = CONFIG::getHTML_CHILD_CLASS(); $this->json_data = $json_data; $this->html = $this->generateHTML($this->json_data); echo $this->html; } function generateHTML($json_data) { $html = ''; $html .= ""; $html .= '
'; if(CONFIG::getSHOW_LIGHTBOX()) { $html .= ' '; $header_lightbox_text = CONFIG::getLightboxHeaderText(); if(CONFIG::getUseDefaultLightboxStyle()) { $html .= ""; } $html .= "


"; } foreach($json_data as &$array) { // Remove the 'MD5_CHECKSUM' key if it is set if(isset($array['md5_checksum'])) { unset($array['md5_checksum']); } $counter = 1; foreach($array as $main_heading => $data) { if(replaceCommasHyphens(CONFIG::getFirstPage()) !== $main_heading && replaceCommasHyphens(CONFIG::getLastPage()) !== $main_heading) { $html .= <<
  Select All
  Remove All
HTML; foreach($data as $option => $ranges) { // don't include the total_ranges sections or the compulsory sections in the HTML if($option !== 'total_ranges' && $option !== 'display_title' /*&& CONFIG::getCOMPULSORY_SECTION() !== false*/ && $option !== CONFIG::getCOMPULSORY_SECTION()) { $title = replaceUnderscoreWithSpace($option); $html .= << {$title}
HTML; } } $html .= '
'; $counter++; } } $html .= ''; $html .= ''; } return $html; } } function replaceCommasHyphens($string) { $string = str_replace(',', "_", $string); $string = str_replace('-', "_", $string); $string = str_replace(' ', "_", $string); return $string; } function replaceUnderscoreWithSpace($string) { $string = str_replace('_', ' ', $string); return $string; } ?>
A generic image of stone heap, also know as Isivivane

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The Campaign for Rhodes University is the largest fundraising campaign in history. With a historic R1 billion goal, the campaign is expanding Rhodes University's global leadership capacity.

Isivivane Fund

About the fund

Isivivane Fund, an integrated approach to building and maintaining life-long relationships with stakeholders based on the development of a unique and special partnership between Rhodes University, its students and alumni, and donors.