Book Chapters


Kangaude, G, and Macleod, C, I. (2024). The nexus between covid-19 and Sexual and reproductive health of adolescents Bringing adolescents ‘home’. In Durojaye, I, and Mahadew, R. (Eds), COVID-19 and the Right to Health in Africa (pp. 248-270). Routledge.

Shaik, S., (2024). Muslims living with HIV in Durban, South Africa Addressing stigma, shame, and treatment. In Masvawure, B. T, and Foley, E, E. (Eds). The Routledge Handbook of Anthropology and Global Health.  (pp.264- 276). Routledge.   


Morison, T and Le Grice J. 2023. Reproductive Justice: Illuminating the Intersectional Politics of Sexual and Reproductive Issues. In Zurbriggen and Capdevila (Eds). The Palgrave Handbook of Power, Gender, and Psychology. (pp. 419-435).  Palgrave Macmillan.


Mavuso, J. M. J., & Morison, T. (2022). Conclusion. In T. Morison & J. M.-J. J. Mavuso (Eds.), Sexual and Reproductive Justice: From the Margins to the Centre (pp. 267–280). Lexington Press.


Morison, T. (2021). Reproductive Justice: Revitalising critical reproductive health research. In K. Chamberlain & A. C. Lyons (Eds.), International Handbook of Critical Issues in Health and Illness (pp. 169–182). Routledge.


Mavuso, J.M.J., & Macleod, C.I. (2020). Pregnancy Decision Making: Abortion and Adoption. In S. Hupp & J.D. Jewell (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Child and Adolescent Development, 1-10.

Macleod, C.I., Feltham-King, T., Mavuso, J.M.J., & Morison, T. (2019). Failed’ mothers, “failed” womxn: Demarcating normative mothering. In C. Zufferey & F. Buchanan (Eds.), Intersections of Mothering: Feminist Accounts.

Macleod, C.I., & Morison, T. (2020). Fertility, childbirth and parenting: Defining sexual and gender relations. In F.M. Cheung & D. Halpern (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of the International Psychology of Women (pp. 110-123). Cambridge University Press.

Macleod, C.I. (2020). Abortion. In D.T. Cook (Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood Studies (pp. 2 – 6). London: SAGE.

Macleod, C.I. (2020). Birth Control. In D.T. Cook (Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood Studies (pp. 132-136). London: SAGE.

Macleod, C.I. (2020). Child Pregnancy. In D.T. Cook (Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood Studies (pp. 245-247). London: SAGE.

Macleod, C.I. (2020). Reproductive Choice. In D.T. Cook (Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood Studies (pp. 1369-1372). London: SAGE.

Macleod, C.I. (2020). Sexual Citizenship. In D.T. Cook (Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood Studies (pp. 1432-1433). London: SAGE.


Macleod, C.I., Morison, T., & Lynch, I. (2019). Focus on ‘the family’? How South African family policy fails queer families. In T. Morison, I. Lynch, & V. Reddy (Eds.), Queer kinship: South African perspectives on the sexual politics of family-making and belonging (pp. 22–32).

Macleod, C.I. and Feltham-King, T. (2019) 'Adolescent pregnancy': social problem, public health concern, or neither? . In: Ussher, J.M., Chrisler, J.C. and Perz, J. (eds.). Routledge International Handbook of Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health. London: University of London - SOAS, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. p.253-265. ISBN: 9781138490260.

Mavuso, J.M.J., Chiweshe, M. and Macleod, C.I. (2019) Overcoming Essentialism in Community Psychology: The Use of a Narrative-Discursive Approach Within African Feminisms. In Boonzaier, F. and Van Niekerk, T.  (eds.). Decolonial Feminist Community Psychology. p.11-23. Cham: Springer. ISBN: 978-3-030-20000-8.

Morison, T., Lyons, A., & Chamberlain, K. (2019). Critical health psychology: Applications for social action. In K. O’Doherty & D. Hodgetts (Eds.), SAGE Handbook of Applied Social Psychology. London, UK: Sage Publications.

Morison, T., & Lynch, I. (2019). ‘Living two lives’ and ‘blending in’: Reproductive citizenship and belonging in the parenthood narratives of gay men. In Queer Kinship: South African perspectives on the sexual politics of family-making and belonging (pp. 167–189). London and Henly: Routledge.

Reddy, V., Lynch, I., & Morison, T. (2019). Queer kinship: Where to next? In Queer Kinship: South African perspectives on the sexual politics of family-making and belonging. Routlege, Unisa Press.


Macleod, C.I., & Mnyaka, P. (2018). Introduction: The Politics of Anonymity and Confidentiality. In C.I. Macleod, J. Marx, P. Mnyaka, & G.J. Treharne (Eds.), Palgrave Handbook of Ethics in Critical Research (pp. 227–240).

Macleod, C.I., Marx, J., Mnyaka, P., & Treharne, G. J. (2018). Ethics in Critical Research: Stories from the Field BT - The Palgrave Handbook of Ethics in Critical Research. In C.I. Macleod, J. Marx, P. Mnyaka, & G.J. Treharne (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Ethics in Critical Research (pp. 1–13).

Marx, J., & Macleod, C.I. (2018). Erasure: A Challenge to Feminist and Queer Research In C.I. Macleod, J. Marx, P. Mnyaka, & G. J. Treharne (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Ethics in Critical Research (pp. 307–323).

Mnyaka, P., & Macleod, C.I. (2018). Introduction: Blurring Boundaries BT - The Palgrave Handbook of Ethics in Critical Research. In C.I. Macleod, J. Marx, P. Mnyaka, & G. J. Treharne (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Ethics in Critical Research (pp. 133–143).

Feltham-King, T., Bomela, Y., & Macleod, C.I. (2018). Contesting the Nature of Young Pregnant and Mothering Women: Critical Healthcare Nexus Research, Ethics Committees, and Healthcare Institutions In C.I. Macleod, J. Marx, P. Mnyaka, & G. J. Treharne (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Ethics in Critical Research (pp. 63–79).

Barker, K., & Macleod, C.I. (2018). Bearing Witness to ‘Irreparable Harm’: Incorporating Affective Activity as Practice into Ethics BT. In C.I. Macleod, J. Marx, P. Mnyaka, & G. J. Treharne (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Ethics in Critical Research (pp. 179–194).

Nentwich, J.J.C., & Morison, T. (2017). Performing the Self: Performativity and Discursive Psychology. In C.B. Travis & J.W. White (Eds.), APA Handbook of the Psychology of Women. (p. 19). Washington DC, USA: American Psychological Association.


Macleod, C.I., Bhatia, S., & Kessi, S. (2017). Postcolonialism and psychology: Growing interest and promising potential. In C. Willig & W. Stainton Rogers (Eds.), The SAGE handbook of qualitative research in psychology (pp. 306–317). Sage.

Macleod, C.I. (2017). ‘Adolescent’ Sexual and Reproductive Health: Controversies, Rights, and Justice. In A. L. Cherry, V. Baltag, & M. E. Dillon (Eds.), International Handbook on Adolescent Health and Development: The Public Health Response (pp. 169–181).


Macleod, C.I. (2015, April 20). Teenage pregnancy. The International Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality, pp. 1355–1404.


Macleod, C.I. (2014). Adolescent Pregnancy: A Feminist Issue. In A. L. Cherry & M. E. Dillon (Eds.), International Handbook of Adolescent Pregnancy: Medical, Psychosocial, and Public Health Responses (pp. 129–145).

Macleod, C.I., & Tracey, T. (2014). Pregnancy Among Young Women in South Africa. In A. L. Cherry & M. E. Dillon (Eds.), International Handbook of Adolescent Pregnancy: Medical, Psychosocial, and Public Health Responses (pp. 545–561).


Macleod, C.I., & Vincent, L. (2013). Introducing a critical pedagogy of sexual and reproductive citizenship: Extending the ‘framework of thick desire.’ In The Politics of Pleasure in Sexuality Education (pp. 131–151). Routledge.

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